Young Jamaica’s Idiotic Attack On Damion Crawford And Peter Bunting Does JLP No Good…


I am begin­ning to feel that just maybe the Jamaica Labor Party and their sur­ro­gate groups just should not be entrust­ed with state pow­er. It is indeed sad that some­one like myself could even begin to think that way of the Party I have loved and sup­port­ed all my life.
I am feel­ing alien­at­ed from the par­ty of my Grandfather , the work­ing man’s par­ty . The par­ty which believed in hard work dis­ci­pline and per­son­al respon­si­bil­i­ty has now changed to a par­ty of out­landish Elitists who seem to be doing every­thing in their pow­er to alien­ate the peo­ple from the party.
In recent times we have seen the most dis­gust­ing behav­ior from Everald Warmington.
The Elitist anti-police pos­ture of Kent Phillip Gammon and Dennis meadows.
Lets not for­get Delroy Chuck and sev­er­al mem­bers of the par­ty but now we see the youth arm of the par­ty ‚Young Jamaica come out in alarmist fash­ion against Damion Crawford for speak­ing out against the (inde­com) Act.
In a shrill infan­tile attack on Damion Crawford, Young Jamaica unleashed a ver­bal tor­rent of what amounts to noth­ing more than an out­landish load of excrement.

In it’s ill-informed illog­i­cal word-dump Young Jamaica said quote:

When one con­sid­ers Crawford’s increas­ing attacks, cou­pled with the secu­ri­ty min­is­ter’s ill-advised deci­sion to rec­om­mend an over­sight body for the over­sight body, you form the uncom­fort­able per­cep­tion that there are forces seek­ing to desta­bi­lize the orga­ni­za­tion,” Young Jamaica said in a release yes­ter­day. It added: “The People’s National Party gov­ern­ment must defin­i­tive­ly declare its hand on whether it sup­ports the work INDECOM is doing in this coun­try. It is becom­ing increas­ing­ly obvi­ous that there are forces with­in the PNP hell-bent on destroy­ing it. Is this a move to appease dis­grun­tled police per­son­nel ahead of an elec­tion? We would rec­om­mend to the gov­ern­ment that a cred­i­ble crime strat­e­gy be devel­oped. Do not make INDECOM a scape­goat for low police morale.“We are not going to allow INDECOM to be bul­lied into sub­mis­sion. This will see us slip­ping back into the dark days where the law abid­ing and hard­work­ing men and women of the secu­ri­ty forces were over­shad­owed by the scourge of extra­ju­di­cial killings and police abus­es. We had an unen­vi­able record where extra­ju­di­cial killings are con­cerned, that num­ber is declin­ing. INDECOM deserves to be strength­ened, not attacked and demeaned. “For the scores of young Jamaicans, espe­cial­ly inner city youth, who are los­ing faith in the for­mal jus­tice sys­tem, INDECOM rep­re­sents a cham­pi­on for their rights. Crawford is gross­ly mis­guid­ed if he believes it is any­one’s best inter­est to take that away.”

From fol­low­ing Damion Crawford com­ments care­ful­ly there is noth­ing in what the Minister said that would mean dis­band­ing (inde­com) . What Crawford and this Publication fun­da­men­tal­ly believe is that the (indecom)Act as present­ly con­fig­ured is inher­ent­ly flawed.
The notion that Crawford’s or any­one else opposed to the Act in its present form is doing so out of an attempt to appease dis­grun­tled police offi­cers shows their igno­rance on mat­ters of importance.
Most impor­tant­ly it demon­strates a pat­tern of dis­re­gard and dis­re­spect for the wel­fare and well­be­ing of police who place them­selves between crim­i­nals and law abid­ing Jamaicans.
It is impor­tant to remind Young Jamaica that it was under Bruce Golding’s Administration (inde­com) this poor­ly though-out law was con­fig­ured. It was under the Bruce Golding Administration that Carolyn Gomes and oth­ers with per­son­al agen­das lob­bied with lies to over­seas Agencies like Amnesty International and The Inter American com­mis­sion on human rights which forced the cre­ation of a law which is clear­ly caus­ing the deaths of scores of Jamaicans includ­ing police offi­cers. A law con­fig­ured with no thought or input from the secu­ri­ty forces

It is under­stand­able that the idea of cost ben­e­fit would elude Young Jamaica not every­one has the abil­i­ty to crit­i­cal think.
In fact informed oppo­si­tion to the law is sure to appear coun­ter­in­tu­itive to many who are opposed to our police force. What they do not under­stand is that you don’t go too far the oth­er way which is what (inde­com) as con­fig­ured does bal­ance is impor­tant. It was under the Golding Administration that this mon­stros­i­ty was designed with no thought to con­se­quences as per the esca­la­tion of crime.
No one could rea­son­ably argue that the police does not need over­sight. Oversight can­not how­ev­er be about the grandios­i­ty of Terrence Williams and his ego. It must be bal­anced and objec­tive not what we have today. What we have today is a agency of the Elites which was designed to shack­le and place the police in their place.
Very sel­dom do I find com­mon cause with mem­bers of the People’s National Party but when Young Jamaica attacks Damion Crawford and Peter Bunting for hav­ing the vision in rec­og­niz­ing that the law is far from per­fect it gives me pause.

Personally I want over­sight of the police, why would any­one not want that? What peo­ple opposed to (inde­com) are say­ing is that as it is present­ly con­fig­ured it is no good. It can­not be that peo­ple who want to fix a bad law is demo­nized as want­i­ng to tear down the law.
What Young Jamaica is engag­ing in is cheap dem­a­goguery with­out a full under­stand­ing or tak­ing the time to under­stand what clear­ly Damion Crawford and Peter Bunting ful­ly gets. Not every­thing can be seen through polit­i­cal lens.
These inex­pe­ri­enced and in some cas­es igno­rant young Laborites fail to under­stand that not every­thing done under the Labor par­ty is good and not every­thing done under the PNP is bad.
Young Jamaica reck­less­ly and pro­fuse­ly talk about dan­ger­ous. What is dan­ger­ous is it’s ill-informed dem­a­goguery of the two men who get what clear­ly it’s mem­bers are inca­pable of grasping.
It is incom­pre­hen­si­ble the lev­el of idio­cy of Young Jamaica in assert­ing that Quote:“When one con­sid­ers Crawford’s increas­ing attacks, cou­pled with the secu­ri­ty min­is­ter’s ill-advised deci­sion to rec­om­mend an over­sight body for the over­sight body, you form the uncom­fort­able per­cep­tion that there are forces seek­ing to desta­bi­lize the organization,”
What idio­cy> Oversight of the over­sight makes them uncom­fort­able? It is called account­abil­i­ty. It is called transparency.
It is called bal­ance. It is called get­ting it right.

The Labor Party has a his­to­ry of being per­ceived as a par­ty of the rich and well con­nect­ed . This per­cep­tion wrong or right has kept the par­ty out of Jamaica House for much of the time since Independence. I stand to be cor­rect­ed but I can­not recall Young Jamaica com­ing out in sup­port of the police but for polit­i­cal expe­di­en­cy yet every­one is falling over them­selves to crit­i­cize and demo­nize any­one who dare speak out about their cre­ation (inde­com) .
Maybe it won’t be such a bad thing if the Labor Party is kept out of Jamaica House until it demon­strates the matu­ri­ty to lead.