If You Can’t Say Black Lives Matter, You Do Not Believe They Do


Why would any­one, black or white, be mad at a black per­son who says “BLACK LIVES MATTER”?
Here’s the truth, they are mad because they believe that black lives do not matter.
Some time ago back I wrote an arti­cle in which I allud­ed to a very sim­ple fact. That fact is that when black peo­ple say “black lives mat­ter,” they are sim­ply say­ing “(black lives mat­ter too)”.

So why would I, a black man be offend­ed if a white per­son says “white lives mat­ter”? It would not, because that per­son would be exact­ly cor­rect. But you see that is the way I was raised to believe in the sanc­ti­ty of all lives.
Oh, let me expound on that a lit­tle, that is my Christian upbring­ing. Not a so-called Judaeo Christian upbring­ing which advances an unin­tel­lec­tu­al & igno­rant con­cept that skin pig­men­ta­tion is some­how a sign of superiority.


When I say I was raised to respect the sanc­ti­ty of life I did not mean black lives or white lives or brown or yel­low or what­ev­er. I meant all lives. Yes, the ani­mals that God cre­at­ed and placed in our care as well.
So you would nev­er see me buy­ing a gun to go out and kill Deer, strap it onto my car, take it home just so I can show off its antlers.
I am more respect­ful of my stew­ard­ship over God’s crea­tures. Sure I eat some meats but if I had to kill to eat, I would only kill what I need­ed, not kill for the sheer joy of it or sim­ply because I can.

You won’t ever see me arro­gant­ly killing ele­phants for their ivory, Lions just because, or any crea­ture under the sun just because I can, or feel that I some­how have the right.
I too love the crea­tures of this world, I sim­ply refuse to love them to death. I can­not kill some­thing I claim to love sim­ply to show them off as some sign of my masculinity.
Yes, I shoot ani­mals too, I just do it with my cam­era. Even the tini­est crea­ture has a right to its life, so I take care not to squish a bug when it gets into my house if I can extract it with­out killing it. That is the essence of my Christianity, not a dement­ed & twist­ed ver­sion of Christianity which fun­da­men­tal­ly believes in the [dom­i­na­tion] of God’s crea­tures much less any of his people.

The Hypocrisy Of The Harambe Objectors…

So when black peo­ple say “black lives mat­ter” those who oppose that con­cept, fun­da­men­tal­ly believe they don’t.
Here’s why.
Recently a black moth­er went through the anguish of deal­ing with over ten min­utes of heart-wrench­ing agony as her four-year-old black son fell into a Gorilla enclo­sure at an Ohio Zoo. Authorities were even­tu­al­ly forced to put the pri­mate down in order to save the boy’s life. They took the deci­sion after the Gorilla dragged the lit­tle boy around like a rag doll.
So-called ani­mal lovers rose up en-masse demand­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion of the moth­er’s con­duct and demand­ing her arrest for neglect­ing her child which result­ed in the ani­mal’s death.

The police inves­ti­gat­ed and turned over their find­ings to the pros­e­cu­tor who said the moth­er had done noth­ing wrong.
These same hyp­ocrites nev­er have a word of protest when ani­mals are slaugh­tered by white men and women for their fur, ivory, or oth­er body parts. They have a sick twist­ed and per­vert­ed idea that the plan­et is theirs to do with it what they want.
The words of the pros­e­cu­tor were par­tic­u­lar­ly poignant.”[To be frank, I am dis­gust­ed that some would seek to equate the lives of a human being with that of an ani­mal]”.
The pros­e­cu­tor is white.
Not long after­ward a white cou­ple lost their two-year-old son at a Walt Disney resort in Florida. At about 9:pm author­i­ties say the two-year-old was wad­ing in shal­low waters of a lagoon when an alli­ga­tor pulled the child under.


Tragically the child did not sur­vive. I have no idea how many Alligators were killed to deter­mine if they had con­sumed the child, before the body of the child was even­tu­al­ly found intact.
What I do know is that there were no peti­tions demand­ing an inves­ti­ga­tion to deter­mine why a two-year-old child was in waters away from an adult which would have made this tragedy possible.
There were no calls for arrest­ing who­ev­er was in charge of the child (assum­ing that any­one was).
It is a hor­rif­ic tragedy for some­one to believe they are about to or to lose their child, speak­ing as a father who lost a child. That par­ent needs all of the love, care, atten­tion, coun­sel­ing, prayer, and good­will possible.
Yet the sanc­ti­mo­nious hyp­ocrites who demand­ed that the black moth­er be inves­ti­gat­ed and pros­e­cut­ed were duplic­i­tous but pre­dictably silent when the white fam­i­ly went through the very same horror.

All of a sud­den it was okay, the white fam­i­ly need all the love and prayers they could get..
The stark mes­sage in their evil protest was clear, the ani­mal should not be sac­ri­ficed to spare the black baby but all stops should be pulled out regard­less of the cost to save the white one.
Here’s a word to you hyp­ocrites you say “all lives mat­ter,” “yes damn you all lives mat­ter, not just yours”. In fact, the par­ents of the two-year-old baby had prob­a­bly twice the bur­den that the par­ent of the four-year-old had, sole­ly on the basis of its age.
Where is your outrage?


