Young Woman Allegedly Take Own Life In Despair.…

The body of 29-year-old Nordia Markland was found hang­ing from a beam at her house last Saturday at around 4 a.m. on Shannon Lloyd Crescent in Clarendon. 

The fam­i­ly of the deceased are trau­ma­tized by the fact that a video show­ing miss Markland’s body dan­gling from the beam has been doing the rounds on social media.
They are also upset that peo­ple who have seen the video has char­ac­ter­ized her as wicked and has cre­at­ed their own nar­ra­tive as to the rea­son she alleged­ly took her own life. 

Distraught rel­a­tives say miss Markland was depressed after the death of her father, she had to bury a cousin short­ly after.
We have the video but have opt­ed not to post it out of def­er­ence and respect to her and her fam­i­ly.
Mental ill­ness and depres­sion are real issues which affect untold num­bers of peo­ple, many of whom suf­fer in silence. 

The grief and deep depres­sion which would cause some­one to see no way out forc­ing them to ulti­mate­ly take their own life can­not be reduced to some­one’s opin­ion of the deceased.
It must be under­stood against the pre­cious nature of life and the sheer hope­less­ness which the vic­tim must have felt which caused him/​her to end that one pre­cious life.