Republicans have long used for­eign pol­i­cy to bash Democrats over the head, type-cast­ing them as timid appeasers who are afraid to use mil­i­tary pow­er to defend America’s inter­ests, and by exten­sion unfit to gov­ern America.

As such, Republicans have arguably used mil­i­tary mus­cle to demon­strate tough­ness even when some of their most rabid war-hawks have nev­er served a day in any branch of the military.

The failed attempt at res­cu­ing American hostages held in Iran dur­ing the Carter Presidency only exac­er­bat­ed that mis­con­cep­tion. Even though that mishap was not the fault of President Carter, he was blamed for that fail­ure, which lit­er­al­ly pro­pelled the Country into 8 years of Reagan rule.

Had the attempt in Pakistan to get Osama Bin Laden gone the way of that débâ­cle in the Iranian desert, the icing would have been on the cake, not just for the Obama Presidency, but for the chances of Democrats for years to come.

With that said it is fas­ci­nat­ing to see a pres­i­den­tial cam­paign being waged with repub­li­cans unable to men­tion for­eign pol­i­cy with democ­rats run­ning for the exits. As a mat­ter of fact repub­li­cans have thus far made sure not to open up the pan­do­ra-box called for­eign pol­i­cy this elec­tion cycle,with the excep­tion of Mitt Romney lying in cer­tain parts of the coun­try that pres­i­dent Obama goes around the world apol­o­gis­ing for America. Of course Romney only does this in cer­tain red states where he knows this kind of luna­cy plays to the hatred some nut-cas­es have for the pres­i­dent. That lie has been fact checked and there is no evi­dence pres­i­dent Obama has ever apol­o­gised for America.

While we are on the sub­ject , If America has done wrong to some­one or a coun­try isn’t an apol­o­gy in order? Since when apolo­gies are bad things? What does it say about those who see gen­uine apol­o­gy as a negative?

The Obama cam­paign has been hit­ting Mitt Romney on his asser­tion that he is qual­i­fied to be pres­i­dent because of his time in busi­ness, as Paul Begala stat­ed Mitt Romney is a one trick pony who has staked his entire pres­i­den­tial run on the prospect of the econ­o­my tanking.

Of course the pres­i­den­t’s re-elec­tion cam­paign will not to sit idly by and let Romney lie that his tenure as head of Bain Capital gave him a right to the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. Irrespective of Anne Romney’s asser­tion that quote (“it’s our time now , it’s Mitt’s time now”) infer­ring that the pres­i­den­cy was a monar­chy to be passed on to the most entitled.

As Newt Gingrich and oth­ers had shown ‚Bain Capital may have made Mitt Romney a very wealth man, kudos to him, but it also presents prob­lems for him as far as the claims he made about being a job cre­ator, and his con­tin­ued attacks on China and out­sourc­ing. Romney it turns out is a pio­neer in the art of out­sourc­ing American jobs as head of Bain Capital.

The Obama cam­paign have kept up a sus­tained attack on Romney’s record at Bain, par­tic­u­lar­ly in swing states, over the objec­tions of weak knee Democrats like Corey Booker Newark Mayor, Ed Rendell for­mer Governor of Pennsylvania, and for­mer con­gress­man Harold Ford.

Team Obama not car­ing about the crit­i­cisms from those pon­tif­i­cat­ing democ­rats have kept up the drum-beat on Bain and it has paid off big time, by itself the incon­sis­ten­cies about the time Romney left Bain may not be a smok­ing gun, but when viewed with­in the prism of his refusal to release more than one year’s tax returns, and what many refer to as his colos­sal lack of trans­paren­cy, the Obama cam­paign is con­fi­dent they are onto some­thing which dis­qual­i­fies Mitt Romney from being a viable alter­na­tive to their can­di­date, Barack Obama.

Romney and his cam­paign has con­sis­tent­ly cho­sen to obfus­cate, using the tired old line that the Obama attack and asser­tions are a dis­trac­tion , argu­ing that Obama can­not run on his record, and as a result he is run­ning on distractions.

Whenever they use this line of talk­ing points Democrats do not push back against it, whether it be jour­nal­ists or sur­ro­gates of Obama they let those talk­ing points go unchallenged.

I though killing Bin Laden , restor­ing over 3 mil­lion jobs to the mid­dle class, pass­ing the afford­able care act, repeal­ing don’t ask don’t tell, sign­ing the Lilly Ledbetter Act into law, end­ing the Iraq War, esca­lat­ing and then draw­ing down on the Afghanistan war would be a pret­ty impres­sive resume on which to run, but I digress, lily liv­er­ied Democrats do not think that record war­rants a sound defense and a push back against Republican lies.

