Cavaliers Defeat Warriors In Game 7 Of NBA Finals To Win First Championship

LeBron James cra­dled the shiny gold tro­phy and strug­gled to sum up what might be his sweet­est cham­pi­onship yet, the one he is so proud­ly bring­ing home to his native north­east Ohio just as he promised to do when he returned to the Cavaliers two sum­mers ago.

James and his relent­less, nev­er-count-them-out Cavs pulled off an improb­a­ble NBA Finals come­back, and Cleveland is title town again at long last.

Unfazed by the crit­i­cism and chat­ter all series, James deliv­ered on a vow to his home state and brought the Cavs back as they became the first team to ral­ly from a 3 – 1 finals deficit, beat­ing the defend­ing cham­pi­on Golden State Warriors 93 – 89 on Sunday night to end a 52-year major sports cham­pi­onship drought in Cleveland.

I’m hap­py to be a part of his­to­ry,” James said, then added, “I’m home. I’m home. … I’m at a loss for words. This is unbelievable.”

In a testy series of blowouts — and a few blowups — the win­ner-take-all Game 7 pro­vid­ed the thrilling finale with James as the finals MVP dis­arm­ing two-time reign­ing MVP Stephen Curry and his record-set­ting Warriors.

Playing his sixth straight finals, James almost sin­gle-hand­ed­ly car­ried the Cavs back into this series and fin­ished with 27 points, 11 assists and 11 rebounds as the Cavs cap­tured their first cham­pi­onship in fran­chise his­to­ry and gave their city its first major sports win­ner since the Browns won the NFL title in 1964. He also had three blocked shots and two steals, over­com­ing five turnovers.

CLEVELAND! This is for you!” James bel­lowed in his postgame inter­view before being announced as finals MVP.

An emo­tion­al James fell to the floor when this one end­ed with a sec­ond win in six days on Golden State’s impos­ing home floor, sur­round­ed by his team­mates. Only sec­onds ear­li­er, he went down in pain with 10.6 sec­onds left after being fouled by Draymond Green while going for a dunk, then came back out to make the sec­ond of two free throws.

After four suc­cess­ful sea­sons in Miami and two titles with the Heat, James came back to the Cavs in hopes of win­ning the title this fran­chise and cham­pi­onship-starved city so cov­et­ed. It took a sec­ond try against Golden State after Cleveland lost to the Warriors in six games last year.

Cleveland did it after a coach­ing change, with Tyronn Lue tak­ing over in January for the fired David Blatt.

We made his­to­ry tonight,” Lue said. “Cleveland, Ohio, we’re com­ing back, baby!”

Kyrie Irving scored 26 points to cap his bril­liant finals, includ­ing a 3‑pointer over Curry with 53 sec­onds left.

It was a fairy­tale end­ing,” Irving said.

Curry sat briefly on the bench to take in the scene after the Warriors made their last bas­ket with 4:39 left.

It hurts, man,” Curry said. “I’m proud of every sin­gle guy that stepped foot on the floor for our team this year. … Hopefully we’ll have many more oppor­tu­ni­ties to fight for cham­pi­onships and be on this stage. This is what it’s all about.”

Green had 32 points, 15 rebounds and nine assists, but the Warriors’ record-set­ting sea­son end­ed with­out the only prize this close-knit “Strength In Numbers” crew cared about from way back in the begin­ning — through the record 24 – 0 start as Coach of the Year Steve Kerr was out, Curry’s sec­ond con­sec­u­tive MVP cam­paign, and the 73 reg­u­lar-sea­son wins to break the 1995 – 96 Chicago Bulls’ mark.

As Cleveland cel­e­brat­ed in the tro­phy cer­e­mo­ny, Green returned to the floor to con­grat­u­late the Cavs. He stopped by the win­ning lock­er room, too, and Warriors gen­er­al man­ag­er Bob Myers deliv­ered the win­ning nets fresh­ly cut down.

The Warriors might always be remem­bered as one of the best teams ever that could­n’t close it out, and Green is tak­ing at least a good share of the blame after he sat out Game 5 on Monday night sus­pend­ed for fla­grant fouls.

The Cavs staved off elim­i­na­tion twice to force Game 7 back at Oracle Arena, where the Warriors went up 2 – 0 with a pair of lop­sided wins to start this series.

This marked the first NBA game decid­ed by five points or few­er since May 11, Golden State’s 125 – 121 vic­to­ry over the Portland Trail Blazers in Game 5 of the sec­ond round.

With its 100th post­sea­son vic­to­ry, Cleveland became just the fourth team to win an NBA Finals Game 7 on the road.

Curry — who said before­hand he need­ed the best game of his career — scored 17 points on 6‑for-19 shoot­ing, while Splash Brother Klay Thompson added 14 points while mak­ing 6 of 17 shots.

”I did­n’t do enough to help my team win,” Curry said. “It will haunt me for a while.
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