Economic Power The Fix To Racism In America

Black America served as a well-lubri­cat­ed con­duit for 1.1−2 tril­lion dol­lars last year, most of which went to busi­ness­es in oth­er communities.
If African-Americans ever want to be respect­ed in their own coun­try, they bet­ter plug this dike.

Two black men were arrest­ed for sim­ply sit­ting in a cof­fee shop.

The trag­ic turn race rela­tions have tak­en from Donald Trump’s ascen­den­cy to the pres­i­den­cy will have dev­as­tat­ing and last­ing con­se­quences, not just for peo­ple of col­or in America but across the Globe.
Put, the rise of fas­cism is con­se­quen­tial whether to America’s pol­i­cy, in the West Bank, the out­door prison camp main­tained by Israel called Gaza, the Korean penin­su­la, or as it relates to immi­grants flee­ing per­se­cu­tion and death from Latin America.
As such, it requires vig­i­lance and a state of wokeness[sic] on the part of all peo­ple of col­or regard­less of where we are domiciled.

Racist and Xenophobic immi­gra­tion pol­i­cy affects the free move­ment of peo­ple across inter­na­tion­al bor­ders on the one hand, even as they inform mis­guid­ed depor­ta­tion poli­cies not root­ed in jus­tice, fair­ness, or the rule of law but are demon­stra­bly root­ed in race and skin pigmentation.
In a coun­try as pow­er­ful and con­se­quen­tial as the United States, a coun­try which has held itself out as the tip of the spear of demo­c­ra­t­ic gov­er­nance, this new American direc­tion has giv­en the entire world a tremen­dous whiplash.

Back in the United States, the debate rages as more and more peo­ple of col­or, large­ly African-Americans, are being forced to rec­og­nize, if not accept, that the elec­tion of Barack Obama did not mean that America was ready to move past its endem­ic shame of racism. Whether it is police mur­der­ous assault on black peo­ple or those who weaponize the police inex­orably into the mil­i­tary wing of white suprema­cy, the evi­dence is undeniable.

As the assaults on decen­cy pile up, from the White House to the low­est rung of white suprema­cy in the bow­els of Dixie, Black America’s con­tin­u­ance of a failed pol­i­cy of assim­i­la­tion since the pas­sage of the civ­il rights act of 1964 seem to be the path of choice even today.
♦The idea of sit­ting at white lunch coun­ters to force change is inher­ent­ly moral. Yet, I would rather be embark­ing on a plan of start­ing my own Diner. I do not rel­ish the taste of spit in my food.
Why are Black Americans beg­ging to be accept­ed into cof­fee shops and waf­fle hous­es? How dif­fi­cult is it to open their own cof­fee shops and waf­fle houses?

♦ The idea of get­ting peo­ple who hate my guts for no rea­son oth­er than their envy of my beau­ti­ful black skin, to allow me to spend my beau­ti­ful green dol­lars in their restau­rants, hotels, coun­try clubs, and oth­er busi­ness­es, does not have real appeal for me.
I much rather believe in start­ing my own hole in the wall eatery. AirB&B has demon­strat­ed that we don’t have to use their hotels either. In fact, Harriet Tubman proved long ago that peo­ple could be moved over hun­dreds of miles safe­ly and effec­tive­ly if we chose to use our craniums.

♦ Black Americans who are inor­di­nate­ly pre­dis­posed to enter­tain­ing and being enter­tained con­tin­ue to leak their pre­cious green dol­lars to peo­ple who hate them by sup­port­ing the NFL and oth­er enti­ties that clear­ly only use them for their bod­ies and money.
Last year accord­ing to Nielsen. Black Americans spent a total of 1.2 Trillion dollars. 
According to‑1 – 5‑tril­lion-in-black-buy­ing-pow­er/ esti­ma­tion of black spend­ing trends.

Counter demon­stra­tors hold­ing a ban­ner decry­ing white suprema­cists in Charlottesville, Va., in August. 2017

Black buy­ing pow­er cur­rent­ly stands at over $1.1 tril­lion and is on the road to hit about $1.5 tril­lion by 2021. This col­lec­tive buy­ing pow­er means that near­ly $2 tril­lion will be flow­ing through black America annu­al­ly very soon, mak­ing us the cen­ter­piece for var­i­ous researchers, mar­keters, adver­tis­ers, and oth­er cam­paigns designed to influ­ence black spend­ing pat­terns. But the ques­tion is, with so much buy­ing pow­er, can we as African Americans influ­ence and direct said spend­ing our­selves? Do we have the pow­er direct­ly, indi­rect­ly, and strate­gi­cal­ly to deter­mine where that mon­ey flows and if so, could direct­ing that flow help rebuild the black com­mu­ni­ty?

Within the next 45 years, by around 2060, black America might be rep­re­sent­ed by 75 mil­lion in the U.S., hold­ing about 20% of the U.S. pop­u­la­tion. In terms of black-owned busi­ness­es, that num­ber sits any­where from 2.5 mil­lion to 3 mil­lion enter­pris­es and is pro­ject­ed to grow in larg­er num­bers in the future.

All of this data points to the trend that African Americans will be sig­nif­i­cant con­trib­u­tors to the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and U.S. jobs’ cre­ation and sustainability.
However, African-Americans’ chal­lenge is not that some peo­ple in our com­mu­ni­ty do not rec­og­nize the need to cre­ate more startups.[BE]

Everyday Racism in America’: A racial reck­on­ing must hap­pen, lead­ers say.

The chal­lenge lies in black sup­port for those star­tups, and the atten­dant sup­port required to sur­vive. Some claims have been that a dol­lar lasts no longer than one to six hours before leav­ing our community.
So to bor­row a term, the African-American com­mu­ni­ty remains mere­ly a well-lubri­cat­ed con­duit for mon­ey to be dis­persed to oth­er communities.

There is much to be dis­cussed in terms of how we move a com­mu­ni­ty of 13.5% of 320 mil­lion peo­ple to under­stand the pow­er of their money.
There is hard­ly a legit­i­mate argu­ment to be made that there aren’t ade­quate amounts of mon­ey pass­ing through black peo­ple’s hands.
One bil­lion dol­lars dis­persed among forty mil­lion peo­ple trans­lates to rough­ly 27.5 thou­sand per per­son spend­ing per annum. Hardly any of that mon­ey is being spent with black enter­pris­es or small businesses.
If Black Americans do not want to be talk­ing about this very issue of racism and exclu­sion across the eco­nom­ic and geo­graph­i­cal spec­trum a hun­dred years from now, this hole in the dike must be plugged.

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