Criminals Capable Of Taking Over The State: Political Leaders Threaten To Use Gangsters To Whip Dissenters Into Line..

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. (Ashes cold dawg sleep in de.) A dog will sleep in ashes because it’s cold.
(Old Jamaican proverb)..

Contrary to the per­verse gib­ber­ish you hear about how to deal with crim­i­nals from know-it-all Jamaicans, there is only one real way to com­bat and con­tain crime on the Island, that is to use a heavy hand­ed approach.
let me just head of the lib­er­al crim­i­nal lov­ing bull­shit comments !!!
A heavy hand­ed approach will invari­ably lead to some hurt feel­ings Simply put, some peo­ple will be incon­ve­nienced as the forces of law and order take the streets back from the maraud­ing bands of killers which now con­trol the nations streets and by-ways.
If done in an intel­li­gent and pre­ci­sion-like way, it will be a min­i­mal trade-off for those incon­ve­nienced, as against what exist in the coun­try today.
Delivering a heavy-hand­ed knock out blow to crim­i­nals and pro­tect­ing the civ­il rights of inno­cents are not com­pet­ing interest .
However it requires a non-cor­rupt police force and a deter­mined pop­u­la­tion which has decid­ed that enough is enough.
The prob­lem in all of this is that the longer the gov­ern­ment remain impo­tent and shell-shocked on this exis­ten­tial issue, the worse it gets, the more dif­fi­cult it will be to cau­ter­ize, the longer the heal­ing process will be, if at all.

Sometimes Someone Has To Get Blood On Their Hands In Order To Stop The Bleeding…

I swear I will have a scream­ing fit and pull my hair out if I hear anoth­er stu­pid com­par­i­son between Jamaica and Scandinavia.
To com­pare Jamaica’s crime sit­u­a­tion with coun­tries like Finland , Switzerland, or any oth­er coun­try of that region is to com­pare Jamaica’s eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion to that of Singapore.
Both com­par­isons ignore or gloss­es over fun­da­men­tal basic facts which dif­fer­en­ti­ates these nations while jump­ing to their per­ceived suc­cess­es. Jamaicans are quick to point to Singapore’s eco­nom­ic mod­el while they con­ve­nient­ly ignore that small nations posi­tions on the rule of law.
They nev­er men­tion that deal­ing in drugs brings the death penalty.
They nev­er men­tion that a sim­ple act of lit­ter­ing will invari­ably result in a pub­lic flogging.
I am not argu­ing for that kind of puni­tive envi­ron­ment by a long shot. It does how­ev­er bear men­tion­ing that the Jamaican mod­el, which is the exact oppo­site of the Singaporean mod­el is not sus­tain­able for a demo­c­ra­t­ic society.


Jamaicans have always been a free­dom lov­ing people .

The strug­gles of the Maroons against British Colonial tyran­ny is tes­ta­ment to that fact.
What we have not man­aged to rec­on­cile in the years since the peace­ful six­ties and today is that the world has changed, we must change or be swal­lowed up by the process of change.
The Zebra and the Wildebeest trav­el across the African Serengeti . Though ani­mals, they fun­da­men­tal­ly under­stand the con­cept of safe­ty in numbers.
Traveling togeth­er does not guar­an­tee that no Zebras will get eat­en by the Lions or oth­er preda­tors lying in wait .
But the horns and hooves of the Wildebeest does offer a cer­tain degree of pro­tec­tion from their enemies.
Weak and care­less Wildebeest and Zebras are guar­an­teed to end up on some preda­tors plate but the strat­e­gy of both groups does guar­an­tee the sur­vival of both specie .
Outside the cru­el and vicious assault of humans of course.

Many years ago while I was a young offi­cer attached to the Constant Spring CIB my work appeared to have ticked off a cer­tain mem­ber of one fam­i­ly of crim­i­nals who hailed from the Grant’s Pen com­mu­ni­ty. This was pre-Grant’s Pen Police sta­tion era.
In the late eight­ies to ear­ly nineties there was no need for anoth­er police facil­i­ty at Grants Pen . We made sure crim­i­nals under­stood who were in charge.
Anyway , word got to me that a cer­tain ele­ment said he was going to kill me. Yes, the streets coop­er­at­ed with us, we made sure of it.
I did not pass the infor­ma­tion up the line to the bloat­ed incom­pe­tent bureaucracy.
I did not cow­er in fear.
Neither did I ask the com­mis­sion­er to issue bul­letins on my behalf.
I was a police offi­cer , you threat­en my life, I’m com­ing after you and I did not need an entourage to get you.

