As Long As The PNP Continue To Be Like An Outdated Latin-American Communist Party, It Will Be Outside Jamaica House Looking In Like The Rest Of Us

Well, there are no sur­pris­es here, the Jamaica Labor par­ty has won the gen­er­al elec­tions. [Duh] Days ago I wrote explain­ing why the elec­tions were the JLP’s to lose. I will not relit­i­gate those points suf­fic­ing to say that it did not require a sooth­say­er to see that (a) the JLP had per­formed admirably in some areas and (b) that younger Jamaicans are far less cultish than old­er Jamaicans.

I am par­tic­u­lar­ly enthused by that regard­less of who wins these days. Despite the many chal­lenges that our coun­try faces, I am still a firm believ­er in the young peo­ple who con­tin­ue to show matu­ri­ty on polit­i­cal issues, includ­ing not allow­ing any­one to use them to kill polit­i­cal opponents.
I would like to com­mend for­mer police offi­cer Newton Amos who vowed to send Robert Pickersgill a long time PNP MP for the North West St Catherine con­stituen­cy into retire­ment and have seem­ing­ly done just that. Amos, I believe may have been the first for­mer police offi­cer to enter rep­re­sen­ta­tion­al pol­i­tics since the for­mer Assistant com­mis­sion­er Owen Stephenson did for the JLP decades ago.


I will not gloat about this mon­u­men­tal thrash­ing that the PNP was giv­en on Thursday, September 3rd, much of what I believed would be the undo­ing of the People’s National Party(PNP) I have already said in pre­vi­ous articles.
Sufficing to say, though the gov­ern­ing (JLP) Jamaica Labor Party is far from per­fect and there are some destruc­tive­ly arro­gant mem­bers in that par­ty who should not be there, the Prime Minister and some of his min­is­ters had per­formed cred­i­bly well enough get a sec­ond term.
Delroy Chuch should have lost his seat, he does not belong in the par­ty of Bustamante, he is a Socialist who wants to turn crim­i­nals back onto the streets as soon as they are arrested.
It was good to see that despite the land­slide win, Kent Phillip Gammon was not elect­ed to Gordon House. He is an extreme­ly arro­gant per­son that should nev­er be allowed in parliament.


Now I would offer a brief syn­op­sis of a post mortem that I believe the People’s National Party would be well advised to fol­low. If I under­stand my Jamaican peo­ple cor­rect­ly, espe­cial­ly some of those who got indoc­tri­nat­ed at the intel­lec­tu­al ghet­to, they will sim­ply dou­ble down on stupid.
So be it.
(1) You can say what you want about the younger gen­er­a­tion but I have always had much respect and love for the younger gen­er­a­tion, they are far from per­fect but at least they learned that killing their neigh­bors over pol­i­tics is inher­ent­ly stupid.
Okay, so they kill their neigh­bor over anoth­er thing so what the hell are you talk­ing about Mike?
Well, we sim­ply have to get to the root of the oth­er rea­sons and address them and they will stop killing for those rea­sons, but for now, we are talk­ing about polit­i­cal killings.

You can say Jumeka a PNP coun­try all you want. This map begs to dif­fer. (Map may not ade­quate­ly depict the true out­come of the 2020 elections.

(2) The PNP believes it’s own non­sen­si­cal press: *Jumeka a PNP kun­try* The above map begs to differ.
Jamaicans do not want to go back to the 1970s. I wrote months ago that I found it star­tling after their loss in 2016, the PNP still clung to the old appendages of the 1970s, Beret-wear­ing, clenched-fists, refer­ring to each oth­er as *com­rades*, and worse exhum­ing Michael Manley’s ghost to talk about the 1970s.
In a trag­ic case of Déjà vu, the PNP harkened back to its so-called glo­ry days, and the elec­torate hand­ed them an iden­ti­cal ass-whop­ping as the one they gave to them in 1980.

Michael Manley

(3) What non­sense, I wrote, Michael Manley’s com­plet­ed a raft of social ini­tia­tives, as a nation we are for­ev­er indebt­ed to him for his vision and fore­sight in his fight and con­tri­bu­tion to the cause of social jus­tice in our coun­try. But by and large Micahel Manley’s eight-year tenure between 1972 & 1980 was a dis­as­ter for our coun­try’s econ­o­my and the Jamaican peo­ple made it clear they were hav­ing no more of it. Michael Manley was boot­ed from office in a 51 to 9 seat drub­bing in the then 60 seat leg­is­la­ture by the JLP, under the lead­er­ship of Edward Seaga.
In a weird way, the social media strat­e­gy seemed to be cen­tered on Manley’s past pop­ulism, of course, Peter Phillips the par­ty’s leader has the charm and charis­ma of a rock, so I kin­da under­stood the need to gen­er­ate some excite­ment. But Michael Manley has been dead since 1997.

Voters are smarter today in what they expect to see hap­pen by their elect­ed offi­cials. You can not send Damion Crawford out days before elec­tion day to promise free col­lege tuition. You can’t declare days before the elec­tions that you are going to pay peo­ple’s elec­tric­i­ty bills and expect to be tak­en seriously.
The Jamaican vot­ers know that all of those things must be paid for. A gov­ern­ment can­not give free­bies away to cit­i­zens and we still main­tain a coun­try. No longer will the decep­tion and the lies fool vot­ers any­more. Finally, Jamaicans are free-spir­it­ed peo­ple. We do not want ide­ol­o­gy, we do not like ide­ol­o­gy. As long as the PNP con­tin­ues to act as an out­dat­ed Latin-American Marxist-Communist Party, it will be out­side look­ing into Jamaica-house like the rest of us.

Mike Beckles is a for­mer police Detective cor­po­ral, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, he is a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s also a con­trib­u­tor to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs free of charge, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est pod­cast all free to you of course.
