A Bad Law And Power In The Hands Of A Narcissist Driving Astronomical Murder Statistics In Jamaica.…


In recent tes­ti­mo­ny before the Parliament’s Public Administration and Appropriations Committee (PAACDCP Novelette Grant tes­ti­fied that “Whenever a police offi­cer is called upon to account in a court of law, that police offi­cer has to find the legal fees up front and then ask for reim­burse­ment at the end of the process.”
However, when police per­son­nel appear before INDECOM for a hear­ing and take an attor­ney, there is no mech­a­nism in place for reim­burse­ment at the pre­lim­i­nary stage. “This is what the police are say­ing, that this cost is so high on them that if they were to be cit­ed to go before a court, they would have already been broke before they actu­al­ly have any­thing to answer in a court of law”.

The (inde­com) Act A Reckless Law Which Kills Citizens And Police Officers Alike…

DCP Hinds. who pre­vi­ous­ly tes­ti­fied before the com­mit­tee argued then that the major issue the (JCF has is with the com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM. They can’t come to any agree­ment that is going to bind INDECOM unless he (Williams) agrees to it, Hinds told the committee.
The com­mis­sion­er of INDECOM Terrence Williams , in his usu­al arro­gant above being ques­tioned stance brushed off DCP Hind’s com­ments claim­ing “DCP Hinds did not play any sig­nif­i­cant part in the pro­to­col arrange­ments, so he found it sur­pris­ing that he could make adverse remarks… DCP Hinds’ claim is unfound­ed Williams asserted.
In brush­ing aside the con­cerns of Novelette Grant ‚Williams blames the Police high com­mand , the Parliament and every­one else for not set­ting aside monies as remu­ner­a­tion when these inci­dents occurred.
There is a per­cep­tion that mem­bers of the con­stab­u­lary are unwill­ing to account; that’s far from the truth. If you make the process oner­ous, then peo­ple start to weigh whether or not they can afford that process,” argued DCP Grant.


DCP Hinds had accused Williams of hold­ing up the sign­ing off of a mem­o­ran­dum of under­stand­ing (MOU) on agreed pro­to­cols between the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and INDECOM.
Williams ridiculed the need for a medi­a­tor between INDECOM and the JCF in the sign­ing of a MOU which would sup­pos­ed­ly smooth out a work­ing relationship.
In heap­ing scorn on the sug­ges­tion that he was a prob­lem Terrence Williams argued that there was ami­ca­ble com­mu­ni­ca­tion between him­self and Carl Williams the Police Commissioner , but it was the police Commissioner who had not signed off on the MOU.
I don’t think there is a need for any medi­a­tor between our­selves and the JCF… we are already dis­cussing these things (pro­to­cols); these things are being implemented .”
Williams in play­ing the role of judge , jury, and exe­cu­tion­er. Not only has he stepped out­side his bounds as the com­mis­sion­er of an over­sight body in the way he han­dles those func­tions he is giv­en , he tells the Parliamentary com­mit­tee what it should and should­n’t do.


Williams how­ev­er was just get­ting start­ed, he told the com­mit­tee it should not pay any atten­tion to any anec­do­tal claims that the police are not report­ing to crime scenes out of fear of the wrath of INDECOM.
He argued if police offi­cers are shirk­ing their duties, then this is a seri­ous mat­ter that should be report­ed to INDECOM for action.
He said the police com­mis­sion­er has been asked to sub­mit reports of these occur­rences to INDECOM by November 2.
I have to laugh really,this is a very seri­ous mat­ter which is caus­ing lives , what will it take for them to fire this narcissist.
When was this with­in the remit of INDECOM ?

Terrence Williams Not About Investigating Dirty Cops But About Self Promotion, Grandstanding, And Smear.…

Being a for­mer cop I am par­tial to police offi­cers , I am also con­ver­sant of and def­er­en­tial to the chal­lenges they face , as such I am cha­grined by the illog­i­cal unin­formed notion that good cops need not fear pros­e­cu­tion if they are doing their jobs in accor­dance with the laws.
Policing is a chal­leng­ing endeav­or , in Jamaica it is almost a sui­ci­dal undertaking.
It is easy to make such claims igno­rant of the trap that the INDECOM Act is to polic­ing peri­od. This with­out an offi­cer step­ping out­side of the laws in the exe­cu­tion of his duties.

