Blacks Are The Conscience Of America, But Must Stop Fighting Other People’s Battles

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Black peo­ple have enough to deal with with­out tak­ing on the trou­bles of oth­ers. Nevertheless, though every­one has vil­i­fied Black Americans, includ­ing oth­er Black peo­ple, some­times deserved­ly, African-Americans have stead­fast­ly sup­port­ed oppressed peo­ple here in the United States and where else they are.
Now, I rec­og­nize that I just made a broad and gen­er­al state­ment that some would argue is too broad. I am aware that in every­thing, there are excep­tions to the rule. I am speak­ing in gen­er­al about the decen­cy, kind­ness, and good­ness of the aver­age African-American with whom I would like to asso­ciate myself.
Black Americans are undoubt­ed­ly the con­science of the Nation. Many oppressed peo­ple from across the globe enter the United States and turn up their noses at our peo­ple, yet are ben­e­fi­cia­ries of the blood, sweat, and tears of the very peo­ple they turn their noses at.

As I artic­u­lat­ed in the video above, East Asians, in par­tic­u­lar, seem to have a strat­e­gy they copied from Caucasians. That strat­e­gy is to be dis­re­spect­ful to African-Americans through whose strug­gles they can ele­vate them­selves and become some­thing as first-gen­er­a­tion Americans, some­thing they could nev­er accom­plish in India, China, or any place else in Asia.
None of the Civil Rights bat­tles won in the United States have any Asian names attached to them. Why? Because these are self­ish peo­ple whose only inter­est is their own. For those rea­sons, I have con­sis­tent­ly said that black peo­ple should fight our own bat­tles and stop talk­ing about black and brown peo­ple because these peo­ple are ingrates.
Most promi­nent Indians, or as we refer to them in Jamaica (Coolies), whether they are first-gen­er­a­tion Americans or just came over, seem to see a strat­e­gy of try­ing to act white, want­i­ng to attach them­selves to the per­cep­tion of pow­er which is white­ness, regard­less of how cor­rupt and immoral that con­struct is. Some have even shed their ances­tral name and adopt­ed European names, which is so laughable.
Bobby Jindal, Nimarata Nikki Randhawa (Nicky Haley), Vivek Ramaswamy,Danny Gaekwad, and many oth­er Latinos/​Hispanics have adopt­ed that strat­e­gy, par­tic­u­lar­ly those from Cuba and Mexico. Raphael Cruz and Marco Rubio are lead­ing self-haters, not to men­tion the con­vict­ed proud boy crim­i­nal Enrique Tarrio.

The Affirmative action pro­gram was cre­at­ed to course-cor­rect hun­dreds of years of injus­tice towards African ‑Americans. It was­n’t until 1978 that the Supreme Court ordered Black stu­dents to be con­sid­ered to be adopt­ed into insti­tu­tions like Harvard, which had pre­vi­ous­ly all but blocked young Black stu­dents from their cam­pus­es. It was­n’t just African-Americans who ben­e­fit­ted from the fights to get that deci­sion, Indians, Hispanics, and oth­ers also benefitted.
Opponents of Affirmative action have always main­tained that it was pref­er­en­tial treat­ment that allowed Blacks into insti­tu­tions of high­er learn­ing as if the stu­dents did­n’t have to tick all of the box­es that were required to enter those institutions.
They did not stop there; they pejo­ra­tive­ly labeled Affirmative Action (Quotas).
Affirmative actions are not set-asides or quo­tas as they would have you believe; it is actions that are geared affir­ma­tive­ly at pre­vent­ing stu­dents of col­or from being barred on the basis of their skin col­or. It ensures that insti­tu­tions have a diverse stu­dent pop­u­la­tion, not a white mono­lith­ic one.

The ille­git­i­mate reac­tionary right-wing supreme court affirmed those racist points of view, although each and every one of the six right-wing frauds who vot­ed to affirm those lies knows damn well that affir­ma­tive action has noth­ing to do with quo­tas and every­thing to do with course cor­rec­tion for hun­dreds of years of injustice.
Those hyp­ocrites failed to men­tion that for gen­er­a­tions, white stu­dents who were mar­gin­al­ly or gross­ly unqual­i­fied were allowed into Institutions like Harvard, Yale, Colombia, the Wharton School of Business, and oth­er insti­tu­tions of high­er learn­ing through lega­cy admissions.
How else could George Bush have got­ten into Yale and worse, how would Donald Trump have got­ten into the Wharton School of Business? Name recog­ni­tion and mon­ey. Again, every one of the six right-wing extrem­ists on the court knows all too well that lega­cy admis­sions are the real issue that should be eliminated.
But this ille­git­i­mate Roberts court has no shame, no respect for set­tled law, and does not care that its actions are viewed as polit­i­cal. Its rul­ings are indeed acts of raw polit­i­cal power.
That is what makes it illegitimate.

The court major­i­ty made clear that it agreed with Students For Fair Admissions, which sued Harvard and UNC, claim­ing, among oth­er things, that the schools dis­crim­i­nat­ed against Asian American stu­dents who had SAT and grade scores high­er than any oth­er racial group, includ­ing whites, and who made up, at Harvard, for instance, 29% of the enter­ing class last year. SFFA assert­ed that the num­ber should have been high­er than that, though Asians are just 7.2% of the U.S. population.
So in line with the priv­i­leges whites enjoy in the United States, enti­tled Asians though only 7.2% of the pop­u­la­tion and last year 29% of the fresh­man class at Harvard, believe they are enti­tled to have more spaces at Institutions of high­er learning.
And so, Affirmative action was end­ed in colleges.
Talk about enti­tled; this is the very def­i­n­i­tion of a group of peo­ple in this coun­try who have sac­ri­ficed noth­ing for the advance­ment or well-being of the coun­try. You nev­er see them on a pick­et line. They are nev­er a part of any racial dis­crim­i­na­tion protest. Their only com­mit­ment is to them­selves and their greed for pow­er and the almighty dollar.
These are the peo­ple the ille­git­i­mate Roberts court acqui­esced to and end­ed a pro­gram that was designed and had cre­at­ed a more even play­ing field.



Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.