Commish Vows New Attack On Blood-drenched St James Division

MONTEGO BAY, St James — Jolted by a spate of killings, includ­ing two sep­a­rate dou­ble mur­ders on Good Friday in the St James Police Division, Commissioner of Police Dr Carl Williams vowed to launch a new attack on the area, which has the dubi­ous dis­tinc­tion of top­ping the 19 police divi­sions in homicides.

l am shocked and out­raged at the sense­less killings that have resumed in Montego Bay and the sur­round­ing areas. And I am here today (Saturday) to vis­it the loca­tions and sit with the police offi­cers to see how well their strate­gies are work­ing, and to work with them to devise even more effi­cient and effec­tive strate­gies so that we can prop­er­ly cur­tail mur­ders in this divi­sion,” said a vis­i­bly trou­bled Commissioner Williams.

The nor­mal­ly qui­et Good Friday, one of the holi­est of the Christian hol­i­days, turned out to be a bloody day in south­ern St James where the police record­ed two unre­lat­ed dou­ble murders.

The deceased in the sec­ond dou­ble killing have been iden­ti­fied as Rose-Marie Green, 28, and Douglas Tinglin, a 41-year-old taxi oper­a­tor, both of Blue Hole, Montpelier.

Victor Kerr
Victor Kerr

Reports are that about 3:30 pm, the two were head­ing home when they were pounced upon and shot dead by uniden­ti­fied assailants in their com­mu­ni­ty. Police did not imme­di­ate­ly pro­vide a motive for the homicide.

Earlier that day, 50-year-old ven­dor, Victor Kerr and 27-year-old Michael Thompson, both of Stone Mill, St James, address­es were gunned down in their community.

Police said Thompson, who was return­ing from a par­ty about 7:00 am, stopped by Kerr’s road­side stall to pur­chase an item when he was pounced upon by men who alight­ed from a motor car. Kerr was shot mul­ti­ple times by his assailants who then board­ed the wait­ing motor vehi­cle and sped away.

But the car returned short­ly after and this time the shoot­ers turned their guns on Kerr before flee­ing the scene. Police the­o­rise that the gun­men returned to kill the ven­dor, whom they saw as a poten­tial witness.

Another uniden­ti­fied com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber, who was shot and injured dur­ing the inci­dent, was tak­en to hos­pi­tal in a crit­i­cal, but sta­ble condition.

The num­ber of peo­ple who lost their lives vio­lent­ly in St James climbed to 46 since the start of the year, four less than the num­ber for the cor­re­spond­ing peri­od last year.

Commissioner Williams, his face a mask of con­cern and anger, walked through the com­mu­ni­ties where the dou­ble killings took place, after a meet­ing with head of the Criminal Investigation Branch (CIB), Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Ealan Powell; head of Area One, ACP Winchroy Budhoo; com­man­deer of the St James Police Division Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Steve McGregor and oth­er high rank­ing Jamaica Constabulary Force per­son­nel at the Area One head­quar­ters at Sewell Avenue, Montego Bay.

Michael Thompson
Michael Thompson

The top cop lament­ed the rever­sal of the gains the police were mak­ing up until the spate of mur­ders start­ed last Wednesday, say­ing: “Up to last week the police were record­ing few­er mur­ders this year than last year. Then all of a sud­den we had these sense­less killings, start­ing about Wednesday and peak­ing yes­ter­day (Good Friday) with two dou­ble murders.

This is not some­thing that we are going to sit idly by and see hap­pen. St James has to return to once again being a peace­ful divi­sion,” declared the police commissioner.

He not­ed that the police were fol­low­ing strong leads in the two dou­ble mur­ders and called on res­i­dents of the south St James com­mu­ni­ties to refrain from tak­ing the law into their own hands.

If you hear any­body say­ing they are going to defend it, let them know that the police will defend it bet­ter than them. It don’t make no sense a man go try a thing and then the police come after them as well,” Williams, who offered con­do­lence to the fam­i­ly of the deceased, told res­i­dents of Stone Mill. Read more here : Commish vows new attack on blood-drenched St James Division