Exactly Whose Interest Is Served By The Jamaican Judiciary.…..


Talk about being tough on crime, this is how we do it in Jamaica, this is a mod­el for being tough on crime. [sic].
Using this medi­um I speak out unabashed­ly against crime . I do so because I have not seen a bet­ter sys­tem than the rule of law.
I absolute­ly do not believe in too much Government, how­ev­er, since humans can­not be total­ly trust­ed to act in ways which are law­ful , legal and good, soci­eties cre­ate laws with clear lines of demar­ca­tion and penal­ties which appro­pri­ates puni­tive sanc­tions for breach­es of said laws. This is to pro­tect those who want to live in soci­eties free from crime and ter­ror, as well as to estab­lish and main­tain sta­ble secure societies.

We can­not have growth and eco­nom­ic advance­ment when the very insti­tu­tions of Government which are sup­posed to enhance those process­es are wit­ting­ly or unwit­ting­ly engaged in defeat­ing the process.

A sin­gle wood-chuck is capa­ble of doing incred­i­ble dam­age to a build­ing’s sup­port struc­ture . So too can a sin­gle mag­is­trate with­ing a system.
Imagine when most of the think­ing of the judi­cia­ry is aligned close­ly with the lax, Laissez-faire atti­tudes which we have grown accus­tomed to and which per­me­ates the process of jus­tice dis­pen­sa­tion in Jamaica.

Gleaner Editorial Assails DPP Makes No Mention Of Pusey’s Outrageous Decision

A repeat offend­er, who plead­ed guilty to rob­bery, was sen­tenced to 18 months in prison when he appeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court yesterday.

Twenty-six-year-old Jaion Wilson plead­ed guilty to a charge of rob­bery with aggra­va­tion. The court heard that on July 21, Wilson — who was armed with a knife — held up the com­plainant and robbed him of a Samsung cel­lu­lar phone val­ued at $90,000, a BLU cel­lu­lar phone val­ued at $16,000, and a sil­ver ring val­ued at $3000, before flee­ing the scene. Wilson was sub­se­quent­ly accost­ed by police offi­cers, who saw the com­plainant chas­ing him and joined the chase.

Man Fined $50,000 For Driving Over Cop’s Foot

Prior to sen­tenc­ing, Senior Parish Judge Judith Pusey asked Wilson if he ever had trou­ble with the law before.

Second time,” Wilson replied.

Wilson told the court that he was con­vict­ed for the same offence and was giv­en a sec­ond chance to find a job.

So what must I do, not send you to prison?” Pusey asked.

Mi a beg you some lenien­cy,” Wilson replied.

Why?” Pusey asked.

I have a son,” Wilson told the court.

Magistrate: Not Guilty, But Is Kern Innocent ?

Pusey told Wilson that she, too, has a son, hence why she works to sup­port him.

My son going back to school,” Wilson said.

What hap­pened to his moth­er?” Pusey asked.

His moth­er is not there for him,” Wilson replied.

Pusey, who was not moved by Wilson’s expla­na­tion, said that he should have been think­ing that if he goes to jail his son would not have any­one to take care of him.

He was sub­se­quent­ly sen­tenced to 18 months in prisonhttp://​www​.jamaicaob​serv​er​.com/​n​e​w​s​/​R​e​p​e​a​t​-​o​f​f​e​n​d​e​r​-​g​e​t​s​-​1​8​-​m​o​n​t​h​s​-​f​o​r​-​r​o​b​b​e​r​y​_​6​9​959

The Problem With Jamaica’s “Grung Gads”