California Man Paralyzed From Run-in With Police Gets $20 Million Settlement(taxpayers Money)

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A California man who was left par­a­lyzed after he was slammed to the ground dur­ing a traf­fic stop won a $20 mil­lion set­tle­ment, one of the largest in the state’s his­to­ry, offi­cials announced Tuesday. Gregory Gross, an Army vet­er­an who lives in Yuba City, sued the police depart­ment in 2022 after police offi­cers used “pain com­pli­ance” tech­niques and expressed dis­be­lief when he repeat­ed­ly cried out, “I can’t feel my legs.” Police offi­cers also dis­missed Gross when he said, “I can’t breathe,” while being held face­down on the lawn out­side a hos­pi­tal, video released by Gross’s lawyers shows.
Gross was accused of dri­ving drunk and caus­ing a slow-speed col­li­sion in April 2020. Gross was left with a bro­ken neck and under­went two surg­eries to fuse his spine. He said the offi­cers’ use of force left him unable to walk or care for him­self, and he now needs round-the-clock nurs­ing care for the rest of his life.

FILE — Gregory Gross looks at an enlarge­ment of a video frame of his arrest by Yuba City, Calif., Police, dur­ing a news con­fer­ence in Sacramento, Calif., on Jan. 5, 2022. Gross’s attor­ney announced Tuesday, July 11, 2023, that Gross has set­tled a case with police for $20 mil­lion. Gross filed a law­suit against Yuba City and the police offi­cers involved in the injuries he says he suf­fered dur­ing his arrest in April 2020. (AP Photo/​Rich Pedroncelli, File) (ASSOCIATED PRESS)

We are not against the police,” said Attorney Moseley Collins, who rep­re­sents Gross. “We are for the police, but we are against police bru­tal­i­ty when it occurs.”
The set­tle­ment is among one of the largest police mis­con­duct set­tle­ments in California his­to­ry. In May, the state agreed to pay $24 mil­lion to the fam­i­ly of a man who died in police cus­tody after scream­ing, “I can’t breathe,” as mul­ti­ple offi­cers restrained him while try­ing to take a blood sample.
The set­tle­ment will also result in some reforms in the Yuba City police depart­ment. Yuba City Police Chief Brian Baker will be at a news con­fer­ence Tuesday to pro­vide details.

Yuba City Police Chief Brian Baker

In the police body cam­era video sup­plied by Gross’ lawyers, an offi­cer is seen twist­ing Gross’ already hand­cuffed arms and forcibly seat­ing him on a lawn. At one point, offi­cers slammed him on the ground and held him face­down as Gross repeat­ed­ly cried out that he could­n’t feel his legs and he could­n’t breathe.
“Mr. Gross, we are done with your sil­ly lit­tle games,” an offi­cer tells him.
In September 2021, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law bar­ring police from using cer­tain face­down holds that have led to mul­ti­ple unin­tend­ed deaths. The bill was aimed at expand­ing on the state’s ban on choke­holds in the wake of George Floyd’s murder.