Young Cops Not The Problem It’s A Red Herring.….


Belligerent suspect pepper sprayed and handcuffed in Ocho-Rios How is the police wrong for subduing a criminal with non-lethal means ? Only in the criminal paradise Jamaica does this make sense.
Belligerent sus­pect pep­per sprayed and hand­cuffed in Ocho-Rios
How is the police wrong for sub­du­ing a crim­i­nal with non-lethal means ?
Only in the crim­i­nal par­adise Jamaica does this make sense.

The scene is set Ocho Rios Jamaica , Traffic Police offi­cers decides to arrest a sub­ject alleged to be a bus conductor.They do not shoot the sub­ject they use non-lethal means, in this instance pep­per spray to sub­due a bel­liger­ent, resist­ing , non-coöper­a­tive subject .
Policing one ‑o-one right ?
He should be hand­cuffed with his hands behind his back. The ever present crowd of know it all which just hap­pen to gath­er, always default toward sup­port­ing the crim­i­nal being arrest­ed. The ever present cries of Police abuse , and the non­sen­si­cal com­plaints of “a wah dem a arres di poor man fah”?
If you have to ask maybe you should mind your damn busi­ness and if not you should ask at the per­il of an arrest for Obstruction.
How about that officers?
The laws does not have much puni­tive teeth but you have the laws use them .
Arrest these jack­ass­es who refus­es to move or active­ly hin­ders Governmental administration
Never mind that over 1200 of them had their brains blown out in the year 2015 by crim­i­nals and their per­pet­u­al bitch­ing and cry­ing for bet­ter policing.
They do not want crim­i­nals shot.
They don’t want crim­i­nals hit with batons.
They don’t want crim­i­nals pep­per sprayed.
Regardless of the vio­lence of the per­son being arrested.
Maybe they don’t get to have a say , how about going about your jobs deci­sive­ly officers?
This leaves ratio­nal peo­ple to con­clude that for the most part Jamaicans are pret­ty much crim­i­nal sup­port­ing peo­ple with shit for brains.
Seriously !!!
Previously cops would sim­ply have shot the resist­ing sub­ject , in many cas­es they had no choice, Jamaican crim­i­nals are vio­lent­ly aggres­sive, they have no com­punc­tion about inflict­ing psy­chi­cal harm and death on police offi­cers , both in and out of uniform.
Officers some­times gen­er­al­ly had no non-lethal means of sub­du­ing suspects.
The Government sim­ply did not sup­ply any . Those with pre­dis­posed notions of break­ing the laws and test­ing police were gen­er­al­ly of the mind­set that they would not be shot. They gam­bled on the fact that they would assault offi­cers and sim­ply walk away.
Well in many cas­es the tales of cops beat­en to a pulp are many and var­ied in bars and oth­er gath­er­ing places.
However some who made that tac­ti­cal gam­ble are not around to par­take in the glo­ry of telling those tales and wal­low­ing in the glow of ado­ra­tion from their friends.
They are in anoth­er place.

Now pic­ture that the Jamaican police are scared shit-less because the Government is filled with crim­i­nals and crim­i­nal associates.
In addi­tion to that they have a pletho­ra of anti-police groups whose jobs it is to agi­tate and mil­i­tate against Police . This is noth­ing new this is the way things always have been in Jamaica.
The Police have done a ter­ri­ble job of recruit­ing and main­tain cred­i­ble offi­cers in the depart­ment. True this start­ed when the big-foot offi­cers used their posi­tions as per­son­al fief­doms to sti­fle and harangue tal­ent­ed young peo­ple who want­ed to make polic­ing their career.
When you jux­ta­pose that with tar­di­ness in the mid ‑man­age­ment of the force it is no sur­prise that the police became cor­rupt and the nation con­tin­ue to expe­ri­ence astro­nom­i­cal rise in crime.
The force is far from what it could be but con­trary to what for­mer Commissioner Owen Ellington and his suc­ces­sor want the pub­lic to believe the prob­lem with­in the force is not the fault of the young peo­ple com­ing into the depart­ment and under 5 years service.

Young peo­ple can­not cor­rupt a sys­tem which has the prop­er pro­ce­dures in place to weed out or pre­vent their entry in the first place.
It is disin­gen­u­ous to per­pet­u­ate the myth that the force is being made bad by young recruits. It is the fail­ure of the senior man­age­ment of the force which places the force in this predicament.
Lets face it, shit flows down-stream. When a team per­forms poor­ly it’s not the team which gets fired, the coach­ing staff has to go.
Whatever ails the team is the fault of those who man­age the team. You do not build a house from the rafters down , you build from the foun­da­tion up.
Commissioner Carl Williams and his offi­cer corp would have the nation believe the prob­lem he faces may be laid at the feet of the brave young peo­ple who step for­ward to take the risk of pro­tect­ing the public .
He ought to be ashamed of him­self. The offi­cers of the depart­ment are demor­al­ized and demo­ti­vat­ed because the Commissioner of police and the senior offi­cer corp has not stood up for them.

