Dem/​Republican Continued Attacks Designed To Silence Rep Omar And Others, Make Them Subservient To Israel.

I recent­ly wrote an arti­cle in sup­port of Representative Omar a first-term Democrat from Minnesota as the white Nationalist Republican Party and the pathet­ic Democratic Party, the Republican-lite Party piles onto her.
The pil­ing on is as a result of state­ments Omar made regard­ing AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the pro-Israeli Zionist lob­by which has more than an over­sized role and influ­ence on America’s for­eign and local poli­cies.
Omar’s in a state­ment hint­ed that American sup­port for Israel is fueled by mon­ey from the pro-Israel lob­by­ing group AIPAC.
Omar lat­er apol­o­gized as a firestorm erupt­ed from lumpen who blind­ly give alle­giance to Israel.

“Anti-Semitism is real and I am grate­ful for Jewish allies and col­leagues who are edu­cat­ing me on the painful his­to­ry of anti-Semitic tropes.”
“My inten­tion is nev­er to offend my con­stituents or Jewish Americans as a whole,” Ms. Omar wrote, adding, “I unequiv­o­cal­ly apologize.” 

Donald Trump is President.
Steve King is still in the Congress, so too is Mark Meadows. Louie Gohmert. Steve Scalise and the end­less line of racists who attack whomev­er they chose with­out con­se­quence.
Nancy Pelosi the Democrat speak­er of the House has­n’t drawn up any res­o­lu­tion in con­dem­na­tion of them.
And the white Supremacist Republican par­ty would­n’t even con­sid­er doing so when they were in charge.
Yet Pelosi is in the process of tabling a res­o­lu­tion in con­dem­na­tion of Congresswoman Omar’s free speech, even though we are told that it will not men­tion Congresswoman Omar direct­ly.
This is in addi­tion to Marco Rubio ® Florida and Ben Cardin (D) Maryland bill, which would crim­i­nal­ize any American who boy­cotted the state of Israel.
This is the rea­son why peo­ple have no faith in the Democrat Party. And of course the act­ing jews on the Democrat side like Nita Lowey (D)NY, who believe that every­one must bow down in slav­ish feal­ty to the apartheid state.

Make no mis­take about it, no one should be fooled in not speak­ing out about American sup­port for the Apartheid state of Israel and the war crimes and crimes against human­i­ty being com­mit­ted by the Israeli army (IDF) against the Palestinian peo­ple.
Neither should any­one have any doubts about Israel’s hor­ri­ble human rights abus­es vis­it­ed upon real Hebrew African Jews who are return­ing to the land of their ances­tors, Palestine.
Attempts to label dis­senters “Anti-Semitic” is a clever strat­e­gy designed to shut down those who speak out against Israel’s apartheid poli­cies and it’s dis­dain for International norms and laws under the United Nation’s charter.

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Nita Lowey.(Democrat tweet­ed)
(Lawmakers must be able to debate w/​o prej­u­dice or big­otry. I am sad­dened that Rep. Omar con­tin­ues to mis­char­ac­ter­ize sup­port for Israel. I urge her to retract this state­ment and engage in fur­ther dia­logue with the Jewish com­mu­ni­ty on why these com­ments are so hurtful).

Congresswoman Omar said noth­ing wrong and should not have apol­o­gized, much less hav­ing apol­o­gized repeat­ed­ly.
What they are after is not an apol­o­gy as Congresswoman Omar will dis­cov­er as she matures in the process.
They are after com­plete loy­al­ty and obe­di­ence to the dic­tates and poli­cies of the Apartheid state.
Policies pushed in America by AIPAC and the many oth­er Zionist Lobbies despite the fact that their teach­ings and poli­cies are direct­ly anti­thet­i­cal to her faith and beliefs.
When will the Congress pass a Resolution apol­o­giz­ing to us for slav­ery, Jim Crow, The Prison Industrial Complex and the con­tin­ued killing of our peo­ple by their var­i­ous strate­gies in place to dec­i­mate us? ( see polic­ing killings)
I bet you even the thought of that would have the likes of Steve Scalise up in arms against such a pro­pos­al.
To add insult to injury Congresswoman Omar has received hate­ful attacks on her sim­ply because she is of the Muslim faith. No Democrat or Republican has stepped for­ward in sup­port of her except con­gress­woman Ocasio Cortez.
Steve Scalise fur­ther tried on FOX hate TV to smear Congresswoman Omar ques­tion­ing whether she should even be receiv­ing intel­li­gence briefings.

Steve Scalise

Steve Scalise attend­ed white suprema­cist ral­lies and received back­ing from them. Should Scalise be receiv­ing intel­li­gence brief­ing?
The white suprema­cist groups which sup­port Steve Scalise pose the great­est secu­ri­ty threat to America and have been respon­si­ble for the great­est loss of life from the mass killings they have engaged in on American soil.
Scalise’s state­ments regard­ing Congresswoman Omar is a direct assault on her Muslim faith.
For Scalise and his par­ty and those in the Democrat Party who are gang­ing up on Representative Omar, it is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to let her know that as a (Muslim) an (African-American) and a( woman) she should sit down and be quiet.

The cow­ards and frauds in the Democrat Party who love to beat the drums about [Religious free­doms], [wom­en’s rights], and [First Amendment rights] have sac­ri­ficed what­ev­er cred­i­bil­i­ty they may have had left, in ser­vice to an Apartheid state for­mer President Jimmy Carter said is worse than what obtained in South Africa.
Guess what President Jimmy Carter should know.