Black Detroit Lawmaker Receives Racist Threats For Refusing To Entertain Widespread Voter Fraud Claims

By Zack Linly.

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Trump sup­port­ers are racist.

Some peo­ple might call the state­ment debat­able or even an out­right lie, but any­one who can sup­port a man who con­stant­ly proves him­self to be a xeno­phobe and hater of all things Black Lives Matter is no dif­fer­ent from their cult leader in my book. Besides, when push comes to shove, they always show their true col­ors (and their hatred for peo­ple of true color).

A Detroit Democratic law­mak­er found this out the hard way after she took part in a more than four-hour-long hear­ing with the House Oversight Committee last week in which Trump attor­ney and Danny DeVito’s Penguin cos­play­er Rudy Giuliani brought out a bunch of so-called “wit­ness­es” to regur­gi­tate all of the claims of wide­spread vot­er fraud that have been dis­missed by judges, debunked by legal experts and denounced by elec­tion offi­cials — not to men­tion the fact that even Attorney General William Barr said there’s no evi­dence to sup­port the non­sense, accord­ing to the Department of Justice.

Fox 2 Detroit reports that Rep. Cynthia Johnson, the Democratic chair of Michigan’s House Oversight Committee and one of three Democrats who par­tic­i­pat­ed in the sham-ass hear­ing, said she received mul­ti­ple voice­mails in which dis­grun­tled and delu­sion­al Trump sup­port­ers threat­ened her and essen­tial­ly said she should be lynched. Johnson shared one of the voice­mails to her Facebook page in which a very angry white woman can be heard call­ing her a “big-lip nigger.”

Honey, how dare you bul­ly wit­ness­es on the stand,” KKK Karen said. “Your name and phone num­ber are out there now. You should be swing­ing from a fuck­ing rope you Democrat.”

Dems are going down, espe­cial­ly big-lip nig­gers like you,” she continued.

Sidenote: I’m not sure why racists still think “big-lip” is an insult to Black peo­ple con­sid­er­ing the fact that rich white women all over America are botox-ing the fuck out of their mouths in an attempt to emu­late the look, but whatever.

So what did Johnson do exact­ly to draw such ire? Well, as far as I can tell, all she did was call out the bullshit.

According to the Detroit News, none of the wit­ness­es who claimed to have seen nefar­i­ous activ­i­ties at the TCF Center — where Detroit’s absen­tee bal­lots were count­ed — were sworn in under oath before giv­ing their tes­ti­mo­ny, and Johnson right­ful­ly took issue with that.

You’re allow­ing peo­ple to come in here and lie. And I know they’re lying,” Johnson said dur­ing the hearing.

Fortunately, Johnson appears to be most­ly unboth­ered by the white non­sense. In anoth­er Facebook post, she shared screen­shots of what she said is “only a sam­ple” of the phone calls she’s got­ten since the hearing.

I just want all these peo­ple to know I’m not chang­ing my num­ber,” Johnson cap­tioned the post. “And with tech­nol­o­gy, you know I share!”



Zack Linly is a poet, per­former, free­lance writer, blog­ger, and grown man lover of cartoons.
