America And It’s Proxies Determined To Follow Netanyahu To Hell…

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Whatever the rea­son Iran telegraphed it’s attack against Israel in retal­i­a­tion for the zion­ist attack on its con­sulate in Syria which killed senior mil­i­tary offi­cials is yet to be determined.
It seemed to me that Iran want­ed to respond to Israel’s repeat­ed aggres­sion with a show of force with­out actu­al­ly doing any dam­age in the apartheid state. This seemed to be sole­ly done to appease Iran’s domes­tic population.

On April 1st, Zionist Israel launched airstrikes on the Iranian con­sulate in Damascus, Syria. It is essen­tial to under­stand that con­sulates and diplo­mat­ic mis­sions are places of diplo­ma­cy that should not be sub­ject­ed to mil­i­tary action.
Additionally, the Zionist attack was launched ille­gal­ly in the sov­er­eign nation of Syria. The Americans, the largest and most potent spon­sor of Israel’s war crimes and its G7 affil­i­ates, uttered not a sin­gle word of con­dem­na­tion against the brazen and bar­bar­ic attack of rogue Israel against a sov­er­eign nation’s con­sulate on the ter­ri­to­ry of anoth­er sov­er­eign nation.
The attack killed Iran’s top sol­dier, Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, among oth­er Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commanders.
This was a clear sign that the Zionist régime’s endgame was to use tar­get­ed assas­si­na­tions against Iran’s top mil­i­tary and polit­i­cal leadership.
Predictably, as soon as Iran respond­ed to the attack, the Biden admin­is­tra­tion sig­naled his and his European prox­ies’ inten­tion to sup­port the rogue régime in Tel A. viv.
And sup­port they did. The Biden admin­is­tra­tion was quick to point to the US mil­i­tary help in shoot­ing down what it char­ac­ter­ized as 99% of the Iranian drones and mis­siles deployed against the Zionist state.

Joe Biden bragged that American forces helped Israel down “near­ly all” of the drones and mis­siles fired by Iran and vowed to coör­di­nate a glob­al response to Tehran’s unprece­dent­ed attack. 
For its part, the Pentagon said U.S. forces inter­cept­ed “dozens of mis­siles” and drones launched from Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen that were head­ed toward Israel, accord­ing to the Associated Press.
By now, it must be clear that not only will America and Western Europe not do any­thing to stop Israel’s ille­gal aggres­sion against oth­er sov­er­eign nations, but the insti­tu­tions that are sup­posed to ref­er­ee balls and strikes will only work against those who stand up to the zion­ist state.
The United Nations and the World Court in the Hague have demon­strat­ed that they will do noth­ing to hold the zion­ist régime to account, as we have seen in the World Court’s response to the charges South Africa brought against Israel for its geno­ci­dal actions in Gaza.
This writer has long argued that African states should dis­en­tan­gle them­selves from the United Nations and the World Court sys­tem as they are the only nations held account­able by these American-led institutions.
Even as American mil­i­tary tech­nol­o­gy was once again used to pro­tect the zion­ist state, Biden was once again telling the Zionists they should take the win and not respond. Biden also told them that the United States would not par­tic­i­pate in any attack on Iran. Of course, every­one knows that as soon as the first shot is fired, American tax­pay­er’s dol­lars will be on the burn in defense of Israel and in attacks on Iran.

Listen to Naftali Bennet talk to MSNBC’s Alex Witt.

While Biden and his sur­ro­gates were talk­ing out of both sides of their mouths, Naftali Bennet, for­mer Prime Minister, mil­i­tary com­man­der, and for­mer leader of Israel’s set­tler coun­cil, was on American tele­vi­sion telling the world that Israel would respond as America would if Cuba had fired mis­siles at Florida. Yah!!!!
The impli­ca­tions for the world should be spelled out in no uncer­tain terms; Iran may be a brag­gart that telegraphs its inten­tions for rea­sons that we do not under­stand, but it nonethe­less has the means to deliv­er far more pun­ish­ment to Israel, than the tiny apartheid state bar­gains for.
Sure, Israel has cut­ting-edge weapons of war sup­plied by America and Germany. Nevertheless, unless America, Britain, France, Germany, and oth­er Western sup­port­ers of geno­ci­dal Israel are pre­pared to go to war with Iran, they should ensure that their lit­tle pup­py stays on its leash.
If America and England had not inter­vened to help neu­tral­ize the Iranian mis­sile onslaught on Saturday, the out­come would have been expo­nen­tial­ly dif­fer­ent from that which we are talk­ing about today.
The aggres­sive Zionist state oper­at­ing as a super­pow­er in the Middle East is a small nation of 9.558 mil­lion packed in 8,550 square miles. 
Conversely, the Islamic State of Iran is a nation of 88.55 mil­lion peo­ple on a land­mass of 636,400 square miles.
Separate and apart from the size, Iran has prox­ies in Lebanon, Iraq, the Yemen, Gaza , Syria, and even Russia.
That is not to say that Russia would step into a wider Middle East con­flict, but Russia is report­ed to have strong mil­i­tary ties to Iran.
Any move to attack Iran on behalf of Israel will ignite a pow­der key in the Middle East. Iran would imme­di­ate­ly close the Strait of Hormuz, effec­tive­ly affect­ing world­wide com­merce. The unin­tend­ed con­se­quences of an attack on Iran will be enor­mous, send­ing mar­kets plum­met­ing, prices soar­ing, and sup­plies lim­it­ed across the globe.
Additionally, an un-telegraphed attack, even of the nature of that on Saturday, would have a far more con­se­quen­tial impact on the civil­ian pop­u­la­tion in the apartheid state.
American, British, German, French, and oth­er European nation’s sup­port for Israel has embold­ened the zion­ist régime to con­tin­ue to act out­side inter­na­tion­al laws. Israel’s Defense Force has been able to do as it pleas­es in the region with­out consequence.
As I pre­pared this arti­cle, the United Nations is in a spe­cial ses­sion at the request of Apartheid Israel aimed at con­demn­ing Iran.
Where was the spe­cial ses­sion of the UN Security Council when the Zionists attacked a diplo­mat­ic con­sulate in sov­er­eign Syria?
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is inter­est­ed in a wider region­al con­flict to save him­self from prison for crimes com­mit­ted against his own people.
America and Europe will aid in this expan­sion to save a sin­gle criminal.





Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, black achiev­er hon­oree, and cre­ator of the blog mike​beck​les​.com.