Despite His Lies, Deceit, And Cruelty They Turned Out To Re-elect The Naked Emperor

Donald Trump is not the bright­est bulb in the shed, far from it.…. but he is not that dumb to believe that he won the elec­tion that he lost hand­i­ly. Donald Trump holds the belief that some­how he was wronged in 2016 when the Democrats ques­tioned his win. In fact, Donald Trump believes that the past four years has been one con­tin­u­ous ques­tion mark against his presidency.
In brief, that is exact­ly why he decid­ed to cast doubt on the Biden win, and he will con­tin­ue to smear the pres­i­den­cy of Joe Biden with every bit of ener­gy in his body.
Donald Trump is a small man in a big man’s body; in his small mind, he believes his actions after the elec­tions was his way of get­ting back at the Democrats.
The jury s still out, and will still be out, on what harm Trump’s actions will have on the nation going forward.

But how were the Democrats sup­posed to act when thir­teen Intelligence Agencies said that the Russians inter­fered in the elec­tions on Trump’s behalf, and Donald Trump said he did­n’t believe them.
How were peo­ple sup­posed to feel after the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was in the oval office with Trump, and only Russian media right after he took office and fired Jim Comey, the FBI Director?
Not only was Trump ham­ming it up with the Russians, but he also berat­ed the for­mer FBI Director to them. It was a shock­ing dis­play of unpa­tri­o­tism to the aver­age observ­er; here was an American pres­i­dent berat­ing his own coun­try­man, a pre­vi­ous­ly high­ly placed pub­lic ser­vant to foreigners.
I shed no tears for Jim Comey; for all, we know Comey may have helped to give us Donald Trump when he decid­ed to reopen inves­ti­ga­tions in October of 2016 in Hillary Clinton’s e‑mails.
James Comey reopened an inves­ti­ga­tion and made dam­ag­ing pub­lic state­ments after he con­clud­ed that there was no evi­dence of crim­i­nal wrong­do­ing by the for­mer Secretary, in the fraud­u­lent e‑mail scan­dal dredged up by Jim Jordon of Ohio and Trey Goudy of South Carolina.
James Comey should have made no state­ments against Hillary Clinton. If he had no evi­dence to pros­e­cute her on, he had no right to make com­ments against her. His actions were prej­u­di­cial and extreme­ly harm­ful to Secretary Clinton and her campaign.
James Comey vast­ly over­stepped his bound, and he should nev­er be entrust­ed with any gov­ern­ment posi­tion ever again.

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Since he took office, Donald Trump’s actions have been noth­ing, if not def­er­en­tial and almost servile to the inter­est of Russia and Vladimir Putin, Russia’s despot­ic total­i­tar­i­an leader. He left the Paris cli­mate accord, dis­re­spect­ed Nato lead­ers, but praised Putin, Duterte, Erdogan, Kim Jung Un, and oth­er despots.
Most shock­ing­ly, Donald Trump says he sees no rea­son why Russia would inter­fere in the 2016 elec­tion. His com­ments came dur­ing a joint press con­fer­ence with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.
Donald Trump’s deci­sion to seek to dig up dirt on then the still unde­clared pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Joe Biden in Ukraine got him impeached; the irony in that is that not only did it get him impeached, but it also drew Biden into the fray, and Biden beat his ass by a wide mar­gin on November 3rd.
More than the dam­age Trump’s actions have had on him; per­son­al­ly, his actions jeop­ar­dized America’s strate­gic long-term inter­est in Ukraine when he decid­ed to with­hold des­per­ate­ly need­ed mil­i­tary aid that was need­ed to keep an aggres­sive Russian leader and his mil­i­tary at bay.
The aver­age American may nev­er know the full extent of Donald Trump’s treach­ery against the United States, but I believe that the intel­li­gence ser­vices are well aware of his actions.

For those rea­sons, Trump’s vin­dic­tive [lit­tle stunt] in hold­ing up the Biden tran­si­tion and seek­ing to cast doubt on the elec­tions’ valid­i­ty is to be condemned.
Donald Trump nev­er cared about the coun­try; to him, the coun­try was only as good as long as he could milk it for what­ev­er he could. The jury is still out on whether he real­ly want­ed to be pres­i­dent, but once he won, and tast­ed real pow­er, he was smit­ten. He did not care enough about America if it meant that he would not be allowed to dis­re­gard the demo­c­ra­t­ic norms that have exist­ed for over two and a half cen­turies by remain­ing in office.
If he can­not stay in office, he will burn the whole damn thing down.
The sad real­i­ty is that 73 mil­lion peo­ple were will­ing to sus­pend real­i­ty and pre­tend that the naked king was ful­ly clothed in imag­i­nary finery.
Despite all his lies and extreme cru­el­ty they ignored them and pre­tend­ed not to care. White so-called evan­gel­i­cals see this grifter as the sec­ond com­ing of Jesus Christ; some even said their God sent him.
A lying grifter who cheat­ed on his wife with a pros­ti­tute, while his wife was at home hav­ing just giv­en birth, a man who bragged about vio­lat­ing the pri­va­cy rights of young and vul­ner­a­ble women in his pageants.
A degen­er­ate who bragged about grab­bing women by their gen­i­talia, locked chil­dren in jails, cel­e­brates white suprema­cists, is will­ing to veto a defense spend­ing bill, because it has in it, lan­guage that would remove con­fed­er­ate gen­er­al’s names from US mil­i­tary bases, cas­ti­gates black women as low IQ, and labels black men sons of bitches.

Donald Trump is the pain from the dis­ease that eats away at the under­bel­ly of America. He was at least smart enough to real­ize that there was a vein of hatred, resent­ment, and griev­ance on which to run. He knew that if he lied about his wealth, there were enough racist whites who would believe him; why not? They believed they were supe­ri­or to the enslaved black peo­ple dur­ing slav­ery, even though they them­selves were enslaved, albeit under a dif­fer­ent des­ig­na­tion (bonds­men).
He knew if he said he was against abor­tions, he would get the sanc­ti­mo­nious hyp­ocrites who call them­selves evan­gel­i­cals. Their only con­cern in life is to stop babies from being abort­ed, but God for­bid that the moth­er asks for some food to feed the rapist’s baby she is forced to bring to term, and all of a sud­den, that’s a bridge too far.
Trump knew enough about their hatred for Blacks, so all he had to do was play up his white suprema­cist bona fides and he would have a cult fol­low­ing. Sure, Trump is a despi­ca­ble racist, but his brazen play at white suprema­cy is designed to solid­i­fy and hold the igno­rant racist evan­gel­i­cal right-wing nut­ters that grav­i­tate to him.
Despite every­thing, he did over the last four years, rather than step back from his lies, cru­el­ty, and deceit, they turned out in even larg­er num­bers and tried to re-elect the buf­foon of a naked emperor.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.