The Commissioner has not stood up to (inde­com) as that Agency push­es to gain more and more pow­er toward it’s end what­ev­er that end is.
In the face of inces­sant adver­sar­i­al agi­ta­tion against the force by (inde­com) and Terrence Williams , nei­ther Commissioner Williams, the senior offi­cer’s Association nor the Police Federation has thrown down the gaunt­let mak­ing it known they will not be pushed around.
The mis­take they made was to fill the depart­ment with very well edu­cat­ed peo­ple which on the face of it is not a bad thing , only they are not police offi­cers. They wear Police Uniform and say things which sound like polic­ing but they aren’t cops.
Cops are a spe­cial breed .……Many of the kha­ki-clad brigade are using the depart­ment as a means to a pay­check . Nothing more, many have nev­er made an arrest, nev­er pre­sent­ed a case to be pros­e­cut­ed but they have com­mands and are dic­tat­ing to street cops.
It’s utter and total bull-shit. Period.
You don’t make a pig a chris­t­ian by plac­ing it in a church , you turn the church into a pig-pen.
The police depart­ment has always had smart and tal­ent­ed peo­ple with­in it’s ranks , that is where the oppor­tu­ni­ties should have been pre­sent­ed to those peo­ple to emerge for high­er lead­er­ship in a non-cor­rupt , non-nepo­tis­tic way.
If lead­er­ship comes from the rank in a holis­tic way the pos­si­bil­i­ty of resent­ment, ani­mos­i­ty and dis­en­chant­ment is great­ly reduced.

Of course the offi­cers at the head of the force today are smart qual­i­fied peo­ple but do they know much about crime-man­age­ment, crim­i­nal jus­tice, lead­er­ship , crim­i­nal investigations ?
The crime fig­ures cer­tain­ly does not reflect it.
The Police Department is now an Agency for social engi­neer­ing. It now boasts a senior offi­cer ‑corp which has more degrees that arguably any devel­oped coun­try police depart­ment per capita.
In fact the JCF is adver­tis­ing it’s var­ied tal­ent pool on social media , Lawyers, Teacher’s , Refrigeration tech­ni­cians , etc, etc, but who the hell is catch­ing the criminals?
A man alleged­ly kills two cops a month ago and the police hier­ar­chy offered up a mil­lion dol­lars in reward mon­ey , thus far there has been no tak­ers, that sum has been increased to 1.5 mil­lion still no tak­ers and the cop-killer is still out there .
Before this fias­co of a force emerged we went out and either brought cop killers to jus­tice or brought jus­tice to them , their choice.
When a cop got killed we knew who the killers were through our net­work of infor­mants. These scum were in a hur­ry to have their crim­i­nal lawyers and their mom­mas pas­tor bring them in before we got to them.
Today they don’t give a rat’s ass .

This attire has simply got to go..
This attire has sim­ply got to go..

Then there is the issue of wom­en’s rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the force. Lets be real women have served in the police depart­ment and has done a ter­rif­ic job. No one should seek to negate that sac­ri­fice. No one should try to min­i­mize the efforts of those brave women some of whom have paid the ulti­mate price in ser­vice to country.

Our female officers are capable they simply need to be trained equipped and given the leadership to do their jobs..
Our female offi­cers are capa­ble they sim­ply need to be trained equipped and giv­en the lead­er­ship to do their jobs..

The nation and the police hier­ar­chy has not done near­ly enough to pre­pare these brave women to serve and be equal part­ners in ser­vice when they step out on the mean streets of any Jamaican city, town or hamlet.
The year is 2016 police offi­cers can­not wear skirts and be effec­tive in deal­ing with bel­liger­ent ever increas­ing­ly vio­lent criminals .
As crim­i­nals con­tin­ue to resist arrest , offi­cers will be forced more and more to take them to the ground and be engaged in rough strug­gles to place them in handcuffs.
Too many Jamaican female offi­cers in this regard are win­dow dress­ing, a lux­u­ry their male coun­ter­parts can ill afford.

Whenever I speak on this sub­ject there are peo­ple who tell me that train­ing is good. Well they aren’t, offi­cers have peo­ple stand­ing so close in encoun­ters where they are deal­ing with aggres­sive crim­i­nals a bystander can sim­ply grab one of the offi­cers weapons and cause sig­nif­i­cant harm to officers.
Prisoners are not hand­cuffed with their hands behind their backs.
Officers do not act deci­sive­ly which leaves the impres­sion they are inca­pable, uncer­tain or both.
That’s a lack or weak­ness in their training.
Mister Commissioner it’s nev­er the peo­ple you com­mand . The prob­lem rests with you and your senior offi­cers who are unable to get the job done.
Stop demo­niz­ing the young offi­cers who have to inter­face with the crim­i­nal sup­port­ing pub­lic while you sit in your air-con­di­tioned officers.