COVID-19 Has Not Gone Away, Also On The Rise In Jamaica…

COVID-19 has cer­tain­ly not gone away, even though we may be near­ing our break­ing point with the restric­tions and dis­rup­tions it has placed on our lives.
Experts have said that if the entire world would observe social dis­tanc­ing guide­lines and wear a sim­ple mask, we would have our arms around this virus in less than six weeks.
It is chal­leng­ing to con­tain, when it has been politi­cized in the United States, and peo­ple look­ing to the coun­try that had shaped glob­al opin­ions on issues like this, and see peo­ple act­ing like this virus is nothing.
Or worse to hear its leader tell crowds on no mask-wear­ing syco­phants that quote, “we are round­ing the cor­ner.”
No, we are not round­ing the cor­ner, far from it.….. Infection rates have sky­rock­et­ed in Republican runs states, yes, as you imag­ined, the states in which peo­ple are not required to wear masks or observe social dis­tanc­ing guidelines.
In addi­tion to that, the great divider in chief goes around the coun­try and hold super spread­er events against the wish­es of Governors and oth­er pub­lic offi­cials in Democratic-con­trolled states.

According to the CDC’s dai­ly track­er, so far, 9,268,818 Americans have been infect­ed. There have been 588,208 new cas­es detect­ed in the last sev­en days, and 230,893 peo­ple have died from the virus.
In the UK, there is a new lock­down as COVID cas­es begin to spike again.
Over in Jamaica, the Ministry of Health and Wellness, yes­ter­day report­ed 126 new cas­es of COVID-19 dur­ing the last 24 hours, increas­ing the island’s tal­ly of cas­es to 9,257.
One addi­tion­al coro­n­avirus-relat­ed death was also record­ed – a 70-year-old woman from St Ann. The COVID-19 death toll for Jamaica now stands at 210.
The Ministry of Health and Wellness not­ed that of the 126 new cas­es of the virus, were 89 males and were 37 females with ages rang­ing from nine to 92 years.
The new cas­es bring to 4,289, the num­ber of active cas­es cur­rent­ly on the island, while recov­er­ies now stand at 4,637 fol­low­ing 20 addi­tion­al cases.(As report­ed by Jablogx​.com).
