A Nation Remain Disinterested As A Dictator And His Minions Desperately Seeks To Destroy It

From the moment that he descend­ed the esca­la­tor at his gaudy 5th avenue tow­er in Manhattan, Trump’s enablers have made them­selves explain­ers for his big­otry, xeno­pho­bia, racism, sex­ism, and oth­er vile traits.
Born in Queens to a mul­ti-mil­lion­aire father, Donald Trump was always used to hav­ing things his way.
He was nev­er forced to find his own way, and through a life of priv­i­lege, he basi­cal­ly had every­thing hand­ed to him.
His con­sis­tent assault on the American demo­c­ra­t­ic process, though aid­ed by a now fas­cist right-wing Republican par­ty, is mere­ly par for a spoiled fail­ure who nev­er accom­plished any­thing worth­while on his own.
Lies, dis­in­for­ma­tion, dis­hon­esty, dem­a­goguery, or erect­ing huge build­ings with mon­ey bor­rowed under pre­tens­es are not virtues.

Before he was elect­ed pres­i­dent, Donald Trump was asked whether he would hon­or the results if he lost the pres­i­den­tial elec­tions; he nev­er answered that fun­da­men­tal ques­tion so per­ti­nent for a democracy.
The big­ots vot­ed for him anyway.
Let me say this to the apol­o­gists who would have you believe that not all of the peo­ple who vot­ed for the racist dem­a­gogue are racists. If you know some­one is racist and you cast a vote for him, you are sup­port­ing racism. If you are sup­port­ing racism, you are, by def­i­n­i­tion, a racist.
Let’s put those lies and white­s­plain­ing to rest.
He was again asked the same ques­tion repeat­ed­ly before the 2020 elec­tions, “would you hon­or the results of the elec­tions should you lose”? One would have thought that hav­ing occu­pied the pres­i­den­cy, the quack would rec­og­nize the office’s impor­tance, both on the world stage, and to the Republic.…..The least he would say was, “we’ll see.”
Despite refus­ing to adhere to one of the most fun­da­men­tal prin­ci­ples of the demo­c­ra­t­ic process, Trump was elect­ed to the pres­i­den­cy to move on grace­ful­ly after defeat.
More than enough big­ot­ed whites in the United States put a dan­ger­ous igno­ra­mus, a known racial arson­ist, into the presidency.
The lies that they want­ed some­one who would shake things up, were just that, a smoke­screen for want­i­ng to empow­er a white suprema­cist to push back at the coun­try’s chang­ing racial demographics.
Those of you who con­tin­ue to won­der at the rabid and sup­port this dem­a­gogue receives, not fac­ing the facts of the fore­gone is to your detriment.
Donald Trump and his father’s big­otry was a mat­ter of record that was not hid­den from those who vot­ed for him in 2016; it was not hid­den from the larg­er num­ber of them who turned out to vote to keep Donald Trump in pow­er in 2020.
Many of them were so ashamed of the votes they were about to cast, or that they had cast, they lied to poll­sters, they lied to their own friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers out of shame. Just not enough shame to not empow­er an igno­rant fas­cist tyrant.
Polling is not a dying art. Pollsters were not over­sam­pling Democratic vot­ers. Trump sup­port­ers had [con­vert­ed] to an oth­er­world Orwellian dystopia of lies and dis­in­for­ma­tion. Anything to main­tain white suprema­cy and enti­tle­ment in America, even to the detri­ment of the Republic.

The elec­tions have been over for almost two months now. If Trump’s behav­ior in the Presidency teach­es us any­thing, any despot can over­throw any sys­tem with sup­port in the right places.
If the Republicans that swore an oath to the Constitution were hon­or­ing their oath, if they were not jock­ey­ing to demon­strate feal­ty to an une­d­u­cat­ed cir­cus clown, Donald Trump would have been seen as the true igno­rant moran that he real­ly is.
Whether the cir­cus planned for January 6th man­ages to over­turn the free and fair elec­tions of November 3rd, 2020, poten­tial­ly cat­a­pult­ing the nation into a sec­ond civ­il war is yet to be seen.
Regardless of the out­come, it is clear that the Republican par­ty can no longer be trust­ed to guard the world’s old­est democracy.
Over 30% of the 330 mil­lion peo­ple in the coun­try are Trump loy­al­ists who do not believe in the demo­c­ra­t­ic process if it does not mean they have total gov­ern­ment control.
This is how coun­tries slip fur­ther and fur­ther into despo­tism. When duly elect­ed lead­ers like Josh Hawley of Missouri, Raphael Cruz of Texas, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, James Lankford of Oklahoma, and the oth­er morons in the Senate added to the duti­ful serfs in the house Republican cau­cus are will­ing to do the bid­ding of a tyrant; it pulls the nation ever clos­er to going over the brink into despotism.
The next tyrant who comes along will have a tem­plate to fol­low, and a bet­ter under­stand­ing of what to tweak to achieve his or her ends.
A more edu­cat­ed and savvy wannabe tyrant like Josh Hawley will have an eas­i­er time orches­trat­ing the demise of the American exper­i­ment as we know it.
Way to go, Missouri, vote out the rea­soned and sane Claire McCaskill and replace her with an anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic, self-pro­mot­ing Seditionist.

If you believe that this is just Trump being Trump on his way out the door, you are just as delu­sion­al as those who say all we can do is pray.
Donald Trump and his Republican cohorts’ attempt to over­turn the elec­tions has prece­dent; it hap­pened before; that is what they want to pull off on Wednesday, December 6th.
What ought to catch the atten­tion of every sin­gle one of the 330 mil­lion Americans regard­less of their polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion or none at all is the fact that all liv­ing Defense Secretaries, Democrat & Republican, signed a let­ter cau­tion­ing the Military not to allow Trump to use the Military to fur­ther his goals through mar­tial law.
According to [Slate]; In an unprece­dent­ed cri­tique of a sit­ting pres­i­dent, all of the 10 liv­ing for­mer sec­re­taries of defense — from five admin­is­tra­tions, Democratic and Republican — have warned that the time for chal­leng­ing the 2020 elec­tion results has passed, that order­ing the U.S. armed forces to resolve dis­putes would be “dan­ger­ous, unlaw­ful and uncon­sti­tu­tion­al,” and that those who issue or exe­cute such orders “would be account­able” and pos­si­bly face “crim­i­nal penal­ties” for “the grave con­se­quences of their actions on our republic.”The state­ment, released Sunday night as a Washington Post op-ed, indi­cates that not only left-lean­ing con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists but sev­er­al top denizens of the nation­al secu­ri­ty estab­lish­ment are con­cerned President Donald Trump might try to take dras­tic action — even mil­i­tary action — to reverse his clear loss to Joe Biden and extend his grip on power.
According to two for­mer offi­cials involved in the state­ment, none of the 10 sig­na­to­ries believe Trump could suc­cess­ful­ly pull off a coup. They’re con­vinced the Joint Chiefs of Staff would dis­obey any such effort as an “unlaw­ful order.” However, senior offi­cers inside the Pentagon, who are said to be alarmed by Trump’s recent behav­ior, have told some of the for­mer sec­re­taries that they great­ly appre­ci­ate the statement’s message.

The ques­tion that must be asked is, “what do these for­mer high­ly ‑placed for­mer sec­re­taries know that we don’t, that would cause them to issue such a warning?
Those of you who haven’t yet absorbed the mind-alter­ing drug of Trumpism will recall how the Republicans dis­par­aged President Barck Obama for alleged­ly bow­ing to the Saudi King.….….….….… That was a pres­i­den­tial sin that would destroy the Republic. Not the clear and present dan­ger today, of a sociopath who des­per­ate­ly wants to save him­self from crim­i­nal pros­e­cu­tion, that he is will­ing to burn the coun­try down to save himself.
As a large por­tion of the House Republican cau­cus elect­ed mem­bers and some in the Senate embark on a mis­sion to over­turn the free and fair elec­tions that made Joe Biden President-Elect, it must be not­ed that every sin­gle one of them is high­ly con­ver­sant that Biden won fair and square.
On that basis, it must be acknowl­edged that every one of them has signed on to and will par­tic­i­pate in that exer­cise instead of the exist­ing sys­tem of gov­ern­ment they took an oath to protect.
As I argued ear­li­er, if noth­ing else, this era has laid bare the fault lines and the sys­tem’s weak­ness­es that have guid­ed America and the rest of the free world since the end­ing of the sec­ond world war.

Speaking of the sec­ond world war, the past always offers us an oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn and grow and not repeat those mis­takes, even as it improves the good.
The Nazi Party’s mete­oric rise to pow­er began in 1930, when it attained 107 seats in Germany’s par­lia­ment, the Reichstag. In July 1932, the Nazi Party became the largest polit­i­cal par­ty in the Reichstag with 230 representatives.
In the final years of the Weimar Republic (1930 to 1933), the gov­ern­ment ruled by emer­gency decree because it could not attain a par­lia­men­tary major­i­ty. Political and eco­nom­ic insta­bil­i­ty, cou­pled with vot­er dis­sat­is­fac­tion with the sta­tus quo, ben­e­fit­ted the Nazi Party.
As a result of the Nazis’ mass sup­port, German pres­i­dent Paul von Hindenburg appoint­ed Hitler chan­cel­lor on January 30, 1933. His appoint­ment paved the way for the Nazi dic­ta­tor­ship after Hindenburg’s death in August 1934.
Before the Great Depression in Germany in 1929 – 1930, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (or Nazi Party for short) was a small par­ty on the rad­i­cal right of the German polit­i­cal spec­trum. (ency​lo​pe​dia​.ush​mm​.org).
The destruc­tion the Nazi par­ty wrought on Jewish prac­ti­tion­ers, the Germany Nation, and the rest of the world is one for the ages.
All great empires of the past found ways to self-destruct. What we see today may be the pre­cur­sor to anoth­er world­wide conflragation.






Mike Beckles is a for­mer Police Detective, busi­ness­man, free­lance writer, a black achiev­er hon­oree, and pub­lish­er of the blog mike​beck​les​.com. 
He’s con­tributed to sev­er­al websites.
You may sub­scribe to his blogs, or sub­scribe to his Youtube chan­nel @chatt-a-box, for the lat­est videos.
