Arrest Warrant For Female Lawyer

Lawyers have a respon­si­bil­i­ty, as offi­cers of the court, to ensure that what­ev­er actions they take are not only legal but eth­i­cal, and do not bring dis­re­pute to the sys­tem of Justice.
Nevertheless, it appears that greed con­tin­ues to plague the legal pro­fes­sion, result­ing in Lawyers find­ing them­selves run­ning afoul of the very pro­fes­sion they are sworn to defend.
This is not only true in Jamaica, where the sto­ries are many and var­ied but in Trinidad & Tobago and oth­er parts of the Caribbean.
The per­ti­nent ques­tion in light of these events is; why are lawyers held to a dif­fer­ent standard?
If a cit­i­zen receives mon­ey on behalf of anoth­er and con­verts it to his own use and ben­e­fit, he is guilty of fraud­u­lent conversion.
Paying the mon­ey back does not negate the offense, even though it may go to mit­i­ga­tion in the offend­er’s sentencing.
Why are lawyers and politi­cians allowed to break the laws with impuni­ty and get away with it sim­ply by repay­ing the money?
This must stop!
For those rea­sons, I oppose a Caribbean court of jus­tice because all across the Caribbean, jus­tice has demon­stra­bly meant dif­fer­ent things to dif­fer­ent people.


The Trinidad & Tobago High Court has issued an arrest war­rant against attor­ney Kathy-Ann Mottley for refus­ing to repay a man more than $.2 mil­lion paid to her ­after con­vinc­ing him he owed the mon­ey to one of her for­mer clients.
Upon her arrest, Justice Avason Quinlan-Williams ordered that Mottley be made to serve one-year imprison­ment unless, while behind bars, she can facil­i­tate the repay­ment. If that were to be done, then the attor­ney is to be imme­di­ate­ly ­released from cus­tody. The war­rant was issued on Monday after Canute Antoine ini­ti­at­ed legal pro­ceed­ings against Mottley.

In 2016, Antoine also filed a com­plaint with the Disciplinary Committee of the Law Association against her. The Express under­stands that up to yes­ter­day after­noon, Mottley had not yet been tak­en into cus­tody. In all, she has to ­repay Antoine the sum of $209,142.02 plus ­inter­est. This is not the first time the attor­ney has found her­self in such a dilem­ma before the court. In September last year, she was spared a jail term by Justice Frank Seepersad for refus­ing to pay a for­mer client more than $.1 mil­lion in dam­ages that she was ini­tial­ly with­hold­ing. That client’s son was killed in a vehic­u­lar acci­dent. Mottley had rep­re­sent­ed the woman at tri­al, and after receiv­ing com­pen­sa­tion on the woman’s behalf, she failed to hand over the money.

Again, pro­ceed­ings were brought against her before the dis­ci­pli­nary com­mit­tee and lat­er at the High Court. In his rul­ing, Justice Seepersad had ordered that if Mottley did not hand over the mon­ey with­in a cer­tain time, she would be made to serve 30 days’ impris­on­ment. On two occa­sions, she made appli­ca­tions for exten­sions of time to pay the woman last September, the mon­ey was repaid in full and the com­mit­tal war­rants recalled by Seepersad.