Behind The Toxic Racism In America Hides White Women In Plain Sight…

Their fin­ger­prints are all over every act of bar­barism that has ever been vis­it­ed on inno­cent black Americans. From induc­ing enslaved men to engage in sex­u­al encoun­ters with them and when caught cry­ing rape.
From cry­ing rape when enslaved men denied them sex­u­al favors.
From the Tulsa Riots to Rosewood, From the Emit Till mur­der to Susan Smith and every case in between, white wom­en’s fin­ger­prints have been all over the mur­der of inno­cent black peo­ple, par­tic­u­lar­ly black men.
Today, they would rather pay their last pen­ny to help save the life of a stray dog than show a sin­gle iota of empa­thy to a mur­dered black child.
The lack of empa­thy is noth­ing new; white women have always embarked on the sys­tem­at­ic killing of black chil­dren whom they chose to beat to death for the most minor child infrac­tion dur­ing slavery.

One of the issues that have been pushed to the back­burn­er as COVID ‑19 dom­i­nates the news is the issue of racism and the part white women play in it.
It can­not be lost on any­one that since Donald Trump ascend­ed to the Presidency, he has made no bones about being the most open­ly white nation­al­ist racists to occu­py the White House in our life­time.
We all knew that even among the best of them, if we can appro­pri­ate­ly use the term [best]to describe degen­er­a­cy, Republican or Democrat, at best, they were all rabid racists.


Yet still, here was Republican Abraham Lincoln, in a let­ter to pub­lish­er Horace Greeley of the New York Tribune;
I would save the Union. I would save it the short­est way under the Constitution. The soon­er the nation­al author­i­ty can be restored; the near­er the Union will be “the Union as it was.” If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slav­ery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slav­ery, I do not agree with them. My para­mount object in this strug­gle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slav­ery. If I could save the Union with­out free­ing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by free­ing all the slaves I would do it, and if I could save it by free­ing some and leav­ing oth­ers alone I would also do that. What I do about slav­ery, and the col­ored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I for­bear, I for­bear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less when­ev­er I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more when­ev­er I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to cor­rect errors when shown to be errors, and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views.


Yet still, here was Democrat Lyndon Johnson: A crass & boor­ish spec­i­men. Some his­to­ri­ans believe Johnson to date has been the worst of the lot of them and may, to date, be the most revolt­ing ever to attain the pres­i­den­cy.
The National Post​.com argues Lyndon Johnson has been the most vul­gar pres­i­dent to date, As the world awaits the next nasty utter­ance from Donald Trump, one can only mar­vel at how his­to­ry itself has end­ed up in (lan­guage alert!) — a “shit­hole.” Amid the chron­ic shock and hor­ri­fied reac­tions, peo­ple have become blind to the fact that he is not (yet) the most dis­gust­ing U.S. pres­i­dent in liv­ing mem­o­ry. That title actu­al­ly belongs to a Texan Democrat, Lyndon B. Johnson, a howl­ing, flat­u­lent tor­men­tor of women whose cussing and racism remain breath­tak­ing today. And if you’re offend­ed by Trump’s lev­el of vul­gar­i­ty, you real­ly — real­ly — don’t want to read any fur­ther.
A record­ed 1964 tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion with Jack Valenti touched on Johnson’s elec­toral chances in Texas for an upcom­ing pres­i­den­tial race: Said Johnson, “I think I can take every Mexican in the state and every n — -r in the state.” “All they (the vot­ers) ever hear at elec­tion time is n — -r, n — -r, n — -r!”. Speaking of appoint a black jurist to the court Johnson went on, When I appoint a n — -r to the bench, I want every­one to know he’s a n — -r.”

So we have estab­lished that racism is as much a social con­struct in America, as accept­ed & prac­ticed, as American as apple pie.
One of the false beliefs relat­ed to race is the idea that the face of racism in America is that of white males, and this could not be fur­ther from the truth. As I have writ­ten sev­er­al times over the last cou­ple of years, in par­tic­u­lar when the issue of Donald Trump’s racism comes up for dis­cus­sion, white women have used the safe­ty of hid­ing behind their white men, even as they per­pet­u­ate and indulge in the most vicious forms of racism.
In the three years that Donald Trump has been President of the United States, a real phe­nom­e­non has tak­en shape. One that many peo­ple have found cute names for. Some peo­ple have even found this phe­nom­e­non amus­ing; unfor­tu­nate­ly, because the result can result in death, it is absolute­ly no laugh­ing mat­ter.
It is a mat­ter of white women call­ing the police on black peo­ple for engag­ing in the most mun­dane activ­i­ties that we all engage in, in our dai­ly lives.