Romney push­es the nar­ra­tive that any attempt to vet him for the high­est office in the coun­try is a dis­trac­tion, by that rea­son­ing he wants to be held to a less­er stan­dard than that which Senate Republicans have for President Obama’s nom­i­nees to the fed­er­al bench. Romney wants to be allowed into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as a stealth can­di­date, a Manchurian can­di­date of sorts.

So he goes around the coun­try froth­ing at the mouth as he lies about Obama’s record in a rabid deranged lath­er, yet he offers noth­ing to the faith­ful intel­lec­tu­al­ly chal­lenged, who gath­er to hear his litany of lies .

He has so far released only one year’s tax returns, a strat­e­gy that has befud­dled even staunch Conservatives like william Kristol of the Weekly Standard and George Will Conservative Icon. Ironically Romney’s father George Romney set the stan­dard for trans­paren­cy when he released a report­ed 12 years of tax returns in his failed run for the pres­i­den­cy, the elder­ly Romney argued that one year’s returns could not pos­si­bly be a true rep­re­sen­ta­tive sam­ple, in essence it could be a fluke.

Obviously Willard Mitt Romney does not sub­scribe to that part of his father’s doc­trine, even though he is always quick to be on his late father’s band-wag­gon on oth­er issues when it suits him. The truth behind this tax headache for Romney can be found in Romney’s own state­ments, dur­ing the pri­maries when a debate ques­tion­er asked him why not just release his tax returns, Romney stat­ed blunt­ly, he wants to beat President Obama and he would not release his tax returns to give the Obama cam­paign weapons to blud­geon him with. He has made that point time and again. In short what that means is that there is dam­ag­ing and damn­ing mate­r­i­al in those tax returns which pre­cludes Romney from releas­ing them , as such, despite pres­sure from even those in his own par­ty he is unable to release them for fear of the effects it will have on his chances to take the White House.

Romney and his peo­ple knows what’s in those returns and they are deter­mined to ride out this tide, they hope that this will die down soon enough and they will get away with it. Between Swiss bank accounts, invest­ments in Bermuda , and the Cayman Islands the Obama cam­paign should have a feed­ing fren­zy at this for the next four months.

Right-wink nut cas­es will lash out with ghast­ly putrid and ran­cid racist bile, they will lie they will name-call, and they will spew ven­omous hatred at Obama, it will not change the facts , what I wor­ry about are the so-called Democrats who side with repub­li­cans ‚which the President can well do without.

When the President’s deputy cam­paign man­ag­er Stephanie Cutter stat­ed that either Romney lied to the FEC on the forms he signed that he was in charge at Bain Capital after 1999, (which is a felony), or he lied to the American peo­ple when he said he left the firm in 1999 which would be (a seri­ous ques­tion of char­ac­ter), she was exact­ly cor­rect. Of corse Ed Rendell was the first to crit­i­cize Cutter. With friends like Rendell Obama needs no ene­mies. Rendell is a Clinton loy­al­ist who may still be har­bour­ing grudges that his can­di­date Hillary Clinton lost the pri­maries to Barack Obama. It is no sur­prise that peo­ple like Rendell are not a part of Obama’s inner circle.

Republicans do not mince words and they all repeat the same sto­ry-line, no mat­ter how much of a lie it is. They are despi­ca­ble liars, yet the Bookers, Rendell, and Harold Fords are the first appeasers to crit­i­cize fel­low democ­rats for doing what they are too scared to do, speak in a clear unequiv­o­cal and con­cise lan­guage, as Stephanie Cutter did, which need­ed no walk-back or apol­o­gy. What Stephanie said is what all democ­rats should line up to learn from miss Cutter how to deliv­er a mes­sage with­out ambiguity.

Barack Obama has tak­en the for­eign pol­i­cy big stick from repub­li­cans, they are seething mad that they can­not beat this pres­i­dent on for­eign pol­i­cy, so they are run­ning on one thing and one thing only, their bet on a bad economy.

It’s no won­der that class-less ide­o­logues like Dick Cheney went to Washington to help Republicans fight against Military cuts that repub­li­cans and democ­rats came to agree­ment on. As he did as vice pres­i­dent Cheney used lies and dis­tor­tions to take this coun­try into an ille­gal and unjust war against the Iraqi people.

