Media Fed Flames Of Lawlessness Now Hypocritically Feign Shock At Ensuing Mayhem.…


The hypocrisy of the Jamaican media is astounding.
For years the lit­tle radio-heads and their more self absorbed con­tem­po­raries in the Editorial rooms of the news­pa­pers, and tele­vi­sion sta­tions open­ly sup­port­ed chaos in the streets.
The Police could do noth­ing right when they enforced the traf­fic laws the very bas­tards who sit in these lit­tle rooms in these lit­tle media out­lets would open­ly sup­port insur­rec­tion against law enforce­ment for doing their job.
The loud mouth ghet­to queen Barbara Gloudon many years ago told a caller to stone police sta­tions because the caller had a grouse against the police.
We would lat­er see police sta­tions burned to the ground and police offi­cers murdered.

In the eight­ies anoth­er of the lit­tle shit­heads open­ly referred to police offi­cers as” jonkro” because one of their crack-addict­ed col­league was accost­ed while try­ing to pur­chase crack cocaine in Barbican square.

These lit­tle self appoint­ed cham­pi­ons of the poor nev­er both­ered to think through events before they pon­tif­i­cat­ed and took sides. Police offi­cers enforc­ing traf­fic laws were by default oppres­sors for doing exact­ly what they were paid to do.
Nevertheless Monday December 28th the Gleaner Editorial page laments that the police have sur­ren­dered the streets to lawlessness.

Most of Jamaica’s roads, par­tic­u­lar­ly in urban areas, are a free-for-all, where legal bus­es and taxis bore and race and pick up and drop off pas­sen­gers at will. The ille­gals, or ‘robots’, make a mock­ery of the law and under­mine those who invest their time and mon­ey by fol­low­ing pro­ce­dure, only to be out­jos­tled and out­prof­it­ed in plain sight of the police — jeop­ar­dis­ing the very state-owned bus ser­vice. Molynes Road, Red Hills Road, Half-Way Tree and down­town Kingston are cen­tres of anar­chy. If Dr Williams’ men have aban­doned the streets to rogues and bad­men, they could at least tell us”. Editorial: Have Police Given Up The Streets?

Word of advice to the Gleaner…
The shit is just begin­ning to hit the fan , just wait a lit­tle more, you want to see anar­chy just wait.
The (inde­com) Act which all of you clam­ored for is just begin­ning to set­tle in.
While it set­tles in police offi­cers are check­ing out at the first oppor­tu­ni­ty. This year alone over 600 cops will sim­ply lay down arms and walk away , leav­ing the coun­try to it’s own devices.
Maybe (inde­com) or some of the lim­it­less sup­ply of know-it-all blab­ber mouths will step up and defend the coun­try against the bur­geon­ing crim­i­nal under­world which has cement­ed itself in the country.
Just wait until the new gen­er­a­tion of vipers arise, these are they which will have come up in the age of (inde­com), They know police won’t touch them, restrain , or con­strain them , many of you will be run­ning to the hills as Marcus Garvey predicted,looking for a place to hide.
You want­ed (inde­com) you got (inde­com) and you have the lit­tle self-aggran­diz­ing Napoleonic Fuehrer at the helm you all want­ed so zip it!

lit­er­al­ly every traf­fic encounter between police and traf­fic offend­ers result in an esca­la­tion because the peo­ple are gross­ly law­less and undis­ci­plined thanks to the aid­ing and abet­ting of the media which encour­aged then to fight with police and dis­re­gard laws.
The com­mon refrain is that the “police a stap dem food.” Of course in Jamaica” every man affi eat food“no mat­ter how they go about it.
“Anything a any­thing” right?

For decades right wing talk radio in America encour­aged big­ots and xeno­pho­bic mal­con­tents to spew all kinds of racist invec­tive at peo­ple they deem dif­fer­ent, peo­ple they love to hate. Today the gen­er­a­tion of whites com­ing of age are just as racist and maybe more vio­lent­ly so than those which exist­ed in the 50’s and 60’s .

As a child grow­ing up in Jamaica talk radio was laced with anti-police invec­tive. Ronald Thwaites, Wilmott Perkins, Barbara Gloudon, Garnett Roper and a host of oth­er nit-wits made careers from the pro­mul­ga­tion of anti-police propaganda>
Now that the chick­en have come home to roost the very Media which watered the plants of anar­chy are in lamentation.
What bull?

3 thoughts on “Media Fed Flames Of Lawlessness Now Hypocritically Feign Shock At Ensuing Mayhem.…

  1. Jamaica is a crim­i­nal’s par­adise and it’s a mat­ter of time before the Islamic ter­ror­ists use it as a head­quar­ters to launch attacks against us here in America! 

    In any coun­try the gov­ern­ment are pon­der­ing, sup­port­ing, and pro­tec­tors for crim­i­nals, you know that the coun­try is on the brink of anarchy. 

    Jamaica is one hour and fif­teen min­utes flight from the United States of America. 

    A lot of Pakistani are set­ting up busi­ness­es and are build­ing Mosques in Jamaica. 

    Remember, that the Jamaican politi­cians and its cit­i­zens are sup­port­ers from crim­i­nals, not all of them. But, it is a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of peo­ple who are crim­i­nals apol­o­gists, sup­port­ers, and enablers. 

    So, the crim­i­nals are grad­u­al­ly tak­ing over Jamaica because they are get­ting the sup­port of the politi­cians there; most of the politi­cians in Jamaica are lib­er­als with social­ist philosophies. 

    In Jamaica, being a police offi­cer you are the most oppressed, hat­ed, and dis­re­spect­ed per­son. In a soci­ety, where crim­i­nals are revered, laud­ed, cel­e­brat­ed, and respected. 

    Imagine if in our coun­try, the GOP or DevilCrats were pon­der­ing to the likes of “Alcapone,” et al. America would be like Somalia or Pakistan, where we would have ter­ror­ist camp.

    Our lead­ers can­not allow or accept this crim­i­nal’s par­adise, so close to our country. 

    Jamaica is the Somalia of the Caribbean and fel­low Americans must read this arti­cle and blog before going down there. By going to Jamaica and spend­ing your mon­ey, you are strength­en­ing the crim­i­nals who are elect­ed as polit­i­cal lead­ers to lead the country. 

    Jamaicans are the most indis­ci­plined, obnox­ious, bel­liger­ent, and law­less peo­ple in the Caribbean. It’s time for the truth to be known that the politi­cians of Jamaica are crim­i­nal defend­ers, sup­port­ers, enablers, and pro­tec­tors for the crim­i­nals there. The best evi­dence is the May 23rd, 2010, when the local mil­i­tants locked down the coun­try for two weeks. Three police offi­cers were killed and one mem­ber of the army was killed and sev­er­al were injured.

    • They are going to have to make a deci­sion whether they want to con­tin­ue sup­port­ing crim­i­nal net­works and polit­i­cal goons or they are going to put the coun­try first.
      If not they are going to have prob­lems , not every­one is going to sit by and allow them to destroy our homeland.

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