Even Dogs Understand Actions Have Consequence: Obviously Not Ja. Govt, Holness To Apologize To Tivoli..


Cesar Millan is a Dog trainer who does a terrific job demonstrating that generally when domesticated dogs act improperly , at least by domesticated standards , it is generally the human’s fault.
Cesar artfully demonstrate just how simple it is to use common techniques like rewards for good behavior and a simple tap to remind dogs we are not pleased when they do things we don’t want them to do.

As instruc­tive as Cesar Millan’s tele­vi­sion show is on dog train­ing , I some­times think to myself this show is actu­al­ly about human training.
Nevertheless as Jamaicans most of us, par­tic­u­lar­ly those among us who were blessed to have been born and raised in rur­al Jamaica, Cesar’s train­ing were mom’s train­ing . Only dif­fer­ence was that when we stepped out of line the taps were far more intense and voluminous.

In fair­ness to the few peo­ple who were born in the tiny strip of sea-side land which is actu­al­ly Kingston they too were not alien­at­ed from the con­cept of actions ver­sus con­se­quences, or risk ver­sus reward.
In the tiny Island we call home, no one can truth­ful­ly claim they were not privy to those very meth­ods which were used by Jamaican par­ents , grand­par­ents and extend­ed fam­i­ly mem­bers to instill val­ues and dis­ci­pline. n the British essen­tial­ly uncer­e­mo­ni­ous­ly ditched the Island in the lit­tle exer­cise we Jamaicans like to call our Independence there­after emerged, com­mu­ni­ties which start­ed to trend as homo­ge­neous communities.
They became com­mu­ni­ties which vot­ed as monoliths.
The con­fla­gra­tion of these com­mu­ni­ties have since spread through­out the coun­try and with them orga­nized and uncon­trolled crime. Jamaicans aligned to one or the oth­er of the two main polit­i­cal par­ties will­ing­ly attach them­selves to these com­mu­ni­ties despite the noise to the con­trary, because of the expec­ta­tion they hold of receiv­ing spoils for their vote.
Despite protes­ta­tions of pover­ty and need, no one has been forced to live in these communities.


So from the begin­ning peo­ple on either side of the polit­i­cal divide who opt­ed to live in these com­mu­ni­ties we now refer to as Garrisons, did so of their own voli­tion. They did so with the expec­ta­tion that there would be mate­r­i­al gain for themselves.
Whether the Garrison is Concrete Jungle , or Tivoli Gardens, Dunkirk, or Drews Land, Kintyre, or Common, Flankers, or Rivoli my view is the same. I view them all in the same dim light.

As a for­mer police offi­cer I risked life and limb with my col­leagues, got shot at and got shot. I have zero com­pas­sion for any of these com­mu­ni­ties. I do not give a rats ass about polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion. While I lived in Jamaica I vot­ed once for the Labor par­ty . The PNP was not a par­ty I could begin to con­sid­er cast­ing a vote for.
I am also cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly repulsed by Jamaican politi­cians on either side of the polit­i­cal divide, some more than others.
I held no alle­giance to any polit­i­cal par­ty then and I don’t now.
This is the rea­son I am pissed at the notion that Andrew Holness will be apol­o­giz­ing to the Garrison com­mu­ni­ty of Tivoli Gardens for events which occurred there in 2010.

I will not re-lit­i­gate events which occurred in that com­mu­ni­ty a google search will yield a trea­sure trove of infor­ma­tion on what tran­spired there.
What is impor­tant to con­sid­er is that that com­mu­ni­ty as does many oth­ers, thumbed it’s col­lec­tive nose at the rule of law. Opting instead for jun­gle rule and the ele­va­tion of com­mon thugs as their representatives.
Now in fair­ness to Tivoli Gardens and oth­ers like it , res­i­dents may sim­ply have cal­cu­lat­ed that the thugs who did not wear suits and banged on desks were more respon­sive to their every­day needs .
On that score they would hear no com­plaints from me.


According to Jamaican Media the apol­o­gy is being craft­ed for deliv­ery by the Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness.
It is impor­tant to note that the per­son spear­head­ing this push is none oth­er than Delroy Chuck the Island’s jus­tice min­is­ter. No sur­prise there that Chuck would be the lead­ing edge on this despi­ca­ble gung-ho attempt, not just to apol­o­gize to Tivoli but to actu­al­ly reward peo­ple for bad behav­ior. In Jamaica it is extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to dif­fer­en­ti­ate crim­i­nals from non-crim­i­nals based on the posi­tions they hold.

Chuck who chairs the com­mit­tee, says the work of the body would bear in mind the objec­tives of the rec­om­men­da­tions, name­ly, restor­ing and pro­mot­ing trust and con­fi­dence in the State; com­pen­sat­ing vic­tims for prop­er­ty dam­age, wrong­ful death, and injuries; con­trol­ling the use of force of the Jamaica Defence Force and the Jamaica Constabulary Force; and dis­man­tling gar­risons and mit­i­gat­ing the con­di­tions that give rise to them.(jamaicagleaner.com)

♦How fuck­ing con­ve­nient that There is no men­tion of the his­to­ry of crim­i­nal­i­ty per­pe­trat­ed on the Island by this errant com­mu­ni­ty which decid­ed­ly ignored the nation’s laws.
♦ How con­ve­nient that this com­mu­ni­ty which took on an entire fam­i­ly of crim­i­nal thugs as its sav­ior at the expense of the Jamaican state, is now expect­ing law abid­ing Jamaicans like my friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers to foot the bill for it’s restoration.
♦ How con­ve­nient that the Government would chose to apol­o­gize to the com­mu­ni­ty which told the nation they would die for Dudus and said “fuck you” to the bus­es which were pro­vid­ed to move them to safety.
♦How con­ve­nient that there is no mon­u­ment, no recog­ni­tion of the work of the Military and the Police who took the risks and braved the bul­lets so that dirt bags like Delroy Chuck can then spear­head the charge to com­pen­sate the very same peo­ple who defied the rest of the country.


No this is not jus­tice for any­one . Jamaica is a par­adise for crim­i­nals. It is a gang-land enclave run by two com­pet­ing gangs of immoral sub-humans mas­querad­ing as leaders.
This nation which has more Churches per square mile than any oth­er nation on earth, should hang it’s col­lec­tive head in shame. That it hon­ors crim­i­nals, mur­der­ers, rapists , extor­tion­ists, and those who active­ly har­bored, fed and gave aid and com­fort to them with­out a sin­gle word of hon­or to the mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces who bat­tled and died, is despi­ca­ble abhor­rent and down­right reprehensible .

This will be a stain on the his­to­ry of the nation, not an abso­lu­tion for wrong­do­ing as Chuck and his ilk would have us believe.
Even dogs under­stand the con­cept that actions have consequence.