Alabama Officer On Leave After Video Shows Her Using Stun Gun On Man Who Is Handcuffed And Crying

An Alabama police offi­cer is on leave after a video post­ed on social media showed her curs­ing at and using a stun gun on a man who was hand­cuffed and cry­ing. The video begins with a hand­cuffed man lying in the street as an offi­cer with the Reform Police Department tells him to stand up. The offi­cer then walks the man over to a car, the footage shows. “Stay still,” the offi­cer says as she push­es him against the hood of the car and holds her stun gun to his back. “I ain’t doing s — , bro,” the man responds. “I got a gun right there.” As the offi­cer removes the gun from the man’s pants, she laughs and says, “oh yeah!” “What you say­ing ‘oh, yeah’ for?” the man asks. The offi­cer responds by using her stun gun on the man, the video shows. “Shut the f— up,” she says.

The man starts cry­ing. “OK, OK, OK,” he repeats. “Oh my God.” “You want it again?” the offi­cer asks as the man con­tin­ues to cry. “Shut the f— up. You was big and bad, shut your b — - a– up.” The video then ends. It’s unclear what hap­pened before or after the 45-sec­ond clip post­ed to Facebook, and the Reform Police Department has shared very lit­tle infor­ma­tion about the Dec. 2 inci­dent. In a brief state­ment, police Chief Richard Black and Reform Mayor Melody Davis said they were aware of the video, and the depart­ment is “in the process of turn­ing over all mate­ri­als relat­ed to this arrest to the Alabama State Bureau of Investigation.” “In accor­dance with City Policy, the offi­cer involved has been placed on admin­is­tra­tive leave while the inves­ti­ga­tion is con­duct­ed,” the state­ment said. Further ques­tions about the inci­dent were direct­ed to the State Bureau of Investigation. NBC affil­i­ate WVTM of Birmingham, Alabama, iden­ti­fied the man as Micah Washington, 24, of Tuscaloosa. His girl­friend, Jalexis Rice, said the offi­cer pulled up as Washington and two oth­er peo­ple were chang­ing a tire on their car. Rice said the video made her upset.

When I seen it, I couldn’t do noth­ing but cry,” she told the news sta­tion. “I couldn’t do noth­ing but cry.” Online jail records show that Washington was charged with resist­ing arrest, obstruct­ing gov­ern­men­tal oper­a­tions, pos­ses­sion of mar­i­jua­na, drug traf­fick­ing, and an ex-felon being in pos­ses­sion of a firearm. He is being held at the Pickens County jail on a $505,000 bond, accord­ing to jail records. On Monday night, Washington’s loved ones and mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty gath­ered near the city hall to protest the arrest and demand account­abil­i­ty, accord­ing to WVTM. Black and Davis said they have request­ed a thor­ough inves­ti­ga­tion into the incident.