America Sending Israel, Navy Ships, Munitions And Much More…

According to Yahoo, in addi­tion to the alleged three Billion US dol­lars in Aid to the Apartheid State of Israel annu­al­ly, Joe Biden is send­ing a whole heap of fire­pow­er to fight Hamas, but most impor­tant­ly, the poor Palestinian peo­ple who live under dai­ly oppres­sion by Israel.
As one com­menter puts it, ‘You need a lot of fire­pow­er to defeat glid­ers and guys on motor­cy­cles with rifles. 34 of the avail­able US mil­i­tary capac­i­ty will do the job.
Another replied, ” 3 bil­lion a year sent to them in defense aid, and yet they could not stop the so-called attack. Sounds awful­ly like a false flag oper­a­tion. I pity the American tax­pay­ers.

Imagine what all that mon­ey could do to pover­ty, home­less­ness, hunger, help­ing the sick, drug addic­tion, education.……
No!!! it is much more impor­tant to send this extra­or­di­nary amount of mon­ey and the fire­pow­er to retain the white suprema­cist régime in Tel Aviv as they did in South Africa until the peo­ple stood up and said no more.
As I said before, America and its allies labeled Nelson Mandela a ter­ror­ist too. 
When will this gross injus­tice end? (mb)

A photo of rockets intercepting each other in the night sky.
Missiles launched from the Iron Dome defense sys­tem attempt­ing to inter­cept a rock­et fired from the Gaza strip.MAHMUD HAMS/​AFP via Getty Images
  • The US is send­ing muni­tions, air­craft car­ri­ers, and fight­er jets toward Israel after the Hamas attacks.
  • The aid pack­age includes the newest and most advanced air­craft car­ri­er, the USS Gerald R. Ford.
  • Specific muni­tions are uncer­tain, but Israel needs weapons for their Iron Dome defense system.

After the sur­prise attacks on Israel by the Palestinian mil­i­tant group Hamasover the week­end, the US has been swift in its response and pro­vid­ing aid.

On October 7, Hamas mil­i­tants launched a sur­prise attack on Israel, killing hun­dreds of civil­ians and abduct­ing oth­ers. Israel respond­ed with a series of airstrikes through­out the Gaza Strip.

Some 1,000 Israelis had been killed as of Tuesday, with anoth­er 3,400 injured, Israel’s embassy in the US said. Gaza’s health min­istry report­ed at least 830 Palestinians had been killed, with at least 4,250 injured.

The US con­tributes $3 bil­lion annu­al­ly to its ally in the Middle East and will bol­ster that sup­port by send­ing addi­tion­al muni­tions and redi­rect­ing fight­er jets and air­craft car­ri­ers toward Israel. Most notably, the USS Gerald R. Ford, the newest US air­craft car­ri­er, is being direct­ed from its sta­tion in the Mediterranean toward Israel.

Here’s what the US is pro­vid­ing to and around Israel amid the conflict.

The USS Gerald R. Ford, the US Navy’s newest and most advanced air­craft car­ri­er to date.

A photo large aircraft carrier sailing through a fjord.
The USS Gerald R. Ford in a fjord in Oslo.STIAN LYSBERG SOLUM/​NTB/​AFP via Getty Images

The super­car­ri­er, out on its first full deploy­ment, is now mov­ing toward Israel as a show of sup­port from the US, as Insider pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed.

Included in the USS Gerald R. Ford strike force are a num­ber of oth­er cruis­ers and destroyers.

The USS Normandy, a Ticonderoga-class guid­ed-mis­sile cruiser.

A photo of the USS Normandy.
The US Navy Ticonderoga-class guid­ed-mis­sile cruis­er USS Normandy get­ting under­way for deploy­ment as part of the Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group.U.S. Navy/​Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Colbey Livingston/​Handout via REUTERS

The USS Normandy can fire mis­siles to strike land tar­gets or fire mis­siles to defend against air­craft or incom­ing missiles.

The USS Thomas Hudner, one of four Arleigh Burke-class guid­ed-mis­sile destroy­ers in the fleet.