That same night myself and one went to find my would be mur­der­er . Yup we knew where to find him, we always knew where they could be found. How else would we con­tain crim­i­nals if we did not know where they slept and copulated?
He was sit­ting under a street­light in the Grant’s Pen gul­ly , wear­ing only a pair of cut-off pants and no shirt. By the time he saw us it was too late he was frozen in place .
As he stood there trem­bling, piss ran down his legs and snaked it’s way in the dirt mean­der­ing along the dried dusty path­way, like the lazy Rio-Cobre river .
Through the inco­her­ent bab­ble com­ing from his stut­ter­ing lips I man­aged to hear him say peo­ple want­ed him dead, that why they were telling lies on him.
Never mind that I did not accuse him of anything.
The knowl­edge that even among his peers his words weren’t pri­vate was enough deter­rent . We left him stand­ing there, a bro­ken piece of scum in the stench of his own urine .
There was no need to touch him , he under­stood clear­ly, he had no hid­ing place .

INDECOM Commissioner Terrence Williams
INDECOM Commissioner
Terrence Williams

Today Cops cow­er in fear as their lead­ers issue bul­letins about threat levels.
Politicians go on pho­to-ops as if every­thing is kosher, while oth­ers threat­en to bring armed mer­ce­nar­ies to deal with affil­i­ates who do not tow par­ty lines.
In the mean­time the dead bod­ies pile up in Spanish Town and across the Island to Montego Bay.
Of course the coun­try has no need for brand named cops who knew the killers and where they may be found !
The Island need­ed a more edu­cat­ed crop of polit­i­cal­ly cor­rect cops, cops who could speak prop­er English with degrees.
More women dressed in smart skirts and nice­ly pol­ished shoes , caps cocked to the side .
The offi­cers dressed in white shirts and their kha­ki skirts look­ing dap­per , no util­i­ty belts with gun, hand­cuffs or baton.
Why would they need those tools of the trade, they are com­man­ders , who needs hand­cuffs ‚not cops. Why have guns and night­sticks when they have degrees and friends in high places to push them up the ladder?
Remember gazetted offi­cers are not police officers[sic] Most nev­er effect­ed an arrest , nev­er brought a crim­i­nal charge against a crim­i­nal . But they hold lofty posi­tions from which they utter direc­tives and press releas­es. It’s a total joke and an absolute waste of tax­pay­ers resources.
Where are the returns on investment?

When A Known Gangster Can Return From Prison Abroad To Continue As Usual It Means The Government Is Incompetent .…..

How could Tesha Miller return from prison in the United States to take com­mand of a polit­i­cal­ly affil­i­at­ed crim­i­nal mur­der-for-hire and extor­tion gang with a com­pe­tent police force?
How did oth­ers like Bulbie Bennett and oth­ers do it?
They did it the same way an incom­pe­tent cor­rupt police force and a gov­ern­ment of crim­i­nals, allowed Anthony Brown George Flash and oth­er cop-killers to leave the coun­try and stay away for years and then return with­out consequence.

Craolyn Gomes
Carolyn Gomes

That is why the leader of the polit­i­cal oppo­si­tion can stand on a stage bereft of ideas and intel­li­gence yet full of con­fi­dence that the urban ter­ror­ists she con­trols in her gar­ri­son con­stituen­cy is enough to strike fear in any­one who dare cross her.
It is why the Prime Minister and Government have no clue what to do , nei­ther do they have the courage to say they are help­less as the Island slips deep­er and deep­er into the abyss of mur­der and mayhem.

This is the Island where Carolyn Gomes , Terrence Williams, Horace Levy and a band of oth­er crim­i­nal cod­dling elit­ist leech­es dic­tate pub­lic pol­i­cy on crime.
Has any­one ever heard any mem­ber of their fam­i­lies get­ting killed or raped?
I rest my case.
This is Jamaica .….…..

Horace Levy
Horace Levy