The hypocrisy of the Jamaican media is astounding.
For years the little radio-heads and their more self absorbed contemporaries in the Editorial rooms of the newspapers, and television stations openly supported chaos in the streets.
The Police could do nothing right when they enforced the traffic laws the very bastards who sit in these little rooms in these little media outlets would openly support insurrection against law enforcement for doing their job.
The loud mouth ghetto queen Barbara Gloudon many years ago told a caller to stone police stations because the caller had a grouse against the police.
We would later see police stations burned to the ground and police officers murdered.
In the eighties another of the little shitheads openly referred to police officers as” jonkro” because one of their crack-addicted colleague was accosted while trying to purchase crack cocaine in Barbican square.
These little self appointed champions of the poor never bothered to think through events before they pontificated and took sides. Police officers enforcing traffic laws were by default oppressors for doing exactly what they were paid to do.
Nevertheless Monday December 28th the Gleaner Editorial page laments that the police have surrendered the streets to lawlessness.
“Most of Jamaica’s roads, particularly in urban areas, are a free-for-all, where legal buses and taxis bore and race and pick up and drop off passengers at will. The illegals, or ‘robots’, make a mockery of the law and undermine those who invest their time and money by following procedure, only to be outjostled and outprofited in plain sight of the police — jeopardising the very state-owned bus service. Molynes Road, Red Hills Road, Half-Way Tree and downtown Kingston are centres of anarchy. If Dr Williams’ men have abandoned the streets to rogues and badmen, they could at least tell us”. Editorial: Have Police Given Up The Streets?
Word of advice to the Gleaner…
The shit is just beginning to hit the fan , just wait a little more, you want to see anarchy just wait.
The (indecom) Act which all of you clamored for is just beginning to settle in.
While it settles in police officers are checking out at the first opportunity. This year alone over 600 cops will simply lay down arms and walk away , leaving the country to it’s own devices.
Maybe (indecom) or some of the limitless supply of know-it-all blabber mouths will step up and defend the country against the burgeoning criminal underworld which has cemented itself in the country.
Just wait until the new generation of vipers arise, these are they which will have come up in the age of (indecom), They know police won’t touch them, restrain , or constrain them , many of you will be running to the hills as Marcus Garvey predicted,looking for a place to hide.
You wanted (indecom) you got (indecom) and you have the little self-aggrandizing Napoleonic Fuehrer at the helm you all wanted so zip it!
literally every traffic encounter between police and traffic offenders result in an escalation because the people are grossly lawless and undisciplined thanks to the aiding and abetting of the media which encouraged then to fight with police and disregard laws.
The common refrain is that the “police a stap dem food.” Of course in Jamaica” every man affi eat food“no matter how they go about it.
“Anything a anything” right?
For decades right wing talk radio in America encouraged bigots and xenophobic malcontents to spew all kinds of racist invective at people they deem different, people they love to hate. Today the generation of whites coming of age are just as racist and maybe more violently so than those which existed in the 50’s and 60’s .
As a child growing up in Jamaica talk radio was laced with anti-police invective. Ronald Thwaites, Wilmott Perkins, Barbara Gloudon, Garnett Roper and a host of other nit-wits made careers from the promulgation of anti-police propaganda>
Now that the chicken have come home to roost the very Media which watered the plants of anarchy are in lamentation.
What bull?
Jamaica is a criminal’s paradise and it’s a matter of time before the Islamic terrorists use it as a headquarters to launch attacks against us here in America!
In any country the government are pondering, supporting, and protectors for criminals, you know that the country is on the brink of anarchy.
Jamaica is one hour and fifteen minutes flight from the United States of America.
A lot of Pakistani are setting up businesses and are building Mosques in Jamaica.
Remember, that the Jamaican politicians and its citizens are supporters from criminals, not all of them. But, it is a significant number of people who are criminals apologists, supporters, and enablers.
So, the criminals are gradually taking over Jamaica because they are getting the support of the politicians there; most of the politicians in Jamaica are liberals with socialist philosophies.
In Jamaica, being a police officer you are the most oppressed, hated, and disrespected person. In a society, where criminals are revered, lauded, celebrated, and respected.
Imagine if in our country, the GOP or DevilCrats were pondering to the likes of “Alcapone,” et al. America would be like Somalia or Pakistan, where we would have terrorist camp.
Our leaders cannot allow or accept this criminal’s paradise, so close to our country.
Jamaica is the Somalia of the Caribbean and fellow Americans must read this article and blog before going down there. By going to Jamaica and spending your money, you are strengthening the criminals who are elected as political leaders to lead the country.
Jamaicans are the most indisciplined, obnoxious, belligerent, and lawless people in the Caribbean. It’s time for the truth to be known that the politicians of Jamaica are criminal defenders, supporters, enablers, and protectors for the criminals there. The best evidence is the May 23rd, 2010, when the local militants locked down the country for two weeks. Three police officers were killed and one member of the army was killed and several were injured.
They are going to have to make a decision whether they want to continue supporting criminal networks and political goons or they are going to put the country first.
If not they are going to have problems , not everyone is going to sit by and allow them to destroy our homeland.