There seems to be an invig­o­rat­ed awak­en­ing in white women and an ener­gized spir­it to engage in bla­tant racism since Donald Trump took office. However, it can­not all be laid at Trump’s feet, no mat­ter how repug­nant he is.
We have all seen the videos of white women call­ing the police to arrest black peo­ple bar­be­cu­ing in the park. Studying in a com­mon area in a col­lege dorm. Sitting in a Starbucks cof­fee shop. In Cleveland, Huntington Bank apol­o­gized after an employ­ee called the police on a black man try­ing to cash his pay­check. Shopping at a CVS and using a coupon. Alison Ettel was filmed as she called the police on an 8‑year-old black girl sell­ing water with­out a per­mit. A white neigh­bor called the police on 12-year-old Reggie Fields as he was cut­ting grass in his neigh­bor­hood as part of his sum­mer busi­ness. Last sum­mer, Jaequan Faulkner, 13, opened a hot dog stand hop­ing to raise mon­ey to buy clothes. It was report­ed for not hav­ing a per­mit. In October, a Brooklyn woman was cap­tured in a viral video appear­ing to call 911 and claim­ing a young boy had groped her inside a deli. The footage shows young chil­dren cry­ing as she’s mak­ing the alleged call to the police, who nev­er show up. The woman was lat­er con­front­ed with sur­veil­lance footage con­firm­ing the boy nev­er groped her. On social media, users dubbed her “Cornerstore Caroline.“
It goes on and on, play­ing golf, stay­ing at an AirB&B, nap­ping on a couch, vis­it­ing the pool, run­ning a busi­ness, mak­ing a white woman sus­pi­cious, mak­ing a white woman uneasy, I could go on all day.

For some peo­ple who have nev­er lived in black skin in America, these things may seem pret­ty run-of-the-mill. There is noth­ing run of the mill about these racist calls to the police, and they are designed to use the police to kill the object of their hatred.
The bru­tal­i­ty and vio­lent ten­den­cies of police who kill black peo­ple are old­er than apple pie, com­ing from as far back as slav­ery.
No, there was noth­ing called police offi­cers dur­ing slav­ery; back then, they were over­seers on the plan­ta­tions and, even­tu­al­ly, slave patrols who ran down enslaved peo­ple flee­ing bondage in search of free­dom.
The sheer bar­barism of that era, in which slave patrols would have dogs lit­er­al­ly eat the flesh from run-away peo­ple, beat and muti­late them, is still evi­dent today.
Police still use dogs to muti­late black peo­ple who are already sub­dued, beat, and ulti­mate­ly mur­der them, even though they are unarmed and offer no resis­tance.
On the con­trary, white ser­i­al killers are treat­ed with the soft­est touch­es. They are gen­er­al­ly well pro­tect­ed, includ­ing being tak­en to get fast food after they mas­sa­cred mul­ti­ple inno­cent people.

The web­site (face2​faceafrica​.com) suc­cinct­ly writes, “What escapes many peo­ple is that the whim­si­cal killing of enslaved Blacks in the U.S. dur­ing slav­ery, and even after by white folks with­out puni­tive con­se­quence is based on laws passed by white politi­cians, who hap­pened to be plan­ta­tion own­ers as well. One such devi­ous law is the Casual Killing Act of 1669 which declared it legal to kill a slave while cor­rect­ing because mal­ice could not be pre­sumed. The “casu­al killing of slaves” says that if a slave dies while resist­ing his mas­ter, the act will not be pre­sumed to have occurred with “prepensed mal­ice.
Does the penul­ti­mate & last lines ring a bell? Let us look at those two lines again, [if a slave dies while resist­ing his mas­ter, the act will not be pre­sumed to have occurred with “prepensed mal­ice.”]
Now, do you see it?
When you see a bunch of mur­der­ous cops beat­ing the hell out of a black per­son while six of them are sit­ting on him/​her, yelling “stop resist­ing” over and over again, the idea is to jus­ti­fy killing that per­son.
As long as they yell out, stop “resist­ing,” no mat­ter what crimes they com­mit there­after will be deemed jus­ti­fied when they inves­ti­gate them­selves.
These con­di­tions are not new; they were cod­i­fied into laws and form part of the fab­ric of insti­tu­tion­al­ized racism built into the American body politic.
The new real­i­ty is this, “If a black per­son dies while resist­ing his new mas­ter [the police], the act will not be pre­sumed to have occurred with “prepensed mal­ice.”]
Now google the name Eric Garner. Walter Scott. Laquan McDonald. Michael Brown. Philando Castille. John Crawford. Sandra Bland. Miles Hall. Alton Sterling. Amadou Diallo. Sean Bell. .….….….

(Killedbypolice​.net) reports that though there are proven meth­ods that have result­ed in few­er deaths at the hands of police, only a few police depart­ments have adopt­ed them.
One of the strate­gies that I believe would be of much help is the duty to inter­vene if anoth­er offi­cer uses exces­sive force.
The fact that they have not adopt­ed these mea­sures and, in par­tic­u­lar, hold­ing oth­er cops account­able sends a strong mes­sage that there is no inten­tion to stop the killer dogs from mur­der­ing inno­cent peo­ple of col­or.
You pay their salaries through your tax­es; they kill you and serve their own racist interests.

But the laws passed to make it no big deal to kill black peo­ple were actu­al­ly passed to pro­tect white women who would mali­cious­ly beat and kill black chil­dren.
The cry­ing that we now see when white women are caught in bla­tant acts of racism or when they ille­gal­ly offend a black per­son is noth­ing new. White women have always been at the cen­ter of the bar­barism unleashed against inno­cent black cit­i­zens.
Whether it be the hor­rif­ic mur­der of Emmitt Till, the Tulsa Riots, to Susan Smith, who killed her chil­dren and blamed a black man, engag­ing in hor­rif­ic acts of racism and revert­ing to the lit­tle damsel in dis­tress has been their modus Operandi as long as this igno­ble sys­tem has exist­ed.
Sure the men pro­vide the mus­cle but behind the mus­cle are the devi­ous, dev­il­ish brains that have fer­til­ized racism and allowed it to con­tin­ue to grow.




Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.