As Turmoil Swirls Take Time To See God In Everything…

Amidst the scare and the tur­moil of every­day liv­ing, today I decid­ed to walk through some of the woods sur­round­ing our home with my Dog Bud.
In the height of tur­moil, let us step back and enjoy what God has already done, not just what we would like him to do.

In the midst of the tur­moil there is much beau­ty if we take the time to see it.

We are blessed beyond measure

Bud enjoyed not been on a leash or locked inside.

We do not need to pan­ic, when chal­lenge comes, what we need is to look to God.

I love walk­ing these woods.

Even in the dead of win­ter there is beau­ty if you care to look 

The water is all gone today.

Back home the flow­ers have begun to bloom.