First they argued that Saddam Hussein had some­thing to do with 911 , when that lie was debunked by the intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty the lying Chaney all but demand­ed that they dis­tort their own intel­li­gence to suit their nar­ra­tive and drum-beat for war. In a tru­ly demo­c­ra­t­ic coun­try Dick Cheney would be serv­ing a life sen­tence for war crimes.

Of course Cheney would not allow the fact that there were no con­nec­tions between Saddam Hussein and 911, no weapons of mass destruc­tion in Iraq, noth­ing was going to stop the drum­beat for war to sat­is­fy Cheney and the oth­er neo-cons in the Bush Administration hell-bent on hege­mo­ny and fill­ing the pock­ets of com­pa­nies like Halliburton, Black Water and oth­ers asso­ci­at­ed with , you guessed it Dick Cheney.

Of course Cheney is in Washington DC to ral­ly repub­li­cans to oppose cuts to the bloat­ed waste­ful bureau­cra­cy called the Pentagon, yet Romney and his repub­li­can friends are will­ing to gut pro­grams which help the most des­per­ate and vul­ner­a­ble Americans. PS. Republicans and democ­rats agreed to those cuts.

Paul Ryan’s bud­get which Romney calls fab­u­lous would gut 3.3 Trillion dol­lars from pro­grams which aids the poor, like food stamps, meals on wheels and oth­er crit­i­cal pro­grams that many peo­ple depend on for life itself. Republicans do not believe that the poor should live, they have no use for peo­ple who are not rich 1 %ers.

One would think that after Cheney jumped the line and received a heart from some­one who made a con­scious deci­sion to be an organ donor, or their fam­i­ly mem­bers had the courage to donate that deceased heart, Cheney would have been a dif­fer­ent human being, maybe have some class, less vile and despi­ca­ble, this is not the case he is still the same hate­ful dis­gust­ing vile crea­ture he has always been.

Of course Mitt (enti­tled to the pres­i­den­cy) Romney just wants to be pres­i­dent, no one should ask about his tax returns, no one should delve into his tenure as the head of Bain Capital, even though his entire argu­ment why he wants to be pres­i­dent is that he is mis­ter fix-it based on his tenure at the afore­men­tioned Bain Capital.

The ven­omous hatred we have grown accus­tomed to com­ing from the idiot right has spread far and away from the reg­u­lar morons, and intel­lec­tu­aly con­sti­pat­ed reg­u­lars like the over-weight igno­ra­mus blow-hard Rush the drug­gie Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, the three stooges that make up the so-called FOX and Friends and the oth­ers too many to mention.

The black­ness of Barack Obama, and his audac­i­ty to want to occu­py the White House has unleashed an avalanche of hatred that many have nev­er seen in their life time, yet they bury their heads in their hands and pre­tend that what we see hap­pen­ing are things oth­er than what it they are, vile putrid, ran­cid, racial pol­i­tics at it’s worst.

Not to be out­done Mitt Romney has found him­self a place on the band-wag­gon mak­ing the pres­i­dent of the United States some­how not an American.

Imagine John Sununu, Romney sur­ro­gate, and Bush 41 chief of staff say­ing he wish­es this pres­i­dent would learn how to be an American.The nerve of this guy who was born in Cuba.

Sununu was born in Havana, Cuba, the son of Victoria (née Dada) and John Saleh Sununu, an inter­na­tion­al film dis­trib­u­tor.[1] He is of Palestinian and Greek descent [2]. His father grew up in Jerusalem, Palestine and his moth­er was born in San Salvador, El Salvador, as part of the mass exo­dus of Palestinians abroad to seek a bet­ter life.{wikipedia}This is the rabid attack Dog that Romney has unleashed against pres­i­dent Obama, an inter­lop­er like myself, who was born out­side this coun­try , but have the nerve to attack the sit­ting pres­i­dent, hav­ing the nerve temer­i­ty and gall to label the pres­i­dent of the United States of America as an outsider!!

Mitt Romney , Michele wild eye Bachman, Palin and all of the despot­ic igno­ra­mus­es on the lunatic fringe seem not to have got­ten the memo that the civ­il war is over and they lost.

One more thing to all you racist vile crea­tures who feel tha Barack Obama does not belong here, I have news for you, when Christopher Columbus dis­cov­ered America where peo­ple were already liv­ing their lives, African-Americans were already here, so chew on that Chaney, Bachman, Limbaugh, Beck ‚Hannity, and all you racist pon­tif­i­caters. The rea­son you have so much talk is because of the pas­siv­i­ty of the black race.

I will fol­low-up on this subject.