Donald Trump The Ultimate Con Artist

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From Contributor Conrad Tucker.

Mineral Pyrite, aka Fool’s Gold, is a chem­i­cal found in Iron and known for its bril­liant lus­ter. It was fre­quent­ly mis­tak­en for gold by min­ers dur­ing the California Gold Rush ((1848 – 1855). Fast for­ward to 2016, when a bom­bas­tic and charis­mat­ic New York real estate devel­op­er declared his can­di­da­cy for President of the United States to replace the then 44th President, Barack Obama. By now, you must know that the can­di­date was no oth­er than Donald Trump. By then end of this piece, you will under­stand why I pref­aced this arti­cle about Mineral Pyrite and cor­re­lates it to one of the biggest con­men in American history.


The day Trump announced that he was run­ning for office, nobody took him seri­ous­ly or gave him a remote chance of becom­ing the 45th President of the great­est coun­try on earth. To begin his cam­paign, he attacked Mexicans and brand­ed them as crim­i­nals and rapists, and accused Mexico of not send­ing their best, but rather the worst among them. Trump con­tin­ued his racist tirades against America’s south­ern neigh­bor and promised to build a wall that Mexico would pay for to keep its nation­als from get­ting into the coun­try ille­gal­ly. He then called for a ban on all Muslims from enter­ing the USA.

The Justice Department charged Trump in the 1980s for not rent­ing his prop­er­ty to black peo­ple, a case he sub­se­quent­ly set­tled. He also took out a full-page ad in a local New York news­pa­per accus­ing the inno­cent five black men of the rape and mur­der of a female in Central Park, the media dubbed the case the Central Park Five. Since becom­ing President, Trump made many racists remarks, espe­cial­ly against minor­i­ty women, some of whom are in con­gress. Yesterday, he called Sen. Kamala Harris, the Vice Presidential Candidate on the Democratic tick­et, a mon­ster. During last week’s debate against Joe Biden, he refused to con­demn white suprema­cy and told The Proud Boys — one of his rightwing groups, prone to vio­lence to “stand by and stand back.” In 2017, he called white suprema­cists “very fine peo­ple,” after one of them use a car to mow down and killed a young woman who was protest­ing against them in Virginia. Yet, he took the oath of office to pro­tect the peo­ple of America, but only to fan the flames of racism and divi­sion with his racist rhetoric.

Who remem­bers the birther scan­dal he per­pe­trat­ed to dimin­ish and dis­re­spect the legit­i­mate President of the United States because he is black.


Trump pro­mot­ed him­self as a self-made bil­lion­aire and par­layed that into a suc­cess­ful TV real­i­ty show, which ran for many years. Many peo­ple admired him as the flashy and wealthy real estate devel­op­er with an affin­i­ty for blonde hair Eastern European women. However, many did not pay atten­tion to the many bank­rupt­cies filed by his com­pa­nies. Most notable among his bank­rupt­cy fil­ings are a casi­no, air­lines, and the dis­graced Trump University. Who bank­rupts a casi­no; isn’t a casi­no sup­posed to be a cash cow?

The New York Times (NYT) recent­ly ran a piece expos­ing Trump’s dirty secret regard­ing tax eva­sion and tax avoid­ance. Many Americans were furi­ous to found out that Trump only paid $750.00 in Federal Income Tax for 2016 and 2017. Meanwhile, peo­ple who make less than six-fig­ure in earn­ings paid more than ten times the amount the President paid. The Times sto­ry also found out that the con­man is in a moun­tain of debt, up to the tune of 421 mil­lion dol­lars. The lender of this enor­mous sum of mon­ey is unan­i­mous, which has become a cause for con­cern to Americans that the President is com­pro­mised. It is an open secret that Trump is not a bil­lion­aire as he por­trayed him­self to be. The sto­ry in the NYT stat­ed that he has bor­rowed against his real estate assets and rumored that he owed anoth­er one hun­dred mil­lion dol­lars on Trump Tower, which could fore­close as ear­ly next year. And the paper also report­ed that all of his busi­ness­es, espe­cial­ly his golf cours­es, are los­ing money.

By all accounts, Trump, the oppor­tunist, ran for the pres­i­den­cy, not because he wants to help the American peo­ple but to raise his pro­file, which will enable him to make mon­ey to pay off the moun­tain of debt he is own­ing. Trump does­n’t care about the American peo­ple; he only cares about him­self, and more impor­tant­ly, his image. In essence, he sees it as anoth­er way to build wealth that he will inevitably lose, based on his his­to­ry. To sim­ply put, Trump is as broke as a church mouse. That is the main rea­son why he is hell-bent on not releas­ing his tax returns.

Empty Promises

What is astound­ing is the fact that so many peo­ple believe this inept, incom­pe­tent buf­foon, who is noth­ing but an abject fail­ure. He riled up his Obama haters with inflam­ma­to­ry rhetoric and then fed it like raw meat them, and they devoured every ounce of it. Remember how he promised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, aka Obama Care, with 26 days left in his pres­i­den­cy, he has not deliv­ered on his emp­ty promise. I ear­li­er allud­ed to the “wall,” the big, pow­er­ful wall that he was going to build, and Mexico would pay for it. Where is it? Another emp­ty promise fed to his acolytes.

Handling of Covid-19

Trump con­tin­ues to lie to the American peo­ple about his han­dling of the dead­ly virus. His fail­ure to act when told about it has cost tens of thou­sands of Americans their lives, with mil­lions more infect­ed and the unem­ploy­ment rate hov­er­ing around 14% ear­li­er this year. Remember, dur­ing the height of the first wave of the virus, how he pro­mot­ed Hydroxychloroquine as a ther­a­peu­tic to treat the virus? He did this against the advice of the doc­tors that com­prised his task force and oth­er promi­nent epi­demi­ol­o­gists. And, as you know, he is infect­ed with the virus, and none of the med­i­cines he got was Hydroxychloroquine. What does that tell you about this man? That he is truth­ful to Americans? That he cares about them? That he has their best inter­est at heart? The answers are no. Trump cares only about Trump, and the fools who sup­port him are obliv­i­ous to his dis­hon­esty and deceit. I pity them.

He is Fake

But those are the char­ac­ter­is­tic of an ego­ma­ni­ac con­man, who has a vast fol­low­ing of like-mind­ed racists, who believe and preach the same doc­trine as the President. Trump likes to label the media as fake, but he is per­haps the biggest fake that coun­try has seen. Sensible Americans know who this con artist is, and the polls are show­ing that he will be washed away by a tsuna­mi of Democratic voters.

Now, the empire has no clothes, and like Mineral Pyrite, he too is no gold.