During the Civil Rights fights of the 1960s, lit­er­al­ly, every civ­il rights orga­ni­za­tion and indi­vid­u­als came under sur­veil­lance and seri­ous inves­ti­ga­tion by the FBI and oth­er Government Agencies.
I do not need to rehash that sor­did peri­od and the extent of the sub­ver­sive war­fare which was waged against those orga­ni­za­tions and indi­vid­u­als who dared to stand up for their right to be treat­ed as human beings.
Many of those peace­ful yet valiant war­riors were mur­dered by peo­ple who did not want them to have the right to speak out and defend their God-giv­en dignity.
What’s remark­able, is the fact that the Government itself was huge­ly com­plic­it in per­se­cut­ing them under the guise that they were communist.
Blacks who are unaware of these facts may very well have been born with­out sight because for all intents and pur­pos­es they were blind.


Dr. Martin Luther King, Nobel Peace Prize win­ner, whose name lit­er­al­ly every politi­cian black and white now invoke, was labeled a dan­ger­ous com­mu­nist by FBI direc­tor [J Edgar Hoover].
There is no dif­fer­ence today in what you hear from some of the Police offi­cials and the racial dem­a­gogues like Donald Trump.
No ratio­nal per­son believes that peo­ple march­ing for their rights & dig­ni­ty are ter­ror­ists. If this bla­tant attempt at crim­i­nal­iz­ing a legit­i­mate protest group stand, then the First Amendment to the con­sti­tu­tion means nothing.
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution pro­hibits the mak­ing of any law respect­ing an estab­lish­ment of reli­gion, imped­ing the free exer­cise of reli­gion, abridg­ing the free­dom of speech, infring­ing on the free­dom of the press, inter­fer­ing with the right to peace­ably assem­ble, or pro­hibit­ing the peti­tion­ing for a gov­ern­men­tal redress of griev­ances.

Racial demagogues like Rudolph Giuliani seek to lecture black people on how to raise their children when he couldn't raise his..
Racial dem­a­gogues like Rudolph Giuliani seek to lec­ture black peo­ple on how to raise their chil­dren when he could­n’t raise his.. His own kids did not even speak to him, not sure they do now.

The actions of Dillon Roof the mur­der­ing mon­ster who killed nine (9) black mem­bers of Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston South Carolina is not the respon­si­bil­i­ty of decent white peo­ple. Neither are the actions of Micah Xavier Johnson the cop killer the respon­si­bil­i­ty of black lives mat­ter or black peo­ple for that matter.
Let us rec­og­nize these ped­dlers of race-bait­ing for what they are, they are racist ped­dlers of divi­sive­ness and demagoguery.
Whether it be the irrel­e­vant for­mer race baiter-in-chief of New York City Rudolph Giuliani, who pit­ted police against the sit­ting may­or David Dinkins to gain pow­er or any­one else, the strat­e­gy is the same.

Giuliani rode on the backs of police offi­cers into office. Once in office, he used the police in his strat­e­gy which divid­ed New York City in a way that was not seen before in mod­ern history.
He did that until the cops them­selves real­ized that he cared noth­ing about their inter­est. Giuliani is a nar­cis­sis­tic fraud on a per­son­al mis­sion of hate and per­son­al self-aggrandizement.
What is astound­ing, yet not total­ly un-expect­ed are the black police offi­cials who stu­pid­ly fall for that non­sense. None of these idiots were born police offi­cers but they were born with black skin.
Being a police offi­cer is some­thing you chose to do. Being black is who you are.

Bad police offi­cers are not only a dan­ger to the pub­lic they are a dan­ger to good police offi­cers. We have seen the evi­dence of that. Evil per­sists when good men/​women remain silent. We know our friends not just by what they say but by their silence. We also know them by what they refuse to say.
They refuse to say “BLACK LIVES MATTER” because they do not believe they do. They know damn well that when poor oppressed peo­ple say black lives mat­ter they are not say­ing white lives or any oth­er doesn’t.
So please do not accept these dem­a­gogues and their race-bait­ing when they argue all lives mat­ter. They do not believe it. They care more about the lives of Gorillas than they do that of black children.
They care about peace & order not about jus­tice and human dig­ni­ty. They care about bro­ken glass, not about bro­ken black bodies.
It is time for real black peo­ple to dis­en­tan­gle them­selves from those who con­tin­ue to demon­strate that they are not with us. We wel­come our white broth­ers and sis­ters who con­tin­ue to stand with us and move on from the others.
I will lead by exam­ple “WHITE LIVES MATTER”. If they believe “BLACK LIVES MATTER ” let’s hear them say it !!!
By their fruits, you shall know them.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer Jamaican police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, researcher, and blogger.
He is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog chatt​-​a​-box​.com.
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.