Gruesome Triple Murder In St James.….Posted By JA-Blogz News Team

The Police Corporate Communications Unit has revealed that there is now a strong police pres­ence in the the Meggie Top com­mu­ni­ty of Salt Spring, St James.

Observer photo.
Observer pho­to.

This after the grue­some mur­der of three peo­ple. Four per­sons were shot, how­ev­er one sur­vived. Police report­ed­ly con­firmed Tuesday that the four were shot at approx­i­mate­ly 11:30 pm. The injured indi­vid­ual is said to be in seri­ous condition.

Two Children and Mother Die From Suspected Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

Two chil­dren and their moth­er are sus­pect­ed to have died as a result of car­bon monox­ide poi­son­ing in Three Hills, St Mary on Thursday, February 4.

According to Loop News, they have been iden­ti­fied as 37-year-old Charla Thompson-Young and her two chil­dren- 12-year-old Brandon Young and 4‑year-old Leslie Ann Young, all of Three Hills in St Mary. Reports from the Retreat Police are that about 7:30 am, Mrs Young’s sis­ter went to the house where she dis­cov­ered the bod­ies. The Police was called in and the bod­ies were seen in the house. Preliminary inves­ti­ga­tions by the Police revealed that a gas gen­er­a­tor, which was housed in the liv­ing room, was report­ed­ly left turned on overnight with the house locked-up.
Gruesome Triple Murder in St James