Life lessons through the eyes of Children.

20130905_150220Aaaw !!!
These four lit­tle kit­tens were found across the street yes­ter­day. My nieces and nephew fell in love with them imme­di­ate­ly. Look at them. Who would­n’t fall in love, or at least in like with them? And I’m not even a cat per­son. Well before you knew it, EVERYTHING was about the kit­tens. They were giv­ing all their atten­tion to them. Nothing else seemed to exist or matter…Even when they dis­cov­ered that they were dirty and had fleas!
Say what? They still want­ed to play with them and hug them and they start­ed get­ting attached to them. One of the kit­tens seemed mangy, but no wor­ries. They gave them all a bath. The next day we had to break it to them; the kit­tens could­n’t stay. They could be sick and we had to take them to the vet or ASPCA. You would have thought the world was end­ing. Why? They had so many rea­sons for keep­ing them. We can’t leave them out­side. They’ll be cold. We can clean them up. They need food. But I like them. They had already claimed the kit­tens and start­ed nam­ing them. One was called “Sugar”. How sweet. But, that’s just kids.
I told them sev­er­al times to leave the box and kit­tens alone. And they sulked. One niece even laid down on the front lawn in despair. I asked them what did they do before the kit­tens came along. They played with their friends, with each oth­er, rode their bikes, ran around freely. And now because the kit­tens came into their lives for one day, every­thing had changed. But, that’s just kids for you.
Or is it? How many times have we as adults have had a per­son or a job or things come into or lives and allowed them to take over? We quick­ly for­get that we were quite hap­py before but now can’t seem to live with­out the job or the mon­ey or the rela­tion­ship, or even the “kit­ty kat”. We lay down in despair when we’re told of a lay­off or that things aren’t work­ing out. We try to hang on, to our own detri­ment at times, get­ting more infest­ed with “fleas” and crit­ters. We for­get how great life can be and obsess on the things that may not seem even “bad” for us, but just not expe­di­ent at this time. We lay down and for­get how much we were enjoy­ing life. But you might be think­ing, Well, I was­n’t enjoy­ing life that much before. Then, it’s time! Find pas­sion and ful­fill­ment. Get your life! Experience your freedom!
My nieces and nephews? They went back to rid­ing their bikes, watch­ing TV and being their adven­tur­ous and fun-lov­ing selves. I’m not 100% cer­tain that they’re not think­ing about those kit­tens. But at least they’re back to hav­ing fun. That’s just kids for you.
Ingrid Jacqueline
Experiencing and Expressing Freedom