Anti Police Hall Of Shame..


This medi­um will hence­forth be tak­ing a more proac­tive approach in speak­ing out against the present crime sit­u­a­tion in our coun­try Jamaica.
As a part of that approach, we will be tak­ing a series of actions which include but is not con­fined to nam­ing and sham­ing cer­tain indi­vid­u­als and enti­ties on the Island which pre­tend to sup­port the greater good but which are con­tribut­ing to the present cli­mate of crime and lawlessness.


Terrence Williams

Police over­sight is not an idea any well-think­ing cit­i­zen should log­i­cal­ly be opposed to, as such over­sight of the JCF is war­rant­ed, par­tic­u­lar­ly with the lev­el of cor­rup­tion which has come to light as inves­ti­gat­ed by police involv­ing their col­leagues, Not by INDECOM.
The Corrections Department, as well as the JDF which has been pressed into back­up polic­ing duties, also comes under scruti­ny and has been sub­ject­ed to over­sight from INDECOM.

However, INDECOM’s Commissioner Terrence Williams has cul­ti­vat­ed a cul­ture of antag­o­nism and ani­mos­i­ty against the Jamaica Constabulary Force which was total­ly unnecessary.
One of the first things taught a police offi­cer is that an offend­er com­mits an offense against the state and not against the officer.
Therefore each inves­ti­ga­tion should be approached with­out mal­ice and all excul­pa­to­ry evi­dence and leads should be followed.

Acting as chief Investigator of INDECOM Terrence Williams has vio­lat­ed every tenet of those prin­ci­ples, poi­son­ing the well of good­will INDECOM need­ed to have in order to be rel­e­vant and respect­ed as fair and balanced.
Had Terrence Williams approached his job pro­fes­sion­al­ly it would have been a win for both the JCF and INDECOM and he would have a greater suc­cess ratio to point to.
Because Terrence Williams aligned him­self with the most caus­tic anti police ele­ments in the coun­try and because Terrence Williams has proven that he is not an impar­tial inves­ti­ga­tor of facts but a par­tial ide­o­log­i­cal anti-police shill he has squan­dered a real oppor­tu­ni­ty to do good because of ego.

On that basis, Terrence Williams belongs in the hall of shame.
He is an ego­ma­ni­a­cal nar­cis­sis­tic who is unfit and unsuit­ed for the posi­tion he holds.