Carlos Hill Walks Free , 40’000 Jamaicans Eat Crow…

Literally every case of significance in the Jamaican criminal justice system places the system itself on trial.
The incredible incompetence and inability of the system to successfully bring the most dangerous and corrupt criminals to justice is a shameful reflection of the country’s inability to govern itself.
Sadly ‚as ordinary Jamaicans still hopefully seek justice from the creaking, broken down corrupt excuse of a system they continue to be disappointed in the faith they misguidedly place in it.
Carlos Hill

In 2008 Carlos Hill the head of a pyra­mid scheme which oper­at­ed under the name cash plus,(cash-pot) was arrest­ed for oper­at­ing a pyra­mid scheme.
Like the larg­er scams in the United States where Bernie Madoff and a pha­lanx of oth­er con artistes suc­cess­ful­ly conned enough peo­ple to invest in pho­ny schemes with promis­es of huge prof­its of up to 20% per month, Hill’s cash plus pyra­mid bilked gullible Jamaicans of their hard earned money.
According to local esti­mates Hill’s unreg­u­lat­ed invest­ment scheme fold­ed with $10 bil­lion owed to more than 40,000 investors.

Like all pyra­mid schemes month­ly pay­outs are tied to the schemers abil­i­ty to recruit more and more gullible peo­ple will­ing to part with their hard earned cash.
Like oth­er pyra­mids before it Carlos Hill’s cash plus house of cards collapsed.

Nine years after Hill was final­ly arrest­ed for oper­at­ing his pyra­mid, Carlos Hill walked out of a Kingston court room a free man.
The result ?
You guessed it , the pros­e­cu­tion col­lapsed because wit­ness­es sim­ply refused to show up to court anymore.
That they refused to show up is a sep­a­rate issue which requires vig­or­ous debate .

Were they paid off, intim­i­dat­ed , or sim­ply too tired of show­ing up after 9 years?
These are all rea­son­able ques­tions to look at with­in the con­text of whats hap­pen­ing to Jamaica’s crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem as we try to under­stand what this is doing to increase crime in our country.

Director of Public Prosecutions Paula Llewellyn.

Said Director of Public Prosecution Paula Llewellyn ‚“This is a demon­stra­tion of unen­light­ened self-inter­est lead­ing to total dis­en­gage­ment in the process.”
Llewellyn has been crit­i­cal of any oth­er body being empow­ered with pros­e­cu­to­r­i­al pow­er at the same time the com­fort of tenure has made Paula Llewellyn fat and lazy .Not in a phys­i­cal sense but in the way she approach­es her duties .

That the DPP would char­ac­ter­ize the col­lapse of her case as a demon­stra­tion of unen­light­ened self-inter­est lead­ing to total dis­en­gage­ment in the process,and not a calami­tous fail­ure of the sys­tem of which she is an inte­gral part speaks vol­umes about how out of touch she is with the fail­ures which con­tin­ue to pile up on her watch.

The idea of easy mon­ey is a lure which has caused many to lose their rationale .
At the time the cash plus scheme was hap­pen­ing sev­er­al Jamaicans liv­ing here in my city here in new York State came into my place of busi­ness and told me how excit­ed they were about the prospect of mak­ing lucra­tive returns on their investments.

Some told me that when they go to Jamaica their friends liv­ing at home wine and dine them , while telling them “yu mon­ey nu good dung ya suh “when it came time to pay.
My warn­ings gen­er­al­ly fell on deaf ears at the time.
Many scoffed when I warned that a 20% rate of return per month was vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble, in a legal invest­ment portfolio.
Many lost their hard earned money.

I grow tired of writ­ing about crime and the fail­ure of Government to do the basic things to pro­tect the nation from peo­ple like Carlos Hill on the white col­lar side ‚and the killers who use vio­lence as a means to the end they desire on the other.
The idea that a case of this nature could lan­guish in the court sys­tem for 9 years and end up this way is uncon­scionable, and reprehensible .

More sig­nif­i­cant is the fact that 40’000 Jamaican could lose their hard earned resources and expe­ri­ence this outcome.
Without giv­ing cre­dence to the lengthy excus­es Llewellyn gave to local media as the rea­son for her fail­ure to deliv­er jus­tice to the over 40’000 , I once again call for smarter faster justice.

It is past time that the Legislature pass into law mech­a­nisms which allows affi­davits giv­en to police to stand ‚even if the giv­er dies or no longer wish­es to par­tic­i­pate in the process.
It is not out­side the scope of com­mon sense to ensure that when cas­es are drawn out or vic­tims are intim­i­dat­ed or killed the case against accused does not fall apart.
Other juris­dic­tions have moved to allow the ini­tial report giv­en to law enforce­ment to stand regard­less of the stance tak­en by the com­plainant later.

The Minister of Justice Delroy Chuck has been push­ing for a purge of the court dock­ets, under the guise it will make the sys­tem more efficient.
The fact of the mat­ter is that the Carlos Hill case, like so many oth­ers before it, demon­strates what hap­pens when cas­es are will­ful­ly dragged out .

The ulti­mate aim of the courts must be appro­pri­ate and time­ly dis­pen­sa­tion of justice .
On both counts, in one fell swoop ‚and in one case, over 40’000 Jamaicans were vic­tim­ized by the very Institution which was sup­posed to stand up for them .
This is a colos­sal fail­ure which will dis­ap­pear and no one will feel shame or dis­gust by it.

One thought on “Carlos Hill Walks Free , 40’000 Jamaicans Eat Crow…

  1. The jus­tice sys­tem needs over­alling , that’s one of the source of the prob­lem why many cas­es don’t go any­where . They need to find ways to expe­dite cas­es . Waiting peri­od too long peo­ple’s gets dis­cour­aged and move on . As to Carlos Hill case , Ms. Leyin and her team.are not entire­ly to be blamed . Witnesses don’t turn up because they see no rea­son to when they realise that they would not be get­ting back any mon­ey . And again the length of time dis­cour­ages poten­tial witness .

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