Bye ‚bye Marco No Tears Here…


Marco Rubio the son of Cuban Immigrants could have used his tal­ents and edu­ca­tion to be a cham­pi­on for dis­ad­van­taged peo­ple across America and across the Globe even.
He could have used his perch to stand for the val­ues of a coun­try which took his par­ents in and made them a suc­cess so that he could become speak­er of the Florida State House , a US Senator and Presidential candidate.
Rubio did not do that, he chose instead to take the most hawk­ish path toward the pres­i­den­cy. He advo­cat­ed for wars across the globe and a build-up of the mil­i­tary which is already vast­ly supe­ri­or to all of the oth­er top Milatary combined.
According to (Politifact​.com) In 2014, the most recent year avail­able, the United States led the world in mil­i­tary spend­ing at $610 bil­lion, mark­ing 34 per­cent of the world total, SIPRI found. U.S. expen­di­tures were near­ly three times high­er than China, the sec­ond-high­est nation with an esti­mat­ed $216 bil­lion in mil­i­tary spend­ing. Russia was in third place at $84.5 bil­lion. But count­ing togeth­er mil­i­tary spend­ing from the eight coun­tries after the United States comes out to $646.4 bil­lion, sur­pass­ing the United States’ $610. Omitting No. 9 on the list, Japan, the cal­cu­la­tion comes out to about $601 billion.

Marco Rubio nev­er missed an oppor­tu­ni­ty to tell those would lis­ten that his moth­er was a maid and his father a bartender.Yet Rubio’s every action seemed

Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio

to sug­gest he has a dis­dain for immi­grants who come to this coun­try in search of a bet­ter life for their fam­i­lies the way his par­ents did. He nev­er advo­cat­ed for immi­grants, the poor, nor the oppressed.
Marco Rubio instead paid lip-ser­vice to the work­ing class while main­tain­ing a hell-bent rapa­cious desire to attain the high­est elect­ed office tear­ing down all in his quest to do so.
In a rapa­cious pur­suit for ulti­mate pow­er Rubio nev­er both­ered to do the job he was elect­ed to do, he nev­er both­ered show­ing up to cast votes in the senate.
He was too busy seek­ing the oth­er office.
That may have been his mis­take , he had no record to run on , . Rick Santorum a peren­ni­al Presidential con­tender who dropped out of the Republican pres­i­den­tial con­test and endorsed Rubio could not name a sin­gle leg­isla­tive accom­plish­ment of Rubio .
This despite the fact that Rubio served in the Florida state house and is a sit­ting mem­ber of the United States Senate.
Marco Rubio is still a US Senator a pow­er­ful and envi­able job , he may yet have a bright future , how­ev­er as soon as Rubio got to Washington DC he start­ed run­ning for President.
Many argue that Barack Obama did the very same thing . The fact is that Barack Obama is a twice elect­ed suc­cess­ful pres­i­dent. Marco Rubio is no Barack Obama , nev­er was , nev­er will be. 

He dis­re­spect­ed the hold­er of the offi­cer he craved the most , say­ing he has no class. Marco Rubio has no idea who he is and the par­ty he chose to rep­re­sent chewed him up and spat him out ., . Now Marco Rubio invokes God after los­ing his home state of Florida. I have nev­er been more thrilled to see some­one fail as I am tonight at see­ing Marco Rubio exit the repub­li­can race.Disrespect, self­ish­ness, and arro­gance are not Godly virtues Marco Rubio they are vices.
God is always look­ing down , bye bye, Marco Rubio. Barack Obama has a lot of class.

2 thoughts on “Bye ‚bye Marco No Tears Here…

  1. As for me, lit­tle Marco Rubio think he’s white, so he’s out there ped­dling his divi­sive and hate mes­sages. Little did he know that the same peo­ple’s mantras he has been ped­dling, were plan­ning against him because he’s a Spaniard and not white. 

    What Donald Trump have over lit­tle Marco Rubio, is that he is white; he is the birther king, and he is rich. I am so hap­py to see him exit­ing the race in the most shame­ful ways. 

    Marco Rubio polit­i­cal career is over and done with! The adver­tise­ment show­ing that he is cor­rupt­ed, is what Donald Trump used to buried him. No tears for the wannabe white man, Marco Rubio.

    • I believe Chris, that he over-reached that he may have caused irrepara­ble harm to his once bal­ly­hooed polit­i­cal career .
      He nev­er both­ered to do the jobs to which he was elect­ed and now he seem to be left upstream with­out a paddle.
      He lost lit­er­al­ly every coun­ty in Florida except Miami Dade, the coun­ty stacked with a large swath of Cubans.
      That seemed to sug­gest to me that Rubio was round­ly repu­di­at­ed by Floridians.
      I sus­pect he will now return to Florida and try to cur­ry favor in order to run for Governor,or he will cozy up to Donald Trump with the hope of rid­ing on his coat-tails to wherever.

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