Government Incompetence & Complicity Killing Both Police And Citizens…

Every per­son, man or woman who ever raised his or her right hand and swore an oath to defend the con­sti­tu­tion and the peo­ple they intend to serve under­stood going in that they may die in the line of duty.
I, too, took that oath to defend the Jamaican Constitution and pro­tect and serve my coun­try’s peo­ple. And I, too, have the dubi­ous dis­tinc­tion of hav­ing been shot in the line of duty. It is not some­thing we crave going in, but it is some­thing every police offi­cer under­stands all too well.
Whatever the rea­son peo­ple embark on this endeav­or, be it eco­nom­ic, patri­ot­ic, or what­ev­er, I salute every well-inten­tioned per­son in Jamaica who steps for­ward to serve.
And to the ones who do so to sul­ly the agen­cy’s name, abuse the cit­i­zen­ry, and seek fame and for­tune, you will be found out soon­er or later.

Every police offi­cer who los­es their life car­ry­ing out their legit­i­mate duty or is killed because they are a police offi­cer is an attack on us all. As cit­i­zens, we must come to this under­stand­ing that police offi­cers who are act­ing in good faith to pro­tect and serve are there as a buffer between us and those who would mur­der and destroy. Consequently, we need a laser-like focus on the vital work good police offi­cers do on our behalf while we sleep in our warm beds or go about our dai­ly lives. When the bul­lets start fly­ing, and we run away, they run toward the sound of the explosions.
We as cit­i­zens have a duty and an oblig­a­tion to hon­or and respect that com­mit­ment and sacrifice.
I am not here ask­ing you to show feal­ty and blind def­er­ence to those who would dis­hon­or the badge they wear and the author­i­ty you bestowed on them. As a for­mer cop, I ask that you exer­cise the abil­i­ty to chew the meat and spit out the bones.
Are there way too many bad cops? You bet.
There are bad judges, doc­tors, nurs­es, fire­fight­ers, lawyers, phar­ma­cists, teach­ers, politi­cians, and bad actors in every oth­er dis­ci­pline. Some will read­i­ly start a fight, or worse if you dare crit­i­cize their polit­i­cal par­ty or favorite politi­cian. Yet we all know that Jamaica has some of the most cor­rupt, incom­pe­tent politi­cians liv­ing par­a­sit­i­cal­ly off the Jamaican people.

You do not dis­par­age all judges, and God knows some hor­ri­ble ones should be kicked out of the pro­fes­sion. Corrupt judges con­tin­ue to return mur­der­ers to the streets under the pre­text of lim­i­ta­tions in the bail act, even when the killers com­mit numer­ous homicides.
The sys­tem allows judges to return vio­lent mur­der­ers to the streets to kill inno­cent Jamaicans even though the bail act clear­ly states that a judge may deny bail if the accused is a flight risk, may re-offend, or may tam­per with witnesses.
Jamaican judges can be count­ed on to return vio­lent killers to the streets after the police arrest them for com­mit­ting vio­lent crimes. Nobody wants to ask, much less answer, how much mon­ey is chang­ing hands between killers, their lawyers, and the cor­rupt judges? I am ask­ing that ques­tion now, and I dare any­one to chal­lenge me on the legit­i­ma­cy of that assertion.
Take, for exam­ple, the case of Tuwaine Morrison, who was arrest­ed on mul­ti­ple charges of armed rob­bery. This mis­cre­ant was a known mur­der­er, yet a moron act­ing as a real judge released him on bail, where­after he mur­dered some­one, threat­ened oth­ers, and attempt­ed to grab an offi­cer’s gun to kill the arrest­ing officers.
This blight on soci­ety, giv­en a chance, would have exter­mi­nat­ed the offi­cers who arrived to arrest him. Thankfully, the offi­cers weren’t hav­ing any of it, and the coun­try will nev­er have to wor­ry about him any­more. But he is just one, and a dozen more are born to take his place as soon as one is exterminated.
There is absolute­ly no rea­son that the leg­is­la­ture would not take the seri­ous step to end the car­nage in our coun­try by estab­lish­ing clear laws that the coun­try will no longer stand for the may­hem and lawlessness.

Why is there no law that makes the unlaw­ful killing of anoth­er per­son pun­ish­able with a manda­to­ry thir­ty-year or life with­out parole sentence?
I’ll tell you why. Both polit­i­cal par­ties are filled with crim­i­nal­ly mind­ed individuals.
Every per­son with an ille­gal gun intends to use it to com­mit ille­gal acts, includ­ing the unlaw­ful tak­ing of life. Therefore the penal­ty for hav­ing an unreg­is­tered gun should be a manda­to­ry twen­ty years in prison.
The back­ward and regres­sive mind­set in draft­ing leg­is­la­tion that con­sid­ers the rights of crim­i­nal offend­ers is an insult to crime vic­tims. Committing a vio­lent crime is a choice; no def­er­ence should be giv­en to those who make that choice.
Let me be clear; there are cir­cum­stances under which some­one com­mits a crime unin­ten­tion­al­ly, and as such, there should be carve-outs in the law that makes room for those instances with mit­i­gat­ed sentences.
For exam­ple, two men engaged in a fist fight one punch­es the oth­er, who falls, hits his head, and dies. There was no inten­tion to com­mit mur­der, but they were still engaged in ille­gal activ­i­ty, so he must pay the price, not for mur­der but for a less­er offense.…say manslaughter.
That is a sit­u­a­tion in which a judge should have the abil­i­ty to mit­i­gate the sen­tence based on the cir­cum­stances of the case and that there was no dead­ly weapon involved.

