Lil Wayne Tells It Like It Is.

Rapper lit­tle Wayne spoke out against the vapid crit­i­cisms of President Obama in an inter­view with Vibe mag­a­zine. Of course net­works that dared to speak on it like CNN used his com­ments as com­ic relief, One female mod­er­a­tor and her talk­ing heads all agreed that lit­tle Wayne was just released from prison, and as such his views does not count .

I nev­er ful­ly under­stood the nexus between one mak­ing a mis­take in life, pay­ing his debt to soci­ety , but not allowed to vote.

Now I get it, once one gets a record that per­son cease being a human being.

That per­son is now inca­pable of mak­ing a mean­ing­ful con­tri­bu­tion to society.

Good thing Nelson Mandela was not born here, he cer­tain­ly would not have become the first black pres­i­dent of South Africa.

Now I see why more blacks are arrest­ed and jailed for crimes at a dis­pro­por­tion­ate rate than oth­er eth­nic groups.

Oh !.… it is a form of vote sup­pres­sion, We have to thank the talk­ing heads on CNN for explain­ing it for us , this makes absolute sense for keep­ing blacks in their place and pre­vent­ing them from hav­ing a voice.

Of course whites will nev­er admit that at the heart of the tea par­ty’s assault on pres­i­dent Obama is racial hatred, nev­er mind the car­toon mon­key car­i­ca­tures, and the witch doc­tor in loin-cloth beside the Kenyan hut, naaah that’s not racism, those are just depic­tions of peo­ple who dis­agree with our President.

Some even assume that hav­ing Herman Caine on the GOP cam­paign means they are not racist, or that they have a small group of mis­guid­ed suit­ed self-hat­ing blacks against the pres­i­dent, that means they are not racists.

Lil Wayne said what most reg­u­lar black peo­ple are too chick­en shit to say, the repub­li­can par­ty is a ran­cid pool of white racism, any blacks who asso­ciate with them are sim­ply uncle tom negroes that are jock­ey­ing for accep­tance, period.

In the inter­view Lil Wayne had this to say.

lil Wayne

You learn from what the right-wing is doing and you take some­thing from it. I feel like as a peo­ple the most that we can do is bet­ter our­selves and learn. Then look at your­self and ask ‘Am I the per­son they’re talk­ing about or am I not?’ You have to make the most of who you are because the Republicans are nev­er going to like us.”

Wayne added that the right-wings’ at times bla­tant dis­re­spect of the oval office has more to do with Obama’s racial make-up than his poli­cies. He admits that while he under­stands the crit­i­cism over the President’s han­dling of the econ­o­my, he says some of the talk has gone beyond pol­i­tics. “I don’t think I have to say that for every­body to know that,” Wayne says.

These state­ments , whether one agrees with them or not, are more coher­ent and spe­cif­ic, and to the point than any­thing I have ever heard from tea par­ty dar­lings like Sarah Palin or Christine O’Donnell. 

Sarah Palin

The New York 9th Congressional dis­trict seat once held by dis­graced demo­c­rat Anthony Weiner last night went to Republican Bob Turner,another con­gres­sion­al dis­trict in Nevada also went to the Republicans. The dif­fer­ence between the two seats is that the Nevada seat was always Republican and stayed that way, that was not the case with the New York seat.

The New York Seat had been in demo­c­ra­t­ic hands since 1929. Republican Turner crowed that his vic­to­ry rep­re­sent­ed what is to come for pres­i­dent Obama in the 2012 pres­i­den­tial race. We are unable to say one way or the oth­er whether his state­ments are cor­rect, what we do know is that his win may be vot­ers dis­gust with Weiner. Or it may indeed have been a ref­er­en­dum on President Obama.

Why? Well Ed Koch the usu­al race patron­iz­er , part time demo­c­rat, part-time polit­i­cal mer­ce­nary , was out in sup­port of repub­li­can Turner, One can rea­son­ably con­clude that because the President did not lay on the ground and allow Netanyahu to walk on him, Koch saw it as an affront, did every­thing to stick it to the pres­i­dent, as well as show he still has clout in New York Politics.

This is noth­ing new for Koch the very avail­able but (ques­tion­able ) demo­c­rat, avail­able as is always avail­able to throw his sup­port behind any repub­li­can who has a beef with a black politi­cian. Koch the Democrat did the same thing against David Dinkins, throw­ing his sup­port behind Rudolph Giuliani a rabid Dinkins hater.

No one both­ers to men­tion that America’s Mayor fol­lowed upon all of Dinkin’s pro­grams, but nev­er gave him cred­it for them.Gualaini the glo­ry hound, hogged all of the acco­lades he could get from the turn around in NYC, still milk­ing it to this day. But nev­er men­tions Dave Dinkins as hav­ing insti­tut­ed the pro­grammes that returned NYC to being a city New Yorkers can be proud of.

I think Turner may be onto some­thing though, it is shock­ing that vot­ers who call them­selves Democrats could give that seat to repub­li­cans,. In essence what the vot­ers of that dis­trict did was to reward repub­li­cans for hate, obstruc­tion­ism and their stat­ed goals of mak­ing pres­i­dent Obama a failed one term president.

Big salute to the vot­ers of that NY District(sic)

mike beck­les:

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