Black Capitol Police Officers Say They Were Called The N‑word During The Capitol Siege And Some Officers ‘were Catering To The Rioters’

♦Two Black offi­cers with the US Capitol Police report­ed that they were repeat­ed­ly called the N‑word by Trump sup­port­ers who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday.

♦One point­ed to a “big dif­fer­ence” in how his col­leagues dealt with the riot­ers, com­pared with last sum­mer’s Black Lives Matter protesters.

♦“Some of the offi­cers were cater­ing to the riot­ers,” the offi­cer said.

♦The Capitol Police has come under fire for its han­dling of Wednesday’s attack. Some offi­cers were seen allow­ing the mob to advance on the build­ing and pos­ing for selfies.

Two Black US Capitol Police offi­cers report­ed that they were repeat­ed­ly called the N‑word by sup­port­ers of President Donald Trump who stormed the Capitol last week and sug­gest­ed that their fel­low offi­cers went easy on the rioters.

One of the offi­cers who spoke with BuzzFeed News, a new­er recruit, point­ed to a “big dif­fer­ence” in how his fel­low offi­cers treat­ed Wednesday’s mob com­pared with the way they treat­ed Black Lives Matter pro­test­ers last summer.

Much atten­tion has been paid to a video show­ing offi­cers open a bar­ri­cade to the mob, and to the fact that ini­tial arrests paled in com­par­i­son with the num­ber of peo­ple arrest­ed at protests against Trump and racial injustice.

Some offi­cers were cater­ing to the riot­ers” on Wednesday, the offi­cer said.

The younger offi­cer said it was hurt­ful to see video of one of his white col­leagues pos­ing for self­ies with some of the rioters.

That one hurt me the most because I was on the oth­er side of the Capitol get­ting my ass kicked,” he said.

The offi­cer said that if it had been Black peo­ple breach­ing the Capitol last week, he’s not sure his white cowork­ers would have been as chum­my with them.