As such the tes­ti­mo­ny of for­mer chief of Defense staff of the Jamaica Defense Force Major General Antony Anderson was par­tic­u­lar­ly crit­i­cal. Anderson, as this writer has done since the incep­tion of the Act, said that leg­is­la­tion from oth­er juris­dic­tions, which Jamaica referred to in the craft­ing of the INDECOM Act, includes pro­vi­sions for over­sight bod­ies to gain the trust and con­fi­dence of the pub­lic and the agen­cies which they are overseeing.
Anderson stat­ed that this was­n’t even part of the dis­cus­sion when the law was being crafted.
“That is what has been miss­ing from the way we have been doing this here. When that philo­soph­i­cal posi­tion is not there, then there is no need to take any action to make the police con­fi­dent that they are going to be dealt with fair­ly, or any­one else. As long as it match­es the let­ter of the law, that’s good enough. Unfortunately, it is peo­ple we are deal­ing with and the peo­ple who are being over­seen are peo­ple who go out every day and risk their lives to pro­tect oth­er people.”

So why was that com­po­nent miss­ing when the law was being craft­ed? Why are they just now speak­ing out about this? I have writ­ten dozens of arti­cles on this very sub­ject detail­ing that very point.
Was it that the law-mak­ers are inept, poor­ly equipped to craft good leg­is­la­tion , incompetent ?
Or is it that they did not care about the con­cerns of the police and to a less­er extent the Military and cor­rec­tion­al services ?
No one in their right mind could want police to have crate blanche to do as they please. In fact INDECOM was cre­at­ed because of abuse and mis­con­duct of the police and military.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Novelette Grant allud­ed to the fact that offi­cers have no prob­lem with over­sight. Good cops under­stand that over­sight absolves them of smear and wrong­ful and con­coct­ed alle­ga­tions of impropriety.

Literally every young offi­cer I have per­son­al­ly spo­ken to who have left the depart­ment or are still serv­ing has said exact­ly that.
This makes Terrence Williams’ argu­ments more scur­rilous, disin­gen­u­ous and self-serving.
The fact is that more and more Jamaicans are rec­og­niz­ing that this law is indeed extreme­ly bad for police offi­cers, bad for the Jamaican cit­i­zen­ry and bad for crime reduc­tion on the Island.
Many includ­ing for­mer MP Damion Crawford and oth­er nota­bles have spo­ken out as I have about it.
To date this has basi­cal­ly fall­en on deaf ears, despite mem­bers of the PAAC itself being forced to con­front this atro­cious piece of leg­is­la­tion and its failings.


Crime in Jamaica has been on an upward tra­jec­to­ry for decades. This is due to socio-eco­nom­ic con­di­tions among oth­er things, how­ev­er no sin­gle fac­tor has nur­tured and fer­til­ized crime as the crim­i­nal com­plic­i­ty of the Jamaican polit­i­cal class.
They can com­mis­sion all the stud­ies they can pay for out of the com­mu­nist lean­ing University of the West Indies and the far left lean­ing aca­d­e­mics there, crime will con­tin­ue to climb and the bod­ies will con­tin­ue to pile up until police offi­cers are allowed to go after crim­i­nals with the full author­i­ty of the state and its full citizenry.
In 2015 crime increased 20% over the pre­ced­ing year . 2015 saw 1192 homi­cides report­ed to author­i­ties as against 1005 in 2014.
Think for a minute about 1192 dead bod­ies laid out side by side, then take a sec­ond to assim­i­late the fact these were liv­ing breath­ing friends , neigh­bors and fam­i­ly members .
Then under­stand that at the very min­i­mum some of those mur­dered vic­tims could have been alive , but for the nar­cis­sism of a sin­gle ego-mani­a­cal lit­tle man who was giv­en too much pow­er he was not equipped to han­dle and should nev­er have had in the first place.
How dumb are these PAAC members ?
Or are they?There are many ways police offi­cers can make a state­ment with­out endan­ger­ing them­selves their liveli­hood , their sol­ven­cy and their freedoms.
DCP grant spoke to the fact that crim­i­nals taunt police offi­cers on patrol , telling them INDECOM has their backs.
That is true the INDECOM act does sup­port and enable crime .
The lit­tle man who heads it is an all facil­i­ta­tor of crim­i­nal­i­ty on the Island.

In the mean­time I will con­tin­ue to sup­port offi­cers who turn on their sirens and dri­ve real slow when there are calls of shots fired.
Officers should make sure that by the time they get there whomev­er was shoot­ing are long gone.
Do the paper work and file them.
This is not a fight the police should be wag­ing. Law enforce­ment is sim­ply enforc­ing laws. If enforc­ing the laws become oner­ous or places the inter­est of offi­cers at risks then they must exer­cise com­mon sense and look out for their own self-interest.
This is a fight for law abid­ing Jamaicans to wage against the brain-dead moron­ic leg­is­la­tors. Police offi­cers sim­ply need to use their heads and stay out of the fray ,
Do not pur­sue any­one with a gun do not do any­thing which could result in the need for lethal force.
In time some­thing will give , it’s their call not that of the police .
This coun­try is a crim­i­nal par­adise and it is slid­ing pre­cip­i­tous­ly close to becom­ing a failed state.
In the mean­time those in charge are pranc­ing around like the emper­or in his none exis­tent new clothes.