Germany Places Right-Wing Opposition Party Under Domestic Surveillance

This is a rather inter­est­ing sto­ry. After the sec­ond world war, the new Germany need­ed a new Constitution. One that would pre­vent the return of Nazism.
Guess who had a hand in writ­ing that new Constitution?
This makes me won­der, at a time like this when the Republican par­ty is dead set on anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic actions, includ­ing storm­ing the Capitol to kill leg­isla­tive mem­bers and install Trump king, why are the intel­li­gence agen­cies pre­clud­ed from stop­ping these actions?


Germany’s domes­tic intel­li­gence agency has put the coun­try’s largest oppo­si­tion par­ty under sur­veil­lance as a poten­tial threat to the coun­try’s con­sti­tu­tion, accord­ing to pub­lic broad­cast­er ARD and oth­er media out­lets. The move affects dozens of law­mak­ers who are in the right-wing Alternative for Germany, or AfD, party.

Members of the AfD say the inves­ti­ga­tion is polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed, aimed at weak­en­ing the par­ty. In January, one par­ty leader accused Chancellor Angela Merkel’s gov­ern­ment of “try­ing to stig­ma­tize us and to real­ly put us in the Nazi corner.”

The Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, is not com­ment­ing pub­licly on the inves­ti­ga­tion. But the des­ig­na­tion of the AfD as a sus­pect­ed case of anti-con­sti­tu­tion­al activ­i­ty esca­lates the agen­cy’s ongo­ing inquiry, allow­ing it to start a num­ber of sur­veil­lance oper­a­tions, from cul­ti­vat­ing infor­mants and tap­ping phone calls to read­ing emails.
Read more; https://​www​.npr​.org/​2​0​2​1​/​0​3​/​0​3​/​9​7​3​2​7​6​9​5​1​/​g​e​r​m​a​n​y​-​p​l​a​c​e​s​-​r​i​g​h​t​-​w​i​n​g​-​o​p​p​o​s​i​t​i​o​n​-​p​a​r​t​y​-​u​n​d​e​r​-​d​o​m​e​s​t​i​c​-​s​u​r​v​e​i​l​l​a​nce