Create A Probation Department:discontinue Lay Magistrates (JP’s) :

According to the Jamaica Constabulary Force’s own web­site their offi­cial staff num­ber is 9,930 plus 55 aux­il­iary posi­tions, mak­ing a total of 9,985; its cur­rent strength (as of 2011) is 8,441.
I am unsure how up to date that infor­ma­tion is as the site still has Dr.Carl Williams as it’s com­mis­sion­er on some pages.

Notwithstanding, that the numer­ic strength of the Jamaica Constabulary Force has increased expo­nen­tial­ly from the 80’s to ear­ly 90’s when I served.
This was made pos­si­ble because the JCF absorbed the 2000 or so mem­bers of the Island Constabulary Force (ISCF) it’s Auxiliary into the main force.
Despite the crit­i­cal need for more police offi­cers the JCF has been unable to grow above the num­bers it released, despite con­stant train­ing of new recruits.

Unusually high attri­tion num­bers have plagued the force for years. Even recent­ly trained offi­cers are con­stant­ly on the look out for green­er pas­ture. Many in the depart­ment are trapped in a life of semi-pover­ty they would ditch in an instant if the oppor­tu­ni­ty arose.

Homicides have increased from 152 in 1970 to 1680 in 2009. despite hav­ing added expo­nen­tial­ly to the numer­ic strength of the Force and upgrades in equip­ment and tools of the trade the Police con­tin­ue to argue that they do not have the ade­quate resources to do the job.
This despite increas­es in the depart­ments mobil­i­ty , com­put­ers , bal­lis­tic vests and mod­ern weapons and accou­ter­ments mur­ders and oth­er seri­ous crimes have seen a steady year by year increase.

One thing is cer­tain, is that the JCF has been ham­pered by a deficit of trust and sup­port even as it is ham­strung by lack of actu­al resource.
One of the larg­er issues which con­tin­ue to ham­per law enforce­ment is the con­tin­ued unproven crim­i­nal cod­dling notion that being tough on crime has not worked.
Secondly is the bold faced lie that being tough on crime is equiv­a­lent to being abu­sive of cit­i­zen’s rights.

There is no mutu­al exclu­siv­i­ty in the two inter­est areas.
Aggressive law enforce­ment done with a smile, “sor­ry to ask this of you but it’s for your safe­ty” goes a long way in calm­ing fears and get­ting peo­ple on your side.

There are no short­age of experts with graphs and a mouth­ful of argu­ments on this issue . This writer does not need their graphs and Monday Morning quarterbacking .
I lived it.
In 2005 there were 1674 homi­cides report­ed to police.
In 2006 there were 1340
In 2007 there were 1574
In 2008 there were 1601
In 2009 there were 1680
In 2010 there were 1428, this was before the Security Forces were unshack­led and allowed to go after Criminals in Tivoli Gardens.

Murders fell to 1125 in 2011 . This means that when com­pared to the most recent pre­ced­ing year of 2010, 303 Jamaicans were allowed to keep their lives.
Those are irrefutable facts.
Imagine if the Police are allowed to walk into each and every Garrison on this lit­tle Island of 2.8 mil­lion , PNP or JLP and do their jobs?
This drop off of over 20% in that one year speaks loud­er than the faux experts and self appoint­ed author­i­ties on crime in the country.
Simply put , putting a boot heel on the neck of Murderers , Rapists and oth­er seri­ous felons is the only way to get crime down.

It is high time that the fan­ci­ful smoke and mir­rors be dis­pensed with.
This stu­pid con­tention that we have tried the hard nosed approach has no rela­tion­ship with facts .
There was nev­er a time that the Jamaican Police were allowed to go into Garrisons and arrest dan­ger­ous crim­i­nals with­out far reach­ing con­se­quence to themselves.
The per­va­sive law­less­ness which per­vades the cul­ture is a result of polit­i­cal inter­fer­ence in law enforce­ment and politi­cians active­ly shield­ing known Murders , Rapists, and even Cop killers.


It may be time now for a pro­ba­tion depart­ment as this admin­is­tra­tion say it is focused on reduc­ing crime.
A pro­ba­tion Department will free up more police man hour to tack­le crime head on . It also pro­vides up to the minute infor­ma­tion on crim­i­nals and their movements.
Instead of report­ing to a Police sta­tion a paroled offend­er or an offend­er on pro­ba­tion reports direct­ly to a Probation office.
If he or she vio­lates the terms or their release from jail it is the duty of the Probation office/​officer to take that offender/​s back into custody.

A well designed Probation depart­ment eas­es much bur­den from the police allow­ing them to go after crim­i­nals . Any upgrade of the Criminal jus­tice sys­tem should also include the for­ma­tion of a Probation Department.
The Probation Department should be close­ly aligned with the Corrections depart­ment but must work with the JCF in a close and col­lab­o­ra­tive way as well.


If our coun­try is to be a place where peo­ple can feel com­fort­able to live and raise their fam­i­lies in safe­ty , secu­ri­ty and pros­per­i­ty, lead­ers must lead.
These pro­pos­als are not nov­el ideas,
These are ideas which have been co-opt­ed by many oth­er suc­cess­ful nations into their jus­tice systems.
It bog­gles the mind that the Administration can be talk­ing about increas­ing the num­bers of JP’s oth­er­wise called lay mag­is­trates, when the his­to­ry of the Lay Magistrate Program has been at best a huge con­trib­u­tor to crime and cor­rup­tion on the Island.

This pro­gram since it’s incep­tion has been pop­u­lat­ed with polit­i­cal hacks and crim­i­nal mind­ed hus­tlers from both polit­i­cal parties.
It has been an inte­gral part of the rot and cor­rup­tion which has char­ac­ter­ized our cul­ture since Independence.
It is high time that this cor­rupt­ing influ­ence be dis­con­tin­ued rather than broadened .