The coun­try can­not afford to con­tin­ue along the path of appeas­ing for­eign-fund­ed, for­eign-based crim­i­nal rights lobby.
Amnesty International, Jamaicans for Justice, and the oth­er vul­tures who con­tin­ue to exist on the car­cass­es of dead Jamaicans.
No one elect­ed those for­eign-fund­ed vul­tures to lead Jamaica. The peo­ple elect­ed Andrew Holness and the Jamaica Labor Party major­i­ty to do the hard work of restor­ing the coun­try to a nation of laws. Mister Holness can­not con­tin­ue to com­plain about the PNP.
The People’s National Party is an incon­se­quen­tial crim­i­nal sup­port­ing move­ment; as such, Holness must lead with the large man­date the peo­ple gave him to effec­tu­ate change or step aside.
Where is the change?
No ratio­nal per­son expect­ed that peo­ple would be able to sleep with their win­dows or doors open. Certainly not with the bla­tant indis­ci­pline and law­less­ness that Jamaicans have been allowed to get away with, cou­pled with the pover­ty and want.
Nevertheless, the Prime min­is­ter and his par­ty can­not make the case that the crime num­bers are trend­ing in the right direc­tion under the lead­er­ship of Horace Chang and Antony Anderson.
Horace Chang is use­less, but I believe that the Police Commissioner would like to see the changes I con­tin­ue to demand. Still, the admin­is­tra­tion has been gross­ly incom­pe­tent, almost to the point of crim­i­nal com­plic­i­ty with the criminals.
How else could one char­ac­ter­ize what’s hap­pen­ing when a scofflaw dri­ver is allowed to dri­ve while ignor­ing 120 traf­fic tick­ets? Commissioner Anderson has also seen the light of the judges’ com­plic­i­ty with the vio­lent mur­der­ers, he can­not speak out, but I can.
All this is for the Andrew Holness gov­ern­ment to address, yet noth­ing is com­ing out of Gordon House to address Jamaica’s slide into the abyss of failed state­hood. We are all well aware that the Opposition PNP can­not be count­ed on to lead on crime; this is a polit­i­cal par­ty with peo­ple in it who are moti­vat­ed sole­ly by the desire to hold pow­er, noth­ing else.
These peo­ple would like to see the coun­try burned to the ground so they may rule over the ashes.
Despite this, the gov­ern­ing Labor par­ty is [not] giv­ing the peo­ple any rea­son [not] to turn to the failed, out-of-ideas People’s National Party and return them to power.

The late Corporal Oliver Mullings Jr.

The streets are awash in guns that take the lives of Jamaicans of all walks and stripes dai­ly. I under­stand the sil­ly adage that peo­ple are get­ting killed every day. The idea that we are help­less vic­tims-to-be, unable to act as we await our turn in this dan­ger­ous game of Russian roulette, is the men­tal­i­ty of indo­lent, intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged midgets. That mind­set should be dis­card­ed as swift­ly as it comes to mind; we are not help­less vic­tims; it is up to us to deter­mine the life we want to lead and the envi­ron­ment in which we lead it.
Those guns killed Police cor­po­ral Oliver Mullings Jr last Thursday in Trench Town, a per­pet­u­al cesspool that breeds the type of killers who kill for the sake of killing. The type of killer who opened fire at a police par­ty, killing cor­po­ral Mullings in a law­less com­mu­ni­ty that has been allowed to remain so for decades. The type of killers that the judges let loose to kill again. The type of killers that the human rights lob­by sup­port. The type of killers the human rights lob­by have noth­ing to say about when they mur­der the inno­cent but a lot to say when the police send them home.
The killers who live among the peo­ple who know them, shield them and ben­e­fit from the blood mon­ey they bring into their community.
Somewhere in that com­mu­ni­ty or some oth­er cesspool, the killers of this offi­cer are laugh­ing and drink­ing because there is no ret­ri­bu­tion, and there is no heavy ham­mer of jus­tice that comes down hard on them that they have no idea what hit them.
In anoth­er com­mu­ni­ty, the killers of 22-year-old Constable Brian Martin are enjoy­ing the same reprieve because the Government and its cronies in the crim­i­nal rights fra­ter­ni­ty have defanged the police.
How can we have a coun­try where cop-killers live to drink and laugh?
Now it’s not just the inno­cent cit­i­zens who are get­ting mur­dered mer­ci­less­ly; their pro­tec­tors are too shit scared to act.
Thanks to Bruce Golding, Portia Simpson Miller, and Andrew Holness.……
A day of reck­on­ing is com­ing when there will be no safe place for any politi­cian, dirty judge, or any oth­er who enhances and facil­i­tate the law­less­ness hap­pen­ing in our coun­try; that day is clos­er than you think.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.