FBI Facing Allegation That Its 2018 Background Check Of Brett Kavanaugh Was ‘fake’

Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington
Tue, March 16, 2021, 3:00 AM

The FBI is fac­ing new scruti­ny for its 2018 back­ground check of Brett Kavanaugh, the supreme court jus­tice, after a law­mak­er sug­gest­ed that the inves­ti­ga­tion may have been “fake”.
Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic sen­a­tor and for­mer pros­e­cu­tor who serves on the judi­cia­ry com­mit­tee, is call­ing on the new­ly-con­firmed attor­ney gen­er­al, Merrick Garland, to help facil­i­tate “prop­er over­sight” by the Senate into ques­tions about how thor­ough­ly the FBI inves­ti­gat­ed Kavanaugh dur­ing his con­fir­ma­tion hearing.
The supreme court jus­tice was accused of sex­u­al assault by Christine Blasey Ford and faced sev­er­al oth­er alle­ga­tions of mis­con­duct fol­low­ing Ford’s har­row­ing tes­ti­mo­ny of an alleged assault when she and Kavanaugh were in high school.

Kavanaugh denied the claims.
The FBI was called to inves­ti­gate the alle­ga­tions dur­ing the Senate con­fir­ma­tion process but was lat­er accused by some Democratic sen­a­tors of con­duct­ing an incom­plete back­ground check. For exam­ple, two key wit­ness­es – Ford and Kavanaugh – were nev­er inter­viewed as part of the inquiry.
Among the con­cerns list­ed in Whitehouse’s let­ter to Garland are alle­ga­tions that some wit­ness­es who want­ed to share their accounts with the FBI could not find any­one at the bureau who would accept their tes­ti­mo­ny and that it had not assigned any indi­vid­ual to accept or gath­er evidence.
“This was unique behav­ior in my expe­ri­ence, as the Bureau is usu­al­ly amenable to infor­ma­tion and evi­dence; but in this mat­ter the shut­ters were closed, the draw­bridge drawn up, and there was no point of entry by which mem­bers of the pub­lic or Congress could pro­vide infor­ma­tion to the FBI,” Whitehouse said.
Read the full sto­ry here; https://​news​.yahoo​.com/​f​b​i​-​f​a​c​i​n​g​-​a​l​l​e​g​a​t​i​o​n​-​2​0​1​8​-​b​a​c​k​g​r​o​u​n​d​-​0​7​0​0​1​7​5​0​7​.​h​tml
