Alabama Man Bashes His Black Friend’s Head In With A Shovel, Claiming He Thought Man Was A Burglar

A $500,000 bond is set for a Mobile, Alabama, man who police say killed anoth­er man by hit­ting him over the head with a shov­el and pipe. Prosecutors on the case told a judge at a bond hear­ing they believe the assault might have been racial­ly moti­vat­ed. The attack­er was white, the vic­tim was Black.

Etienne Murray (left), Morgan Barnhill (right)/Mugshot

Morgan Daniel Barnhill, 27, orig­i­nal­ly told the offi­cers in the Mobile Police Department he struck a man because he thought an unknown bur­glar was break­ing into his shed on March 29.

However, author­i­ties say an inves­ti­ga­tion swift­ly uncov­ered the man who knew the per­son he bashed in the head with two sharp and heavy objects. It was his neigh­bor, a 25-year-old Black man named Etienne Murray.

An offi­cer close to the case said, “Through the inves­ti­ga­tion, it was deter­mined that the alleged vic­tim (Barnhill) inten­tion­al­ly mis­led offi­cers about an attempt­ed bur­glary on the 4300 block of Windy Hill Circle East.”

Detectives dis­cov­ered sev­er­al incon­sis­ten­cies in Barnhill’s state­ment,” the source con­tin­ued. “And deter­mined he filed a false report claim­ing an unknown male was attempt­ing to break into a shed on his property.”

Barnhill assault­ed Murray with a gar­den shov­el and a pipe and wait­ed hours before call­ing author­i­ties to report his injuries or the alleged crime he said he was pre­vent­ing. Murray died three days lat­er on April 1. 

Police said there were no addi­tion­al details about the inci­dent, call­ing it “an active homi­cide investigation.”

Barnhill’s bail bond was set for $500,000 on April 4. Should the bond be met, he will be required to wear an ankle bracelet and stay on house arrest, WKRG reports.

The deceased’s moth­er said the two men were friends and her son was even invit­ed over to Barnhill’s home for a bar­be­cue. She claimed Barnhill believed Murray stole a purse from his property.

WTVY reports Linday Gayle, Murray’s moth­er, said, “After he beat my baby, he left him there, didn’t call for help, didn’t try for help. If he would’ve called for help, maybe my baby would still be here.”

I want him to know he has shat­tered my world,” the bereaved moth­er con­tin­ued. “He took my baby, and he didn’t have to do that. If he feels like my child took some­thing from him, why not call the police? Why not han­dle it the right way? Why take the cow­ard­ly way out and beat my child’s head and leave him there?”

The moth­er said she doesn’t “want any­thing bad to hap­pen” to the man respon­si­ble for her son’s death.

I don’t want him to die because I don’t want any oth­er moth­er feel­ing the pain that I feel right now,” Gayle said. “No moth­er should have to bury her child, espe­cial­ly to sense­less vio­lence like this.”

A bail bond has not been met for Barnhill and he remains incar­cer­at­ed in a Mobile County Jail in Alabama.(AtlantaBlackStar orig­i­nat­ed this story.)