The USS Thomas Hudner
The USS Thomas Hudner in the Bosphorus on its way to the Mediterranean Sea in 2021.REUTERS/​Murad Sezer

The USS Thomas Hudner pro­vides both offen­sive and defen­sive capa­bil­i­ties and can act inde­pen­dent­ly or as part of a larg­er strike force.

The USS Ramage, anoth­er Arleigh Burke-class guid­ed-mis­sile destroyer.

A photo of a large white battleship
The USS Ramage in the Arabian Gulf.REUTERS/​Specialist 2nd Class Miguel Angel Contreras/U.S. Navy/​Handout

The USS Ramage sim­i­lar­ly pro­vides offen­sive and defen­sive capa­bil­i­ties for the strike force.

The US Navy destroy­er USS Carney.

A photo of a naval destroyer in the Ocean with a bridge in the background.
The US Navy destroy­er USS Carney on its way to the Mediterranean Sea.REUTERS/​Yoruk Isik.

The USS Carney is anoth­er Arleigh Burke-class destroy­er and was first launched in 1994. The ship has since been upgrad­ed in 2009 and 2016, where it received a new can­non and mis­sile launcher.

The USS Roosevelt, designed to oper­ate inde­pen­dent­ly in a high-den­si­ty, mul­ti-threat environment.

A photo of a large battleship sailing in water with a city in the background.
The USS Roosevelt, a US Navy ship, sets sail in the Bosphorus.REUTERS/​Murad Sezer/​File Photo

The USS Roosevelt is the fourth Arleigh-Burke-class guid­ed-mis­sile destroy­er in the fleet.

Several F‑35 fight­er jets, con­sid­ered to be the most advanced fight­er jet in the world.

A photo of an F35 fighter jet landing on a runway.
F‑35A Lockheed Martin fight­er jet lands on a motor­way.NTB/​Olé Andreas Vekve via REUTERS

The US is also aug­ment­ing sev­er­al of its Air Force oper­a­tions in the region, includ­ing F‑35 fight­er jets.

The US is deploy­ing sev­er­al of the stealth fight­ers to help deter Iran, a region­al adver­sary that backs Hamas and Hezbollah.

Insider pre­vi­ous­ly report­ed about 20 – 25 fight­ers would head to the region and be tasked with deter­ring the expan­sion of the war and pre­vent­ing poten­tial Iranian aggression.

Several F‑15 fight­er jets.

A photo of an F15 fighter jet in the air.
An Israeli F‑15 fight­er jet takes off dur­ing a joint inter­na­tion­al aer­i­al train­ing exer­cise.REUTERS/​Amir Cohen

F‑15s are extreme­ly maneu­ver­able, tac­ti­cal fight­ers designed to give the Air Force an upper hand in air-to-air combat.

Several F‑16 fight­er jets, designed for both air-to-air com­bat as well as air-to-ground combat.

A photo of an F-16 Fighter jet taking off from a runway
An F‑16 fight­er jet at the Volkel Air Base.REUTERS/​Piroschka van de Wouw

The F‑16 is a ver­sa­tile and light­weight fighter.

Several A‑10 fight­er jets, designed to pro­vide close air sup­port to ground forces.

A photo of the A10 fighter jet.
A US Air Force A‑10 fight­er air­craft stands dur­ing a media day.Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/​picture alliance via Getty Images

They’re designed to be used against mar­itime attacks and ground tar­gets such as tanks and oth­er armored vehicles.

Israel report­ed­ly request­ed inter­cep­tors and pre­ci­sion-guid­ed munitions.

A photo of rockets being intercepted by other rockets in the night sky.
Rockets fired from Gaza City being inter­cept­ed by Israel’s Iron Dome defense sys­tem.EYAD BABA/​AFP via Getty Images

The spe­cif­ic muni­tion being sent to Israel is unclear, but Israel may have request­ed inter­cep­tors and pre­ci­sion-guid­ed muni­tions. The inter­cep­tors con­tribute to Israel’s Iron Dome defense sys­tem, which tar­gets rock­ets in flight.

Al Jazeera report­ed that $2 bil­lion worth of US muni­tions had been pre-sup­plied to be used in case of emer­gen­cies in Israel.