Arab Spring, American Fall:

The ques­tion was asked recent­ly, if what we saw hap­pen in North Africa and the Middle East last spring could hap­pen here in America? I per­son­al­ly had my doubts about any real protest action tak­ing root in this coun­try oth­er than the one on the right fund­ed and egged on by the rich­est and most pow­er­ful who own the Congress.

Well it’s ear­ly yet, but it seem like reg­u­lar Americans, real Americans, are fed up with wealthy Corporations own­ing their gov­ern­ment, they seem to have had it with lis­ten­ing to emp­ty promis­es from bought and paid for politi­cians . It seem that the Arab spring has found its way to America’s shores in the form of the( American Fall). Americans are hurt­ing, many of the peo­ple out of work are not used to a hard exis­tence, they have nev­er lived in pover­ty, even some of their worst sto­ries of sur­vival would be peach­es and cream for many peo­ple liv­ing in oth­er parts of the world.

I remem­ber a col­league of mine telling of how hard his fam­i­ly had it grow­ing up, detail­ing and extolling the hor­rors of not hav­ing any­thing but cool-aid in the fridge to drink, I looked at him and sim­ply asked ” you had a fridge?” By the time the laugh­ter sub­sided he had come to the real­iza­tion of how good he had it grow­ing up.

Despite all of the afore­men­tioned , hard­ship is hard­ship, when one can­not pay the mort­gage , or rent, can­not pay on stu­dent loans,cannot buy food ? that’s hard­ship, and we can in no way triv­i­al­ize those suf­fer­ings. Average Americans have watched as their Government bailed out huge cor­po­ra­tions deemed too large to fail by the last President and this one now serv­ing, they have seen Wall Street rake in humon­gous prof­its , and dole out large bonus­es to their exec­u­tives, while lay­ing off workers,American busi­ness­es are sit­ting on an esti­mat­ed 2 tril­lion dol­lars in cash that could be spent on hir­ing work­ers, they claim there is no demand for any­thing and so they can­not hire any new workers.

On the oth­er hand Republicans have stead­fast­ly refused to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealth­i­est Americans. Where is the shared sac­ri­fice? those on the right argue it is un-American to extend a hand to those who are in need and suf­fer­ing, in their view the free mar­ket sys­tem gives every­one a fair shake , those who can­not make it are lazy and in some form are un-American.

So let’s look at this con­cept, are those peo­ple out of work lazy , and un-American? Many now out of work , worked two jobs, or extra long hours when they could, just to get by in an econ­o­my that was more and more employ­er friend­ly, as jobs got shipped over­seas . There were few­er jobs here,and as we all know it’s demand that dri­ves sup­ply and not the oth­er way around,older work­ers were notic­ing a trend where they were being laid off from jobs they had for decades, some were offered buy­outs, in some large com­pa­nies like IBM, and oth­ers, were asked to do more for the same pay, this is noth­ing new, as the pool of avail­able work­ers swelled, employ­ers could ask more from employ­ees, as well as get rid of long serv­ing well paid employ­ees, mak­ing way for younger work­ers whom they paid some­times at less that half the wage they paid old­er workers.

(via Peter Harris )

Peter Harris photo

As I said ear­li­er I did not see a pop­u­lar peo­ple protest in America that would be of any sig­nif­i­cance, not with the fact that America is now lit­er­al­ly a Police State, reg­u­lar Americans are not allowed to demon­strate against their Government with­out thou­sands of jack-boot­ed cops bat­ter­ing and beat­ing them into a pulp, true to form the NYPD did not waste any time beat­ing , taz­ing, and just plain bat­ter­ing cit­i­zens who had done noth­ing but express their right to free speech.

The web­site Buzz Feed doc­u­ment­ed mul­ti­ple instances of out of con­trol NYPD thugs abus­ing cit­i­zens who were exer­cis­ing their free speech right. http://​www​.buz​zfeed​.com/​m​j​s​5​3​8​/​v​i​o​l​e​n​t​-​p​i​c​t​u​r​e​s​-​f​r​o​m​-​o​c​c​u​p​y​-​w​a​l​l​-​s​t​r​e​e​t​-​p​r​o​t​e​sts.

What’s inter­est­ing is that there has been zero instance of police inter­fer­ence with racist fanat­i­cal zealots on the right, who make up the so-called tea par­ty move­ment. After all those peo­ple were demon­strat­ing for the right of the rich­est Americans to have more wealth , not be taxed, and to throw the black man out of the White House. This is a wake­up call for aver­age Americans, this is a defin­ing moment in his­to­ry you the aver­age per­son has no right to demon­strate, the fact that your gov­ern­ment has been tak­en over by rich tycoons who pay off those in the con­gress to do their bid­ding, it is no longer about you or your chil­dren, the die has been cast, have you ever won­dered why they lay of teach­ers, social workers,and any work­er that ben­e­fits you , but con­tin­ue to hire cops?

Follow the link pro­vid­ed above and you will get a glimpse into what’s in store for you, you will be not be allowed to demon­strate , and even if a per­mit is grant­ed , it will be in a des­ig­nat­ed space that it will have no effect, you will be herd­ed into an area enclosed where there will be more cops than demon­stra­tors, wel­come to America , wel­come to the NEW WORLD ORDER. Welcome to the world of the big banks and big cor­po­ra­tions run­ning the show, they have enough of the semi lit­er­ate uni­formed thugs to keep you in your place.

Democrats would like to own this move­ment , but they should be real care­ful , look at the impact the tea par­ty has had on the repub­li­can par­ty, House leader Bohner has no con­trol over his own cau­cus, and can­not nego­ti­ate with the President to get any­thing done. All in all the occu­py wall street is a legit­i­mate move­ment by reg­u­lar peo­ple who are right and have jus­ti­fi­ca­tion on their side, as opposed to the mis­fits on the right who pro­mul­gate racism and hate. I hope this move­ment catch­es fire and sweep across America with fer­vor nev­er imagined,people are fed up and right­ly so, giv­en enough peo­ple fight­ing in this moral war their uni­formed thugs will not be able to stop the will of the people.

Unfortunately I believe we all know that this will sim­ply fiz­zle, these move­ments for the peo­ple always do.