Fire On John’s Road/ Dismantle Mobile Reserve/​Failed State/​looming.…

Mark my words, Jamaica will rue the day that this Administration decid­ed to dis­man­tle the Mobile Reserve over an inci­dent which is still in the ear­ly stages of an inves­ti­ga­tion.
This clear­ly demon­strates that this Administration want­ed to take this action before, know­ing full well that the Mobile Reserve is the back­bone of the force, the last bas­tion of a depart­ment which has stood firm against the tyran­ny of vio­lent crimes polit­i­cal and oth­er­wise.
This move must be seen as a clear and unequiv­o­cal capit­u­la­tion of the peo­ple’s right to secu­ri­ty and safe­ty to Terrence Williams, Hamish Campbell and the crim­i­nal rights lob­by and the com­plic­it media in our coun­try.
Every Jamaican must now be pre­pared to defend them­selves, as this Government has clear­ly decid­ed that that is not some­thing it cares about.

The Jamaican Government under the lead­er­ship of Andrew Holness and National Security Minister Horace Chang with the full sup­port of the Opposition PNP has done their lev­el best to set up the police to fail.
As I said in a pre­vi­ous Article I was con­fi­dent that there was a real back sto­ry to the Chedwin Park shoot­ing last Sunday Morning involv­ing some police offi­cers who were sup­pos­ed­ly on sus­pen­sion.
Nevertheless, as it regards the dis­man­tling of the Mobile Reserve this Administration is estab­lish­ing an indeli­ble set of foot­prints which clear­ly demon­strates that it has scant to zero regards for the Police Department.
This Political par­ty and Government will rue the day it decid­ed to embark on this process.
It will be a water­shed moment in our nation’s his­to­ry.
It will effec­tive­ly mean that the Government with the Opposition par­ty has tak­en the final steps to dis­man­tle the JCF and ren­der the Jamaican peo­ple defense­less against the Island’s criminal. 

PM Andrew Holness

I made it quite clear that I thought that the inci­dent on Sunday morn­ing had a deep­er back sto­ry and so now, it is becom­ing evi­dent that there is much more to this sto­ry, than have been report­ed or prob­a­bly will ever be reported.

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The real sto­ry is being whis­pered in the streets. Front and cen­ter are the mil­lion dol­lar ques­tion:
(1) The types of spent shells alleged­ly recov­ered at the scene are incon­sis­tent with the type of weapons that the alleged good-cop shoot­er would have.
(2) Was the so-called hero cop real­ly there offi­cial­ly, or was he there as a body­guard to the so-called “DON” who was killed that morn­ing?
(3) Why has ACP Bent been sent on leave to facil­i­tate the probe, if there isn’t some­thing deeply sin­is­ter going on?
(4) Were the police offi­cers involved, real­ly on Suspension, and if not why?
(5) If they were sup­posed to be on sus­pen­sion and they weren’t, what type of mis­sion were they on which involved the killing of a “DON”, facil­i­tat­ed by JCF assets?
(6) Who is behind the hit as it has been rumored to be?
(7) Who paid for the hit on the so-called “Don”.

Fire on John’s Road St. Catherine in sup­port of a mur­dered “DON

It is now up to the Commissioner of Police and step for­ward and answer these ques­tions, because if the offi­cers were in ser­vice to their coun­try through coun­ter­mea­sures they should not be demo­nized and their names dragged in the mud.
If they are the crim­i­nals some said they are, no effort should be spared to fol­low the evi­dence to the top and ensure that the full force of the law applies.
However, crim­i­nals play by no rules. Every suc­cess­ful coun­try has been forced to devel­op strate­gies which give law-abid­ing cit­i­zens the upper hand.
As Jamaicans, we pre­tend to be bright but much of what we do is talk with­out a real under­stand­ing of what it takes to main­tain a ful­ly func­tion­al and sta­ble soci­ety.
Simply put, as long as the coun­try con­tin­ues to pro­ceed on the track it’s on with the present crop of lead­ers, the nation will inch ever so clos­er to becom­ing a ful­ly fledged failed state.
If the offi­cers were serv­ing their coun­try we need to know. If they were mer­ce­nar­ies car­ry­ing out hits we need to know under whose instruc­tions and who is behind their actions.