Carolyn Gomes Lies:

Damion Mitchell, News Editor 
The Gleaner/​Power 106 News Centre

The Supreme Court has giv­en the Police Service Commission (PSC), until September 28 to file affi­davits in response to an appli­ca­tion by human rights lob­by group Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ).
The JFJ seeks to bar any pro­mo­tion of police super­in­ten­dent Delroy Hewitt, the com­man­der for the South St. Andrew Police Division. 
The JFJ has con­tend­ed that in 2009, it received some 13 com­plaints involv­ing 28 alle­ga­tions of crim­i­nal con­duct by super­in­ten­dent Hewitt, and that it has writ­ten to the PSC ask­ing for an inves­ti­ga­tion into the allegations. 
The PSC had report­ed­ly asked the police com­mis­sion­er to review the complaints. 
 However, the PSC has not made the find­ings of the commissioner’s inves­ti­ga­tion available. 
According to the JFJ, some­time in March this year, it heard by way of the media that Hewitt was to act as a senior super­in­ten­dent of police. The JFJ said it then wrote to the PSC and the police com­mis­sion­er seek­ing ver­i­fi­ca­tion on the mat­ter but got no response. 
As a result, the JFJ took the issue to the Supreme Court in June seek­ing an order to quash any deci­sion by the PSC to rec­om­mend the pro­mo­tion of Superintendent Hewitt. 
The JFJ is also seeks an order to com­pel the PSC to con­duct a thor­ough and impar­tial probe into the 28 alle­ga­tions of mis­con­duct against the senior cop.damion.​mitchell@​gleanerjm.​com

Carolyn Gomes
This new devel­op­ment is one more instance of Gomes lies, as I com­ment­ed, in web­post titled (HUMAN RIGHTS IN JAMAICA) post­ed Sept:3rd.2011
Carolyn Gomes has once again shown that she is will­ing to use Jamaica’s bro­ken jus­tice sys­tem to wage war on indi­vid­ual police offi­cers. In the post of September 3rd I detailed how she took flawed and in some instances false data to the Inter American Commission of Human Rights in Washington DC. In the post I also detailed fac­tu­al­ly, from her own tes­ti­mo­ny at the com­mis­sion and at a lat­er inter­view on TVJ, that she was unable to prove the innu­en­dos she pre­sent­ed as facts, infor­ma­tion that has been debunked by the Government and by Gomes own statements.
Not only has Gomes and her Organization sup­plied flawed infor­ma­tion to her han­dlers in Washington, but she dragged the name of Superintendent Delroy Hewitt to the com­mis­sion stat­ing unsub­stan­ti­at­ed, that Hewitt have been accused of sev­er­al cas­es of extra-judi­cial killings. Neither Gomes nor any­one in her orga­ni­za­tion pre­sent­ed one shred of evi­dence to the com­mis­sion that would impli­cate , much less con­vict Superintendent Hewitt in a court of law, yet no one except us on these blogs, has sought to call out Gomes on her lies and slander.
The Police Commissioner for his part, is alleged by Gomes to have told her that Hewitt is one of his best offi­cers, yet Ellington lacked the back­bone or the balls to stand up and issue a state­ment in defense of super­in­ten­dent Hewitt.
In the first instance if Gomes have infor­ma­tion that is admis­si­ble in a court of law which may impli­cate Delroy Hewitt I call on her and her han­dlers to sup­ply that infor­ma­tion to the duly con­sti­tut­ed author­i­ty in Jamaica that is charged with the pros­e­cu­tion of offend­ers, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution. Knowing the modus operan­di of Gomes how­ev­er I am sure she will argue that the DPP can­not be trust­ed to pros­e­cute any­one , least of all police officers.
The DPP was not spared the wrath of Gomes’ slan­der either .
Last night I watched as big wigs from Amnesty International stood on the grounds of the Georgia cor­rec­tion­al facil­i­ty and watched American Justice play out, whether one agrees with the actions of the state of Georgia is imma­te­r­i­al, the fact is that they had zero influ­ence in the way law enforce­ment or the jus­tice sys­tem work in that state or any state. They stood like every­one else , where they were told to stand , under threat of expul­sion if they moved from that spot, they watched and wait­ed for word as inside Troy Anthony Davis was being exe­cut­ed for the crime of mur­der of a police offi­cer 22 years ago.
In America Amnesty International had zero influ­ence, zero ! in pre­vent­ing a con­vict­ed mur­der­er from get­ting the death penal­ty even stayed, much less vacated.
In Jamaica Amnesty International through its sur­ro­gate Carolyn Gomes has suc­cess­ful­ly used the shit of a jus­tice sys­tem to sand­bag the car­rear of a hero police offi­cer with­out one shred of evi­dence of wrong doing by that officer.
I have long argued that the jus­tice sys­tem in Jamaica was bro­ken and down­right irrel­e­vant , this new move by the supreme court has sunk to the lev­el of putrid garbage.
Serious democ­ra­cies do not allow any­thing to stand in the way of the admin­is­tra­tion of the rule of law, the law is the law.
Carolyn Gomes if you have evi­dence of wrong doing on the part of Superintendent Delroy Hewitt, give that evi­dence to the DPP, oth­er­wise we will con­tin­ue to tell the world that you are a liar and a fraud.
We are read world­wide, and we will con­tin­ue to present the truth , you may be impor­tant to some, we on the oth­er hand are not fooled by you.
We are watch­ing,.….….….…. we see a lot .
mike beck­les:
have your say:

One thought on “Carolyn Gomes Lies:

  1. Having read this I believed it was very informative.
    I appre­ci­ate you spend­ing some time and ener­gy to put this
    arti­cle togeth­er. I once again find myself per­son­al­ly spending
    way too much time both read­ing and post­ing comments.
    But so what, it was still worthwhile!

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