The Gall Of These Cops : What Gives Them The Right To Demand The Curtailing Of Free Speech.….


What is it about America’s police Departments which makes them feel they have the right to sti­fle peo­ple’s God giv­en rights to free speech and their con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly guar­an­teed right to demon­strate against their Government?
If police are opposed to peo­ple’s right to free speech and their con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly guar­an­teed free­doms to dis­sent, does the police serve the inter­est of the peo­ple, or do they serve their own nar­row interests ?

Police in Santa Clara California who threat­ened to boy­cott work­ing games for the San Francisco Fortyniners over the stance of Colin Kaepernick now appear to be back­ing away from that stance.

Kaepernick, a bira­cial man, has tak­en the stance that he will sit dur­ing the singing of the nation­al anthem. He argues that police are killing black men and are get­ting paid leave and are not held accountable.
The police Union demand­ed that the Niners dis­ci­pline Kaepernick. The Forty nin­ers orga­ni­za­tion has thus far stood by Kaepernick’s right to free speech.

According to the New York Daily News, after a let­ter from Santa Clara may­or Lisa Gillmor, the Santa Clara Police Officer’s Association says they “will encour­age and sup­port offi­cers to vol­un­tar­i­ly work at 49er games and oth­er sta­di­um events.”.

The indi­ca­tions from the police union is that Kaepernick’s right to free speech should be cur­tailed and he should be also dis­ci­plined for speak­ing about fac­tu­al occur­rences which every­one knows to be true?
If that was done isn’t that the def­i­n­i­tion of a police state?
When does police get to demand the cur­tail­ment of the rights of indi­vid­ual cit­i­zens to demon­strate against their government?
Isn’t Kaepernick and every oth­er dis­senter’s right to free speech guar­an­teed by God Almighty and by the first amend­ment to the United States Constitution?

Police must work where they are told to, or they may quit and go get jobs as car­pen­ters , labor­ers, or what­ev­er else they chose.
Working Football games is out­side their oblig­a­tions as police offi­cers , when they do work those games, they do so as secu­ri­ty guards. If they chose not to work, it’s their right not to.
In which case some­one else will step in and earn that mon­ey. It’s that simple…
They sim­ply do not get to dic­tate who say what, and when.


What makes these cops feel that they get to deter­mine when and how peo­ple express them­selves ? The stat­ed val­ues of America , enshrined in the Constitution are the very guar­an­tees these cops and their unions seek to take from cit­i­zens. It goes exact­ly to the heart of what Colin Kaepernick is speak­ing out against.
Do they place them­selves above the con­sti­tu­tion ? Are they above being crit­i­cized? The answer is yes as demon­strat­ed by their reac­tions when­ev­er peo­ple react to their oppres­sive and brutish behavior!
The fact of the mat­ter is that Kaepernick was­n’t even demon­strat­ing against that par­tic­u­lar police depart­ment. His actions are against broad injus­tice in the sys­tem which has noth­ing to do with the Santa Clara Police Department.

As a for­mer police offi­cer I was oblig­at­ed to march along­side and offer pro­tec­tion to cit­i­zens even when they demon­strate against police. The Santa Clara Police and it’s so-called board of direc­tors argue that the work it’s mem­bers do fre­quent­ly requires per­son­al and fam­i­ly sacrifices.
That lit­tle prob­lem can can be fixed real easy . Stay home.
Private secu­ri­ty guards will be hap­py to work for the money.
Their offi­cers are quite free to stay home with their families.
I doubt they are doing any favors for the monies they receive.