Bravo Novelette Grant…

In response to Terrence Williams trans­par­ent attempt to smear mem­bers of the police depart­ment, the JCF under Acting Commissioner of Police Novelette Grant has shown more balls than any male Commissioner, Deputy or Assistant has, since the Albatross (inde­com) was forced on to the Jamaican people.


In response to media whore Terrence Williams’ atten­tion seek­ing faux con­cern about police killings last week, the Police high com­mand respond­ed with their own expla­na­tion of the numbers.

What Lying Deceptive Terrence Williams Does Not Say Is Far More Substantive Than What He Actually Said…

Addressing jour­nal­ists at a press con­fer­ence he called at his Dumfries Road offices last week the (inde­com) anti-police agi­ta­tor Terrence Williams all but shed tears at what he char­ac­ter­ized as his con­cern for the amount of fatal shoot­ings the police depart­ment was involved in for the months of January and February this years thus far.

Williams who has nev­er seen a Television cam­era or a micro­phone he did not like, called a press con­fer­ence to shed croc­o­dile tears for what he saw as a quote “wor­ry­ing upward trend in police shoot­ings for the first two months of 2017”.
Williams and his cohort Hamish Campbell a Scotland Yard agi­ta­tor argued that there was a 55 per cent increase in police fatal shoot­ing in the first two months of the year. They dis­closed that over the peri­od, a total of 31 peo­ple were shot dead by the police say­ing that this is wor­ry­ing sign.

This Publication pushed back against that char­ac­ter­i­za­tion imme­di­ate­ly. In doing so I point­ed out out that the lying decep­tive Williams and his cohort were using num­bers to con­vey a nar­ra­tive which could not stand, because not only did it not tell the whole sto­ry, it was inher­ent­ly done to cre­ate out­rage against mem­bers of the secu­ri­ty forces.

What I found utter­ly dis­gust­ing and shame­ful was that in the same week that Terrence Williams and Hamish Campbell were active­ly slan­der­ing the secu­ri­ty forces, poten­tial­ly plac­ing their lives in more dan­ger , a long serv­ing police sergeant was gunned down in the Portmore area of St Catherine.
What nei­ther Terrence Williams nor Hamish Campbell both­ered to state was that there are no charges against any offi­cer which goes to the law­ful nature of those shootings.
What the two decep­tive bas­tards did not say is that police offi­cers are total­ly jus­ti­fied under the law in using lethal force to neu­tral­ize threats to their lives or the lives of others.
Needless to say the dis­gust­ing Judas Iscariot who heads ( indecom)did not men­tion his killing.

In response to Williams’ dan­ger­ous dem­a­goguery the Police released infor­ma­tion direct­ly chal­leng­ing Williams and Campbell’s disin­gen­u­ous notions and con­coct­ed concerns.
According to the high com­mand, an assess­ment of the data shows a direct cor­re­la­tion between an increased num­ber of vio­lent gun attacks against the secu­ri­ty forces, increased gun mur­ders and shoot­ing of civil­ians and an increase in police use of dead­ly force when com­pared with the same peri­od in 2016. It says a total of 45 gun assaults against cops were record­ed for the first two months of 2017.
The High Command says of the 31 police-involved shoot­ings, 23 result­ed from shoot­ings at the police while eight were as a result of assault at com­mon law against cops.

In addi­tion to releas­ing the data the police called for (inde­com), advo­cate groups, fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers to sup­port their appeal to armed crim­i­nal sus­pects to sur­ren­der peace­ful­ly and desist from attack­ing secu­ri­ty personnel.
When did police shoot­ing crim­i­nals in defense of their lives become a concern ?
And Why is Terrence Williams so upset that vio­lent crim­i­nals are shot?
Are we to under­stand that Terrence Williams pre­fer the killing of police officers?

That would not be my choice of lan­guage in address­ing Williams and Campbell. But I under­stand that the Police like that good­ly woman in that old British com­e­dy, must ” keep up appear­ances”.

As I have said for years about this creepy lit­tle dem­a­gogue Terrence Williams, he under­stands the anti ‑law enforce­ment ten­den­cies in the coun­try and he has played it like a well tuned Stradivarius violin.

Why else would he go to the trou­ble to call a press con­fer­ence to point out that police shoot­ings have gone up while delib­er­ate­ly leav­ing out crit­i­cal excul­pa­to­ry infor­ma­tion , unless his sole desire is to inflame pas­sions against the secu­ri­ty forces?

This real­ly goes to the char­ac­ter and intent behind the lead­er­ship of (inde­com), which needs seri­ous, seri­ous scrutiny.
This writer is quite con­tent to be the sole per­son yelling in the wind until our coun­try comes to it’s sens­es. Understanding that the actions of Terrence Williams does not pass the smell test.

In the mean­time I must offer a word of con­grat­u­la­tion to Acting Commissioner of Police Novelette Grant who has demon­strat­ed more grav­i­tas and balls than every Commissioner of Police who have served in my lifetime.
Bravo Novelette!!!
Numbers do not lie. Political hacks with their own agen­das do.

An edu­cat­ed non-polit­i­cal pro­fes­sion­al woman does not need to kow-tow to politi­cians and their well placed destruc­tive lackeys.
Our police offi­cers have a job to do and they should do it with­out fear or favor, mal­ice or ill will, and cer­tain­ly despite croc­o­dile tears from the ene­mies of our coun­try and their local lackeys.

Never hes­i­tate to hit back against these disin­gen­u­ous lying char­la­tans who would shape pub­lic opin­ion against the hard work­ing peo­ple who stand between inno­cent peo­ple and those who would destroy life.
I applaud you on this International Women’s day Novelette Grant.
You rock .