Former Cuomo Aide Says She Resigned After He Forcibly Kissed Her

By Arya Hodjat

Lindsey Boylan, a for­mer aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, says she resigned in 2018 after he forcibly kissed her dur­ing a meeting.

Boylan — who is run­ning for Manhattan Borough President — had pre­vi­ous­ly accused Cuomo of repeat­ed harass­ment, but she didn’t offer many details until she pub­lished a Medium post on Wednesday.

My boss soon informed me that the Governor had a ‘crush’ on me,” Boylan wrote. “It was an uncom­fort­able but all-too-famil­iar feel­ing: the strug­gle to be tak­en seri­ous­ly by a pow­er­ful man who tied my worth to my body and my appearance.”

Boylan alleged that Cuomo had com­pared her to a for­mer girl­friend, and asked her to play strip pok­er. “Telling my truth isn’t about seek­ing revenge. I was proud to work in the Cuomo Administration. For so long I had looked up to the Governor. But his abu­sive behav­ior needs to stop,” she wrote.

The alle­ga­tions come at a moment of polit­i­cal per­il for the long­time gov­er­nor, once a lib­er­al dar­ling for his Emmy-win­ning TV hits at the begin­ning of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic. He’s under fire for his han­dling of COVID-19 in nurs­ing homes and cloud­ed by alle­ga­tions of bul­ly­ing and strong-arm­ing leg­is­la­tors, while a bipar­ti­san group of state law­mak­ers are seek­ing to curb his emer­gency powers.

According to Boylan, the kiss occurred “after a one-on-one brief­ing with the Governor to update him on eco­nom­ic and infra­struc­ture projects.”

We were in his New York City office on Third Avenue. As I got up to leave and walk toward an open door, he stepped in front of me and kissed me on the lips,” she wrote.

After the kiss, Boylan said, she walked by the desk of a fel­low Cuomo staffer, Stephanie Benton. Boylan’s Medium post also includ­ed a 2016 screen­shot, pur­port­ed­ly from Benton, stat­ing that the gov­er­nor want­ed Boylan to know she “could be sis­ters” with alleged Cuomo ex Lisa Shields, “except you’re the bet­ter-look­ing sis­ter,” the screen­shot read.

Story con­tin­ues here https://​news​.yahoo​.com/​f​o​r​m​e​r​-​c​u​o​m​o​-​a​i​d​e​-​s​a​y​s​-​s​h​e​-​1​6​4​8​2​9​1​4​8​.​h​tml
