A young mem­ber of the intel­li­gence arm of the police force was shot and injured Thursday night .The offi­cer with JUST under two years ser­vice in the JCF sin­gle-hand­ed­ly chal­lenged and killed two gun­men in Portmore, St Catherine, dur­ing a rob­bery attempt.

Allegations are that the rook­ie, who is believed to be in his ear­ly 20s, was stand­ing out­side a gate in Cumberland with friends, when they were held up by two gun­men. The police con­sta­ble was shot in the arm dur­ing the drama.

We must com­mend his brav­ery, it speaks to the lev­el of his train­ing and con­fi­dence,” head of the Criminal Investigative Branch (CIB), Assistant Commissioner Ealan Powell, told The Gleaner yes­ter­day.[cour­tesy dai­ly gleaner]

Another Police Officer was shot and almost killed as per the above report from Jamaica’s Daily Gleaner. Fortunately this young offi­cer sur­vived , despite being shot. As is to be expect­ed there is no word of con­dem­na­tion from those on talk radio.There is no word of con­dem­na­tion to my knowl­edge from Jamaica’s crim­i­nal rights fra­ter­ni­ty to include the defense attorneys.

Were this valiant young offi­cer not of this cal­i­bre the out­come would most cer­tain­ly be dif­fer­ent for him and his friends.

I urge Jamaicans of all stripes ‚who love free­dom, those who want a safe crime free Jamaica ‚let your voic­es be heard, do not be cowed. I know some­times fear becomes over-pow­er­ing, it some­times seem that the forces of evil can­not be turned around. I do how­ev­er believe that we can make a dif­fer­ence if we let our voic­es be heard.

As is evi­denced by the com­ments under this sto­ry in the Gleaner, you can be heard, when you open your mouths, the sup­port­ers of evil remain silent . As Jamaicans we were a respect­ed peo­ple around the world, we are respect­ed for our abil­i­ties in sports , music, the arts, education,hospitality,and our con­vic­tion in speak­ing truth to pow­er. Our Nation has done so on many occa­sions. Whether its apartheid, race rela­tions in America, pover­ty in the world , or what­ev­er the issue of the day is, we have been in the fore­front of the defense of what is right.

We can return to our glo­ry days of respect in the world , but we must first decide to return to the rule of law, we must return to putting the inter­est of the inno­cent first and putting crim­i­nals where they belong , so that our coun­try can be free, and our peo­ple live out their God-giv­en poten­tial. The great­est right of any per­son is their right to life.

Get well Officer.

mike beck­les:

have your say:
