Rupert Mudoch was assault­ed today as he and his son James Murdoch sat in a room being grilled by British Lawmakers, .The much vaunt­ed Metropolitan Police who are respon­si­ble for pro­tect­ing the Members of Parliament, wit­ness­es and observers , all of whom amount­ed to a grand total of fifty , are now left to explain how a man car­ry­ing a bag con­tain­ing a plate full of shav­ing foam could have entered the hear­ing room undetected,and unchecked by those charged with pro­tect­ing the occu­pants of the hear­ing room.

Rupert Murdoch and his son James, were appear­ing in front of British Parliamentarians to answer ques­tions about the bur­geon­ing phone hack­ing scan­dal involv­ing one of their pub­li­ca­tions News of the world.

The Metropolitan Police has seen their num­ber one and two peo­ple at the helm step down ‚as a result of this scandal,and are now fur­ther embar­rassed by this inci­dent, which clear­ly is one of gross incompetence.

Jamaica has invest­ed hand­some­ly in bring­ing British Police to Jamaica to help to reshape our Police Department, the qual­i­ty of returns on that Investment has sure­ly not been vis­it­ed by any­one in Authority in Jamaica, the man on the streets how­ev­er may have some­thing to say about how that mon­ey was spent and they sure­ly have their opin­ions on how Mark Shields impact­ed the JCF, beyond show boating,morale eroding,disrespecting, grand­stand­ing, and cock­tail cir­cuit­ing trotting.

The point of this Blog is to point out that Incompetence is not con­fined to any par­tic­u­lar group, the Colonialist men­tal­i­ty per­va­sive in Jamaica, is seri­ous­ly test­ed here, with these inci­dents and alle­ga­tions of cor­rup­tion and incom­pe­tence on the part of British Police The com­mon wis­dom seem to sug­gest that if it is done by some­one oth­er than us, it is done cor­rect­ly , there is evi­dence that would tend to sup­port this men­tal­i­ty, how­ev­er I am aware that giv­en the tools no one is bet­ter than us when we put our mind to it.

I hope we will look at these inci­dents and real­ize that the answers to the prob­lems we face lies with us , and no one else, we will have to fix them, and no amount of British or American accent will, it is up to us.

Mike beck­les:

have your say:
