
I am fas­ci­nat­ed by democ­rats, par­tic­u­lar­ly the black ones , I am total­ly blown away by their inabil­i­ty to stand for something.

This runs the gamut from the low­est to the President him­self . Those who stand for noth­ing falls for any­thing. The pres­i­dent and his par­ty has stood for noth­ing , has allowed them­selves to be pushed around and man­han­dled by the racist tea par­ty, so much so that Americans have very lit­tle hope that the man who cam­paigned on the mantra of hope and change can deliv­er either.

Americans like their President to be deci­sive and firm , wrong or right , con­vic­tion is impor­tant. As a for­mer sup­port­er of President Obama I must say I too am dis­ap­point­ed in the President. Not because I expect­ed him to deliv­er some­thing to ben­e­fit me. But because of his lack of back-bone in stand­ing up to Republicans.

The tea par­ty has lam­bast­ed ‚assailed and car­i­ca­tured this President from day one, dim-wit­ted democ­rats were too pissed scared to open their snivel­ing , quiv­er­ing mouths to push back in defence of our President, this includes the black cau­cus . No one dared crit­i­cize Sarah Palin for her repeat­ed racist attacks on the President and his wife Michelle Obama. Mrs Obama by the way, a Princeton edu­cat­ed Lawyer did not need to attend sev­er­al col­leges before she could earn a bach­e­lor’s degree.

No one dared open their mouths at Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Fox organ of mis-infor­ma­tion, or any of the Republican agents or organs that have been unleashed against President Obama. Not even Obama him­self, too scared to call a spade a spade .

What the hell does Obama and the Democrats think the tea par­ty car­toon car­i­ca­tures of the pres­i­dent in loin cloth by the hut sig­ni­fy? what does all of the oth­er despi­ca­ble depic­tions mean ? does it mean we dis­agree with you? No they mean you are beneath us and we do not want you in the White House , that is what they mean. All of the black politi­cians and oth­ers who should sup­port the pres­i­dent are duplic­i­tous­ly silent behind all of the attacks. 

Cornel West and the President in hap­pi­er times

Cornell West and Tavis Smiley have gone as far as to accuse the pres­i­dent of not doing enough for black peo­ple , seri­ous­ly? what have Cornell West and Tavis Smiley done to push back at the racist reac­tionar­ies in the tea par­ty that has been a thorn in the side of President Obama.

Blacks have long sought to put down their own kind, while mak­ing excus­es, and ratio­nal­iz­ing for those who have enslaved and still keep them in bondage. It is the ” we sick mas­sa syn­drome” . The late great Malcolm X had some choice words for them, whom he char­ac­ter­ized as “negroes”.

Finally a Democrat made the mis­take of open­ing his mouth and speak­ing out , call­ing the tea par­ty what it real­ly is , here’s what Indiana con­gress-man Andre Carson had to say . 

The Tea Party wants to see blacks Americans hang­ing on a tree” .Some of the folks in Congress would love to see us as sec­ond class cit­i­zens,” Carson said at a Caucus event in Miami. “Some of them in Congress right now of this Tea Party move­ment would love to see you and me, I’m sor­ry chair­man, hang­ing on a tree.

Tea Party groups are out­raged and are call­ing for the con­gress­man to resign imme­di­ate­ly. Fellow Congressional Black Caucus mem­ber Allen West says he’s recon­sid­er­ing his mem­ber­ship in the group. Carson told CNN he stands by his com­ments.“I stand on the truth of what I spoke,” he said. “My inten­tions weren’t to hurt any­one or any group”

Ok let me see if I under­stand this cor­rect­ly ! the tea par­ty is demand­ing that a con­gress­man elect­ed by his con­stituents resign for speak­ing out against their racist dem­a­goguery, well I nev­er, these tea par­ty lunatics real­ly have some nerve.

What real­ly gets me is Allen West Black Republican con­gress man stat­ing that he is recon­sid­er­ing his mem­ber­ship in the Black cau­cus. Please do every­one a favor Allen West, leave the Caucus​.You serve no pur­pose in that group and as such. should not have been in it to begin with.

Allen West

Definition of CAUCUS. : a closed meet­ing of a group of per­sons belong­ing to the same polit­i­cal par­ty or fac­tion usu­al­ly to select can­di­dates or to decide on pol­i­cy

Allen West and the oth­er mem­bers of the black cau­cus are from dia­met­ri­cal­ly dif­fer­ent polit­i­cal per­sua­sions, they share noth­ing in com­mon except the col­or of their skin , they dif­fer on every­thing polit­i­cal­ly. Why is Allen West in the black caucus?

Herman Caine

Then there is Herman Caine, Black repub­li­can can­di­date for pres­i­dent. If this was­n’t so insult­ing it would be com­i­cal. Some of you may be ask­ing Herman Caine? who the heck is this guy? Well Caine is a for­mer CEO of a piaz­za fran­chise, he rose from rags to rich­es and nev­er miss­es an oppur­tu­ni­ty to tell that his father was a chauffer.Cain allows tea par­ty big­ots to absolve them­selves of the shame of their racist iden­ti­ty at his expense . 

They trot this guy out with the tra­di­tion­al refrain, see we are not racist, we have black can­di­dates, bull.

The truth is the for­mer repub­li­can par­ty of peo­ple like McCain, and Chuck Hagel could not attract but a few black del­e­gates to its lil­ly white con­ven­tion, does any­one believe this jok­er stand a chance of being elect­ed pres­i­dent on the repub­li­can tick­et? This guy is a nov­el­ty, com­ic relief like Sarah Palin, Donald trump, and Allan Keyes before him.

Caine claims he knows racism when he sees it , as a con­fessed son of the south, (what­ev­er that means) , and he has seen no racism in the tea par­ty .When one con­sid­ers the amount of black blood that has been shed in the American south. I won­der what the plac­ards depict­ing President Barack Obama as every­thing from a witch doc­tor to a mon­key mean? Whatever shred of cred­i­bil­i­ty this Caine may have had, sim­ply vapor­ized and blew away with that damn lie. Herman Caine has become the lat­est black to be an apol­o­gist for white racists, there are oth­ers like FOX news Juan Williams , and Jessie Petersen, and a slew of oth­er self loathing blacks.

They should ask for­mer Republican National com­mit­tee chair­man Michael Steele how that worked out for him. Republicans hid behind Steele, held their noses, and used him to harass Obama, the net gain for repub­li­cans was a land­slide in the house for them. No soon­er they won the House they showed Steele the door with his tail between his legs.

Colin Powell

Former chair­man of the Joint Chiefs of staff and Secretary of State Colin Powel, prob­a­bly the best known black Republican, has seen how blacks gets treat­ed in the repub­li­can par­ty when he got iced out of Bush’s inner cir­cle. Powel is cur­rent­ly fend­ing off a bar­rage of attacks to his char­ac­ter from Dick Chaney. The same is true of for­mer Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Blacks and the repub­li­can par­ty are as oil on water they sim­ply do not mix.

As it was in the days of Malcolm X, the ones lead­ing the charge to lynch Congress-man Carson are blcks, These uncle Toms nev­er saw fit to denounce their mas­ters in the tea par­ty when they sought to demean and degrade President Obama, but are now up in arms demo­niz­ing a black man who has the guts and the char­ac­ter to speak out against bla­tant and demon­strat­ed racism.

As they did against Dr. King and Malcolm and oth­er lead­ers of the civ­il rights strug­gle, the white pow­er struc­ture trot­ted out uncle tom negroes to make the case that every­thing was right in America, paint­ing those who sought to have their God-giv­en rights respect­ed, as trou­ble mak­ers , com­mu­nists, anti-American and every­thing includ­ing the kitchen sink.

Does any­one in their right mind believe the vit­ri­olic vapid and ven­omous attacks lev­elled at pres­i­dent Obama is because of pol­i­cy? In fact exam­ine Obama’s poli­cies against for­mer pres­i­dent Bush 43rd and see if they dif­fer much.

Bush start­ed and main­tained two wars. Obama esca­lat­ed one and scaled back one.

Bush had the patri­ot Act signed into law . Obama extend­ed the patri­ot Act.

Bush main­tained prison in Guantanamo May. Obama keeps it open.

Bush gave tril­lions in tax cuts to the rich . Obama wants to roll them back, no success.

Bush’s poli­cies dev­as­tat­ed the econ­o­my. Obama strug­gles to bring the econ­o­my back.

Bush had no clue how to get Bin Laden. Obama found and exter­mi­nat­ed him.

Bush cre­at­ed ene­mies for America with his brava­do. Obama restores America to a coun­try of peace, that respect others.

Which of these two men is wor­thy of praise, if any? where are the seis­mic pol­i­cy dif­fer­ences that makes Obama so despised as against pres­i­dent Bush? The fact is there is none, the prob­lem tea par­ty activist and their zoot-suit­ed black court jesters have with the pres­i­dent is the col­or of his skin. White tea par­ty mem­bers hate the pres­i­dent because he is half black. Black tea par­ty activists hate the pres­i­dent because they hate themselves.

If democ­rats want to have a chance in the next elec­tion, they must start grow­ing some back­bone, no one wants wimps to rep­re­sent them at a time when racist dem­a­gogues are out in full force against what we have accom­plished , tear­ing at the seams of the gar­ments those whom have gone before have stitched for us . Threatening to rip them from us expos­ing the naked­ness of our dispossession.

Black peo­ple the world over who respect them­selves are tired of being told who our lead­ers should be, what we can and can­not say , and when we may or may not speak. The con­gres­sion­al black cau­cus have been silent through­out all of the assault on Barack Obama, which is an all out assault on all black peo­ple and what we have fought for and accom­plished . Make no mis­take there are those who will argue things are good and we should try to get along, well they aren’t, untill they respect us, and the lead­ers we chose to lead us, as Maxine Walters said “they can go straight to hell’.

This is not for blacks like Allen West, it is not for Clarence Thomas, it is not for the clowns that embar­rass them­selves at tea par­ty events pro­vid­ing com­ic relief. After all you may remove some from the plan­ta­tion, but may not remove the plan­ta­tion from some.

mike beck­les:

have your say:

One thought on “IS THE TEA PARTY RACIST?

  1. The ‘uncle toms’ and racial apol­o­gists like ‘per­son­al­ized salon tshirt’ who quick­ly cat­e­go­rize your com­ments as ‘fair­ly rad­i­cal’ and ‘gen­er­al­ly not total­ly jus­ti­fied’, may be excused for their con­cep­tu­al illit­er­a­cy to some extent. Like it or not some only have claim to her­itage through skin col­or while they deny the obvi­ous truth about any­thing that speaks to the prej­u­dice of their plan­ta­tion own­ers who with­out much effort still man­ages to keep their minds under sub­ju­ga­tion. Their is real­ly no rea­son to waste time respond­ing to this. Hope lies with the edu­cat­ed young.

    Thanks for a cogent, unvar­nished and ‘in your face’ com­men­tary on the polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion as it is evi­dent to most peo­ple who can jus­ti­fi­ably lay claim to poses­sion of a mind. Be advised that as obvi­ous as truth may be detrac­tors will come from out of the wood­work to dis­pute it. Not every­one’s agen­da involves the gen­er­al good and, strange­ly enough, not every­one believes in a just and decent society.

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