Half-off-justice For Jamaican Killer Who Callously Shoots Woman In The Face Twice..

I recent­ly wrote two arti­cles in which I sought to high­light the grave injus­tice being done to the rule of law and the sys­tem of jus­tice in Jamaica by the Delroy Chuck jus­tice ministry.
The Chuck Justice min­istry under the guise of free­ing up court dock­ets has engaged in two coun­ter­pro­duc­tive prac­tices which ben­e­fit mur­der­ers and oth­er crim­i­nals and ignores the sen­si­bil­i­ties of crime victims.
(1) Sentence reduc­tion day (2) expung­ing crim­i­nal records. Both prac­tices help those who com­mit crimes even as the coun­try is swamped with vio­lent crimes and inun­dat­ed in less­er crimes the lion’s share of which the sys­tem can­not even both­er to prosecute.

Sentence Reduction Day A Travesty Which Ignores Victims Sensibilities…

The hyper-par­ti­sans faux patri­ots were quick to pounce stu­pid­ly label­ing me with every pejo­ra­tive in their vocab­u­lary. They nev­er both­ered, or were able to debate the pros and cons of my argu­ments so they resort­ed to ad hominem attacks.
In fact, some of my friends argued that I sim­ply had not done the nec­es­sary research or I would have seen that as it relat­ed to turn­ing crim­i­nals back onto the streets it was con­fined only to peo­ple who were caught with a gan­ja spliff.

Jamaica: Expunging Criminal Records Will Have Disastrous Consequences For Country’s Credibility

For the record, I make no dis­tinc­tion between expung­ing crim­i­nal records[a] (unless the per­son­’s record being san­i­tized has stayed out of trou­ble for at least 20-years) and [b] reduc­ing the sen­tence of mur­der­ers sim­ply because they make a guilty plea as is admin­is­tered in this cav­a­lier and cyn­i­cal way.

Though this does not cause any out­rage in Jamaica, the case of mur­der against Christopher Johnson in a Kingston court­room should elic­it howls of con­dem­na­tion from well-inten­tioned peo­ple everywhere.
Johnson was charged with the mur­der of Elaine Lawrence whom he fatal­ly shot in the face as she tried to defend her daughter.
The tri­al judge Vivienne Harris flip­pant­ly offered the mur­der­ing mon­ster the option to decide whether he want­ed to plead guilty to non-cap­i­tal mur­der and serve a 10-year prison sen­tence or be con­vict­ed and hav­ing to do 20 years.

This writer has long advo­cat­ed for manda­to­ry min­i­mum sen­tences for mur­der and oth­er vio­lent crimes. Last year alone Jamaican police report­ed that there were 1616 mur­ders report­ed to them. This fig­ure does not cov­er oth­er shoot­ings in which the vic­tims were not killed or may have died days or weeks later.
Given these facts, the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom would sug­gest a strength­en­ing of the Island’s laws instead of mak­ing these reck­less con­ces­sions to murderers.

The cal­lous lack of def­er­ence that this process rep­re­sents to those mur­dered and their fam­i­lies is remark­able con­sid­er­ing that in oth­er juris­dic­tions fam­i­ly mem­bers of mur­dered vic­tims are giv­en tremen­dous respect and def­er­ence in the crim­i­nal jus­tice system.
As I stat­ed in the first arti­cle above, embark­ing on a willy-nil­ly process of half off jus­tice is in and of itself prej­u­di­cial and inju­ri­ous to the process of jus­tice because it cre­ates the unin­tend­ed prospect of encour­ag­ing more mur­ders and the prac­tices which clogged the courts’ dock­ets in the first place.

Christopher Johnson pulled a gun from his waist­band and shot Elaine Lawrence in the face twice mere­ly for stand­ing up to him in defense of her daughter.
Johnson’s Lawyer told the court that the daugh­ter of the slain woman said “things” to his client. “She was dissin’ [dis­re­spect­ing] him and dissin’ him big time.”
A shock­ing admis­sion of guilt which is not a plau­si­ble crim­i­nal defense but an egre­gious jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a cow­ard­ly and das­tard­ly act by a com­mon mur­der­ing punk.
Even though this accused have spent four years in prison a 14-year prison sen­tence for cap­i­tal mur­der ought not to be an accept­able sen­tence for that lev­el of barbarism.